Lady Ceiling's Journal

Lady Ceiling’s Journal, The S Bend Incident

It had been a tiring day’s march so we were ready for bed early. Some Restday it had been! However I was not alone in worrying over the disappearance of the Cherub Natalie. Had the Imp inflicted on Vaggson killed her in the mysterious Flaches? Then there was the strange illness that had now struck Pouth as well as the two Verdini nurses. Was it contagious and were we all doomed to take it. At least, according to Yameh, we had seen the last of Beevil’s attacks. Or so we thought! At around the second hour of  Startday 22nd of the Fourth Moon we in the ladies tent, were awaked by Vaggy the trumpeter blaring away! Grabbing our shields and daggers we hurried outside. It seemed that an enormous undead giant was attacking us from downstream! A Placki horseman had seen him coming and had warned the Verdini who were on watch. Though some were petrified with fear, enough stood up to fight him, to save the rest of us. Sir Shure exclaimed, “The undead fear fire! We should set fire to the tents to frighten them off!”

 “What all the tents! Rather just one of the males tents!” retorted Lady Shalaka.

 “Do you know just how much they cost and how hard it was to keep buying them a secret!” added Princess Griselda.

 “The Verdini seem to be keeping him occupied, so we do not fire the tents as yet!” declared Graf Silth. “You Ladies help herd the steeds away! Men, we have to fight these skeletons coming from beyond the stream!” And indeed there were a mass of these undead creatures swarming towards us. Most of we dvaus did as we were told but the Graffin and Melda the cook stayed with the warriors. From later talks I understand that some skeleton bowmen had tried to silence the upstream vedette. They had failed and the trumpet blasts alerted the rest of the Placki anyway. They all mounted and lined our side of the stream beyond the rise. They and the skeleton bowmen exchanged fire, whilst more skeletons armed with spears and scythes waded through the stream to get at us. Beevil appeared hovering behind them and was nearly hit by two quarrels loosed art him! Whether he was in the real world or the Gheist Flache we knew not. The fight was fierce for a while with our warriors holding the gap between two tents. There were half a dozen a side and the unarmoured skeletons had the worst of it, with the Graffin herself slaying one. From my studies I understand the term should be destroyed, as the undead are already dead! Alas our mace warrior Kinder was killed during this but soon only one skeleton remained this side of the river! Meanwhile the Placki had remained firing their bows, rather than charging over the stream. Yameh explained that whilst his men had no fear of the undead, their horses did. Since he had double the number of bows in action, he was getting the better of the exchanges. In fact his only casualties were two horses wounded. Since he had four spare steeds this mattered little. With as many as nine Verdini fighting him the undead Giant was destroyed and the skeletons having lost perhaps a score of their number, began to flee. The Placki advanced across the stream after them but with Beevil and two of his Imps hovering above them they then halted. Who knew what evil spells he had at his command! With the enemy gone Graf Silth ordered us all back to bed. He said that we should clear up the battlefield in the daylight. 

   After dawn we first had breakfast which we ate looking at the Black heap of the undead giant. Druid Barbver said that he had detected bad magic in the creature’s massive sword which lay nearby. I told him that I had read that the undead often carried Neruth weapons that turned those killed or wounded into undead in turn. Fortunately the giant had not managed to injure any of the Verdini who fought him. Princess Griselda was worrying about what to do about burying poor Kinder. Normally back in Neradh he would be buried in a fine wooden coffin but that was not possible in these treeless lands. Graffin Zilch suggested that he be surrounded by the wooden parts of the weapons left by the skeletons. Cook Melda said that she had hoped to save them for her next cooking fire but Graf Silth declared that they should be used in Kinder’s grave.  He thought that this should be dug on the southwest end of the rise, facing towards Neradh.

     Then one of the Verdini shouted “There is someone coming!” His comrades all grasped their new bows. We all turned to look and there was this small figure approaching across the grass. It was a small woman dressed in a russet curt frock and bearing a staff. “Hold your fire! She looks harmless enough!” ordered Graf Silth.

 “Be cautious though she may be one of Beevil’s minions!” warned Druid Barbver.

“Ask her who she and what she wants with us!” Graf Silth ordered me so I did so in my best Jedonese.

 “I am Gabriella, a fata of Opita Dam. My friend Zena and I have been ordered by the Lawic Council to work for justice in these northern lands.” She replied in Simnith, which most of us could understand. “I think I have some claim to have ensured that Beevil did not attack you last night!”

 “What!” roared Graf Silth. “Look at yonder black carcase, look at the body of poor Kinder. Look at the scattered bones of the skeletons we slew last night!”

 “Oh I am sorry. It seems that Beevil is more resourceful than I thought! I went round all the Hun tribes warning their women of your victory at Lo-Li. None of them would agree to attack you as a result. Assuming that you are pursuing virtuous endeavours I am prepared to help you in any way that I can?”

 “Can you find out what has happened to the Cherub Natalie. She was assisting us as a lookout but we fear she may have been slain by the Chieftain Vaggson’s Imp.”

 “Cherub Natalie is a servant of sorceress Matrigna who was seduced into serving Beevil! I think she may have been serving you false!”

 “I always suspected her of being a spy!” declared Druid Barbver. “The Verdini nurses and now Pouth have become ill since she joined us!”

 “Ill you say? Fetch them here and let me examine them!” So the three were brought to us and Gabriella felt their foreheads in turn. “They are not ill as such. The Cherub has inflicted them with Amazon pregnancies! Doubtless Beevil thought this would cause considerable upset when this became more obvious. Disputes over who was the father for instance? Centuries ago the at the request of the Queen of Thalia the Maghe Opita Dam and  Artesia created the Amazon pregnancy spell. Cherubs and other Magh wielders were provided with it. Amazon pregnancies last only half as long as normal and always result in the birth of daughters! Natalie accompanied Queen Ancalime’s amazon force when it came to join the Lawic Army a few years ago. ”

Graph Silth looked utterly appalled at this, “Is there not way of halting these curses?”

 “Yes, Mistress Pouth, I take it you have no desire to be pregnant?”

  “The Maghi preserve me no!”

 “Then stand still! Frigidantrum! There that should do it I hope!”

 “Could you rid me of this pestilent Imp?” asked Chieftain Vaggson.

 “I can try but I need a little time to build up my magic reserves, especially as it will need a Zealth spell, of which I can only cast one a day.”

  “Madam, I purchased a Frigidantrum scroll spell. Perchance I might use it on one of the nurses?” suggested Druid Barbver. However whilst Pouth felt much better, the nurse Poma actually vomited, so we guessed the scroll was a dud. Meanwhile the rest of us took down the tents and cleared up the battlefield. The Undead Giant was lighter than he looked so the Verdini rolled him down into the stream where he floated away downstream. They were rightly reluctant to touch his sword. This had the name Druzak carved into the wooden handle. Eventually four of them lifted it up on their spears and levered it into the stream as well. One sword, bow, three scythes, five spears and a bone drum were found by the skeletons scattered bones. We cut the metal parts off and threw them in the stream with all the bones. Looking at some of these I realised that from the large pelvic bones some of our assailants must have been female. The sword wielding skeleton had worn a long brass chain, which Yameh kept as a souvenir. As decided we buried Kinder with the bow and all the wooden shafts plus his own mace and shield.

   By the time that this had all been done it was time for a brief early lunch. Gabriella had failed in her attempt to break Vaggson’s curse but promised to try again tomorrow. She had some trouble curing Lema and Poma but declared them free eventually. Princess Griselda told her that we were going the Aroar for a wedding, so Gabriella said that she would contact the boatmen on the River Eorwine. They would be eager to earn some money conveying us over the river. Most traffic now went over the bridge at Hamormaz or the Hickwood-Homath Ferry. Then she disappeared before our eyes!

   We marched northwards and reached the river in the late afternoon and found Gabriella and three boats waiting for us. Graf Silth was worried that Beevil might have raised a force to stop us landing on the far bank so we crossed as soon as a steep price was agreed.

We were sad to be leaving our Verdini and Placki friends behind but the agreement was only for them to escort us across Hunara. From now on in Hamora we would be on our own. Gabriella stayed with the Verdini so that she could have another go at free Vaggson from his curse. Less than a myle across the river was a small wood of oak trees so we went there to camp for the night. It was wonderful to be amongst trees once more even if it did rain all night! I reckoned that we were maybe only thirty myles from Aroar. We debated whether to head for the main road which passed beside Homath Castle or carry on cross country bypassing it to its east. Homath Castle was known to be held by Sir Daubs Thortful a knight originally from the Alpenais. He had been friendly towards King Granbold when the latter passed by there in the past. Graf Silth thought it better to avoid any contacts until we arrived at Aroar. We kept a good watch through the night but nothing hostile developed. Apart from some trouble with a herd of pigs whose home it was. Perhaps Beevil had given up attacking us. Or, suggested Druid Barbver  perhaps he is concentrating his efforts against the Verdini. Although we thought we might have made Aroar in a long days march, Graf Silth decided that it would be more sensible to do about twenty myles and then have an easy stage coming up to the castle.

   In the morning we marched onwards, tending to head from one small wood to the next. The countryside was still mostly grasslands with herds of cattle tended by Hamorans who drove them away from us. In the late afternoon Graf Silth had declared that the next wood would be our camp site for the night! Since we were a good four myles from it at the time this did not fill us with joy. As we wearily neared it a horde of wolves, some with goblins on their backs swarmed toward us. Beevil was not finished with us yet!  

                                                =                      =                      =    


Natalie Flies 9” Fa 20/40, TR 3, SR 5, D-3, C -2, W -1. A +3, Me -4 -3 = -7 st -2 stun 4.

Normally flies in the Gheist Flache where it can be seen and heard but not touched or harmed by missiles. Whilst she holds the Tome of Mathoth she adds 2 to the spell casting dice & can cast two Zealth^ spells per Day without penalty. It has a protection spell on it, anyone else touching it loses D10 +5 – Spell Resistance fatigue  points. This also applies if the book is dropped on them like a handstone , Range 3” 5+ Strike -4

4th Level Magician, Spells Flache Transfer, Mouth Wash, Detect Nubile, Inflict Pregnancy. Charm Spell, Detect Magic, Ease Pain, Frigidity, Reshape Flesh, Revive Unconscious, Sleep Spell, Sterilise, Strength Boosting, Double Crop, Nehruth Poison Heal, Reassurance Beams, Sooth Mind, Strength Increase, Rest Undead, Temporary Wound Nullifying.  

 Speaks Simnith, Quenith, Amazon, Kharsh, Jedonese (P) Washa Edin (P). Reads Lerumint & Tengthin.

Flache Transfer spell @ Maghi 3+ (1+) Zearth^ used to transfer from the Mondo Morvali to the Gheist Flache or from it to the Spoinage Flache. D10 = 3+ transfer, 2- Fail. If failing on a third try at the spell in a day test ^!  ^ D6 5+ OK, 4 Crackle lose powers for 10 moves, 3 lose powers for 20 moves, 2 lose powers 40 moves, 1 lose powers 80 moves.

Detect Nubile spell 2MPU 3” (Super spell 4MPU) 3+ to reveal yes or no.

Inflict Pregnancy Spell @ Maghi 3+ (1+) Zearth^ Used to give nubile females an accelerated pregnancy. With the Tome of Mathoth Natalie can attempt two per day (or night in her case.)



19th Fourth Moon 707ATN

Natalie, after talking to Lady Ceiling and the other Dvaus, then waited until they had all fallen asleep. She then tested them with her spells. She did not need to do so with the Verdini nurses as she knew them from working in the Salubral Pond Hospital. With the benefits of the tome of Mathoth, she then successfully cast the Amazon Imposing of Pregnancy spell on first Lema and then half an hour later Poma. She then flew out to the open plain where she found the Imp Nub to make her report.

   On the 20th she was present at the Lo-Li action. When they camped just outside the walls she had to be careful because of the sentries. However she tried to cast her Amazon pregnancy spells on Abigail Bonny and Muletress Pouth. However only the one on Pouth was successful. In the small hours of the 21st she met the Imp Nob in the Flaches and gave her report. He, like her, was rather shaken by the bloodshed of the failed attack. He told her that Matrigna had gone back to the Forest to open another hospital there. She decided to follow her and Nob decided to accompany her.



The Fata Gabriella

Gabriella Fata of Opita Dam Long Sight

Mo 7", Fa 15/30, TR +3, SR 5, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +3, Ob 2.2 Me +5 -0 = +5 Magic staff stun st 0, stun 8 2nd Level magician 2 MPU per move max 8.

Spells Pass Flaches, Magha Punish, Charm, Bestow Hilarity, Mouthwash, Soothe Mind, Sterilise, Ease Pain, Reshape Flesh, Odour of Sanctity, Revive Unconscious, Sleep Spell, Nehruth Poison Heal, Reassurance Beams, Sooth Mind.

Speaks Quenith, Simnith, Wosha, Amazon, Kharsh Jedonese. Reads Lerumint, Tengthin, Runes. E5 I6 M5 G5 I6 L6 D5

Weakness Bards stories, Iy +D10 = 8+ not to listen, 7+ to leave.

19th Fourth Moon 707ATN

The Fata Gabriella was visiting the Hospital of Lo-Li when the Huns attacked some visitors to the Market. Speaking to some of the Placki who brought two of their wounded to the hospital, she discovered that their party had included some dwarves, who had earlier bested the demon Beevil. Beevil had cursed the leader of some Forest Limurans who were also in the party with an Imp. They were en route to Hamora. As a Fata of Opita Dam concerned that Beevil had seduced Matrigna away from Lawic practises, she felt it was her duty to do her best to thwart Beevil’s intentions. Spying from the Flaches she discovered that the Huns had lost a score of men and the Chieftains Huki, Balido and Egglis killed. She suspected that Beevil would try to recruit more Hun tribes to attack these dwarves through the Flaches. She had built up a good relationship with the womenfolk of these tribes and began a tour through the Flaches to warn them of the disaster their kinsfolk had suffered at Lo-Li. Thus when Beevil called on the Chieftains of the various available tribes, they already knew about how strong the Dwarves party was and saw no point in attacking them! After four rebuff’s, unknown to Gabriella, Beevil turned to the burial places scattered over the plains. There he sought to recruit some of the undead, unhappy souls that haunted such places. They were hard to find, as many had been recruited and lost at the Brook Pond Mound Battle by Mephista last year.

Having accomplished what she had set out to do warning the tribes, Gabriella decided to call on the dwarf party to find just what they were up to and to see if she could help them. This she did after dawn on the 22nd of the Fourth Moon.   


Our starting Forces             

On to Starting Out In which Graf Silth deals with a dwarf patrol, someWild and Voracious Wolves and fights a duel!


On to Starting Out In which Graf Silth deals with a dwarf patrol, someWild and Voracious Wolves and fights a duel! On to the Journal of Lady Ceiling in which she records the detail of the quest part 1
On to the Night Action On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 2
On to the Action at the Fields of the Raghi  
On to the Defeat of Bishop Borin and his Pursuit of Graf Silth On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 3
On to the Action at the Salubral Springs  
On to a side show in the Forest  
On to the action at Rupie Chase On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 4
On to the the Butterfly Glade On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 5
On to the Blasted wood On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 6
On to Market Day at Lo-Li On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 7
On to the S-Bend On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 8
On to Wolf Glade On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 9

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