Scene 6 Half Timbered Buildings & Palisade defences

As earlier mentioned it is wise to either pre-paint half timbering or to paint the timbers before the wall spaces. Medieval houses usually had just shutters or sometimes oilskin membranes that let in a little light. Glass was an expensive luxury. Hence many of my buildings have the window apertures painted black or a very dark silver. The Games Master can decide whether they shuttered or open! For windows that purport to contain glass I paint silver with some black added. Leaded diamonds can be drawn on with a pen. My palisade defences are made from large quantities of cocktail sticks. These were mostly bought in tube containers, which were handy for sawing whole batches at one go in the container. Each cocktail stick was cut into three, two spikes and one middle section. Two of the latter were used for the aperture part of a palisade, as against four of the spike pieces for the fence. It was then stuck onto strips of card for stands.  As can be seen, towers and gateways can be made from the same items. Not shown are the wooden embankment pieces with which using the palisades various sizes of Roman marching fort could be made.  


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Scene 1 Countryside Samples

Scene 2 Dark Ages & Medieval Village buildings

Scene 3 Medieval Town scene

Scene 4 Medieval City Buildings

Scene 5 Temples and Eastern Buildings

Scene 7 Castles & Town fortifications

How do I make castles and stone town fortifications?

How do I make a basic small town house (100mm x 50mm x 75mm high)

How do I make a batch of Wild West town houses

How do I make a Cathedral?

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