Lady Ceiling's Journal

Lady Ceiling’s Journal. Out into the open plains via the Butterfly Meadow 

Woeday 17th Fourth Moon

We were woken early in the morning to find breakfast already cooked for us by Beevil’s staff. They were eager to show willing to their new Verdini masters. Later they would be digging graves for all the bodies left from yesterday’s action. True to Vaggo’s intentions the Druid Bondusto had obtained volunteers to come and escort us across Hunara. Led by Vaggson they comprised twelve spearmen, the trumpeter and two spear bearing nurses, sixteen in all. They led us roughly eastwards through the forest. Both they and we were rather sluggish from our exertions and the feasting afterwards. We had only been travelling an hour when Vaggson in the lead halted us. A small winged being was hovering a couple of hets above the ground ahead of us waving. Our crossbow dwarves levelled their weapons but Princess Griselda cried “Hold. It may be a messenger for us!”

 “Yes. It seems to be carrying a book rather than a weapon.” agreed Graf Silth, “Your Highness and Chieftain Vaggson, let us go forward to parley with it.”

 “It looks like the Cherub Natalie your lordships!” quoth the Nurse Poma. “She aided us in Matrigna’s hospital in the past. She is a midwife.”     

 “But she went off with Matrigna when Beevil took her over! I would not trust her your lordships!” quoth the Nurse Lema.

 “Nevertheless I think that we should parley with her even so.” said Graf Silth. So he with Princess Griselda and the Verdini Chieftain went forward to meet it. It had the appearance of a large plump winged baby as it hovered in the air, holding a large book.

 “Who are you and what do you want?” he demanded.

 “I am Natalie a one-time Cherub of Opita Dam. I wish you no harm, in fact I am ready to offer my services once more to the Verdini tribe.”

 “Can we trust you? You who have been the servant of Beevil for so long!” responded Chieftain Vaggson.

 “I was the servant of Matrigna not Beevil, but they have both been driven away from our lands. I have long resided around here as a healer, I do not wish to leave!”

 “It appears to me that you are speaking to us from the Gheist Flache where you are safe from any violence. We could trust you better if you joined us in the flesh?”

 “Very well!” and holding her book above her head she chanted the words of power in Lerumint and a brief golden shimmer enveloped her. “I am now in the Mondo Morvali, your real world where, should you choose you can offer me violence. This is Mathoth’s Tome of Wisdom which aids me in the casting of spells.”

 “Then I suppose you had better come with us.” said Vaggson. “We are heading out onto the open plains.”

 “Then I must warn you that Beevil is setting an ambush for you in the Butterfly Glade. Matrigna told me you had killed many of their creatures. He still has some more of them including some Whorgi.”

 “Should we not take another route to avoid this glade then?” asked Princess Griselda.

 “It would add perhaps half a day Your Royal Highness!” warned Vaggson. “The butterflies of the glade are gigantic and drink men’s blood. But they do not hatch until the sixth Moon so it should be safe to go there.”

 “We had little problem dealing with his forces in the Rupe Chase. Now we have been warned, I doubt not that we can deal again with the Whorgi and anything else Beevil can muster. We should not waste time un-necessarily! Cherub Natalie you shall hover over us and warn us of any threats. Forward!”   

So we moved onwards and in half an hour Natalie called that “This is the start of the Butterfly Glade. There is one of Beevil’s Imps on that crag to the right and there is another one further on to the left. They are both in the Gheist Flache! The vultures are eating some creature on the ground in front of a cave!”

We all came to a halt as there was a small crag and some trees in the middle of the Glade and the leaders had some discussion as to which side we should pass it. I could see one vulture perched on the top of this crag which was not a cheering sight. Neither was that of seeing the Imp on the right making faces at us. I knew from the histories that in the Gheist Flache, only magical weapons could reach him and we had none. Eventually the leaders decided to pass to the left of the central crag and we moved onwards. At the foot of a large crag on the left was a big pond with two large boars drinking there.

 “Are those some of Beevil’s creatures?” Graf Silth asked Natalie.

 “Not as far as I know but he could have taken control of their minds. They are known to have uncertain tempers anyway.”

 “Bacon for breakfast? Should we fire at them?” asked Cant.

 “No we had best conserve the quarrels. We should have enough food anyway.” answered Graf Silth.

Whether under the control of the demon Beevil or not, the boar’s decided to charge our leading four Verdini scouts. These have obviously been used to hunting such creatures and soon slew both with their spears. But not before one called Pegrin had suffered a nasty tusk wound in his side. The nurse Poma rushed to bandage it and we all closed up on the scouts. The Verdini cuts the tusks and hooves off the boars but no meats as we heard heavy padding coming from behind us. We saw five great Whorgi racing towards us and Sir Sure and other dwarves rushed back to protect us. They and the Verdini spearmen slew three and the remaining two fled.

   Meanwhile two enormous butterflies attacked those in the van of our formation and there was a third aimlessly flittering further away. Later it and a fourth one also attacked us and between them all the knocked three over including Halberdier Hak whop was stunned. Vaggson told us that having knocked a victim down these creatures then drain his blood through their twin proboscis. With so many of us they did not get the chance to attempt this but kept their massive wings fluttering trying to knock their opponents over. They might have done better had they operated in concert. Vaggson said later that they should not have hatched out so early in the year but Natalie declared that the Magicks of the Sorceress Matrigna would have speeded it up. Meanwhile whilst still under butterfly attack arrows started to fall around. Looking up we saw half a dozen archers loosing from a ledge on a crag to the left.  Druid Barbver picked an arrow up, “Elves! We might have known some of those double dealers would aid Beevil!”

 Our two crossbow dwarves returned the fire and I think achieved at least one hit. The much vaunted Elf archery seemed lacking as apart from a couple of arrows stuck in shields their fire was ineffective! So much so, that Graf Silth ordered us to advance once more. We had not gone far when a strong body of Elves emerged from some trees and charged us. “Charge!” roared Graf Silth and we all moved forward as best we could. The elves actually overlapped our front rank but it availed them little. We had the Verdini warrior Kauld killed but the elves lost four down. This unnerved them and they immediately ran away. Some of our people would have chased after them but Graf Silth ordered us to stand, for fear of us being lured into a trap. He permitted Cord and Cant to fire after them and another was felled. However we then saw the elf archers on the crag also leave, so we realised that victory was ours. Even the Imps perched on the crags had disappeared, although we knew that they could well watch us from the Spoinage Flache unseen. It was now past midday and we could see the empty grasslands beyond the Glade. A couple of scouts reported that they could not see the Placki or anyone else out there so after some discussion, Graf Silth decided we should camp for the night beside the pond. Water was known to be scarce out on the plains. Further Vaggson wished to bury Kauld decently. This the Verdini did with each one finding a stone to place on top of the grave. The elf bodies were left in a heap for the vultures to feed on. They carried no money but we recovered a spear, three swords and three round shields. The weapons we gave to the Verdini but Princess Griselda, Lady Shalaka and myself, were given a shield each. Since the Huns were mostly horse archers, they would give us some protection against arrows. I was interested to see that the elves did have pointed ears and green eyes as told in the histories. I wondered if all the stories of their dishonesty and trickery were true? The dwarves have had problems with their arrogance and immorality for centuries. However it seemed strange to me that they have always been fighting for the Lawic cause and in fact that Valhoth Valarian’s fortress is in an elvish state! Mentioning some of this Vaggson told me that the elves we fought were the Argentairi who had served in the Chaotic army at one time.

   The Verdini cut some haunches off the two boars and also skinned the three Whorgi bodies. We did have roast pork to eat that night. Princess Griselda made several sketches of the actions and of the giant butterflies. Three were mainly of a buff colour but the fourth was a bright blue. Lady Shalaka cut those wings into small pieces in the hope that she might make a cloth dye from them in time. 

   That evening I asked Natalie where she had come from. I had only read brief mentions of Cherubs in my studies and had even doubted their actual existence. Natalie said that she was a daughter of Opita Dam the Magha of Motherhood and Mercy. She had been assigned to serve Bindrell a Thalian Amazon Princess. She had been trained as a midwife and healer and served on after Bindrell’s death. Then some years ago the young Queen Ancalime decided that to help promote sales of their Thalian silk, they should send forces to aid the Lawic cause. Raids from the goblins of Porcia and the Norsemen from Nor had been decisively beaten off.  A fleet of hanoes was assembled and loaded with silks and Amazon warriors. The Council of Elders decided that she accompany it and was given the Tome of Mathoth to aid her powers. The fleet sailed down the Freshwater Lake, the Undomeil River, the Deepwater Lake and into the River Arwen. They called at the Great City of Ekthalon. That was the capital of the Royal Province of Thentis, then ruled by Prince Moro brother of King Reginald of Foix. He was assembling a force to join the Lawic Army of the East commanded by his son Prince Eudes. So Queen Ancalime, having unloaded the silks, accompanied this Thentian army on down the Arwyn. As everyone knows, they campaigned in for years in Limura, Hunara and Hamora culminating in the great victory of Lungstrete. Natalie had been left treating wounded in several places until she came to Matrigna’s one at the Salubral Spring. “And you know what happened after that.”

   I discussed this story with the others. They were most struck with the news that Natalie had lived with the Amazons. In our Dwarvish Histories the Thalian Amazons are rated as our enemies without much reason given as to why. The Princess guessed that it was that all the books were written by male dwarves who did not like females to have the freedom the Amazons seemed to have. I mused that again like the Elves, the Thalian Amazons were normally on the side of Law. Of course the mythical Amazons of Durgan were reckoned to be the worst sort of Chaotics and perhaps the stories got mixed.

   A good watch was kept during the night but there were no incidents. The dawn broke to another fine day, only warmer than yesterday.  A slight breeze came from the east as we advanced out onto the grasslands. They were green this time of year. As we plodded forward with the forest becoming ever more distant, we and I think the Verdini felt exposed and vulnerable. To forest people unused to seeing nothing for myles around, the grasslands are frighteningly unreal! Even more so for we dvaus who had spent most of our lives in the Naug Fortress! As the Princess said “There is not much here to sketch!”      

                                                =                      =                      =         

Our starting Forces             


On to Starting Out In which Graf Silth deals with a dwarf patrol, someWild and Voracious Wolves and fights a duel! On to the Journal of Lady Ceiling in which she records the detail of the quest part 1
On to the Night Action On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 2
On to the Action at the Fields of the Raghi  
On to the Defeat of Bishop Borin and his Pursuit of Graf Silth On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 3
On to the Action at the Salubral Springs  
On to a side show in the Forest  
On to the action at Rupie Chase On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 4
On to the the Butterfly Glade On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 5
On to the Blasted wood On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 6
On to Market Day at Lo-Li On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 7
On to the S-Bend On to Lady Ceilings Journal Part 8
On to Wolf Glade On to Lady Ceiling's Journal Part 9

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