Morgana and the Damsels in distress

A might have happened action from 'Exiled!'

The Adventures of Morgana Vol I

Photos to follow

The Story

The Story of Morgana and the Damsels in Distress

(This is an account of a trial might have happened action)

Count Duffric glowered at his blanching Wizard, Macherib. "Read out what the Lord Sektarar has to say, rot his undead soul." "He says that that the common people are short of food and are reluctant to sell any to the army suppliers. Whilst appreciating the bold spirit which drove you to burn the Stetians crops, he is faced with the fact that their retaliatory raids have bitten deep. With Marshal Swazine he has put Dame Arisha Save in charge of a famine relief program. All Marks[1] are to report their stocks of durable food supplies to her, including livestock. She will have to right to requisition any such foodstocks for a listed price." "What! Does he think I am going to count every pig and sack of flour I have?" "No milord. He says that you, as a Count are exempt. Although as you know, our own supplies are short." "At least my predecessor's wine stocks should carry us for a while yet but we are short of good food. We shall have go on a raid to get some." "Milord, you know we are forbidden to attack Thentis because it is become so powerful. And wasting Stetia has caused the problem!" "Then what of Oblivia?" "You know as well as I Milord, that within three days reach it is little better than a desert. Our previous incursions were far too drastic." "Then Dagon take me, where can I go?" "Milord I have one idea. Some Aughed goblins of Barak 3 have captured a Thentian Lymphad and are offering it for sale. They cannot sail it and offered it to Captain Haken the dwarf. He has not enough money or food to pay the Aughed. It occurs to me that you might use it to raid Bara or [2]even Fara in it. I am told these lands have not been touched by us for twenty years?" "But to return against the flow of the Arwyn could be a chancy business?" "Milord my magics have some influence with the winds and we could sail under the Thentian flag." "True, how much do these Aughed want?" "Ten sacks of oats or 800 Silver Florins." "These goblins are mad! The ship must be worth far more and ten sacks of oats cost far less than that." "Actually milord, due to the famine, that is the current value of oats." "In that case give them the money. Get this Captain Haken, we will need someone to sail the thing. Speed is of the essence. I will collect some of my trusty spearmen. Lindeskel, Mark of Stechen has some Belmanian boatmen, so I will take them for Haken's crew. We do not want too many men or there will be little space for our booty." "Slaves, Milord, prices are rising in Belmain due to scarcity?" "Only the best, food and treasure are what we need. Do not let word get out, the Sektarar might bar us if he heard of the plan." "Very good Milord."

   Three days later they drifted down the Dire River and out onto the Arwyn. When the winds were contrary they allowed the steady current to carry them east. Lindeskel had not only provided two boatmen but guessing their intent, had suggested they target Minbec in Bara. Alone of the Baratrean riverside villages, it had not been raided for thirty years. Haken was reluctant to go so far from Chaotic lands but agreed that it was a place ripe for a raid. A renegade dwarf from Varadh, he was wanted for murder and piracy in several riverside states. Count Duffric had hoped to reach Minbec by Restday the 28th of the Second Moon. He knew that on Restday morning, most of the villagers would go to their Church of Eru temple. A good time to trap them in it! But aided by gale winds, they had arrived close a day too early! En route they had kept to the middle of the river, away from prying eyes. They passed many Thentian, Varadh and Faraese vessels but the Thentian flag (Azure a tower Or) flying from their mast, allowed them to pass unchallenged. Doubtless some of those they passed would recognise the St.Fabiola but not know that she had been captured. On its sail was painted a coat of arms, a white cat on a red shield.[3] "Rather appropriate milord." Commented Macherib, "A white cat that will be very unlucky for those who see it!" Duffric grunted, he had not known white cats were unlucky. Had he known he would have changed the sail but it was too late now! Anyway he believed in his own luck, it had held good so far, Hagoth[4] had always been with him.

   By the time they got within reach of Minbec, Haken was getting very nervous, so Duffric decided to strike on the 27th. This being a Marketday,[5] meant some of the villagers would go off to the Arlo market before dawn. Thus there would be less opposition. Duffric, with all but the sailors, crouched hiding behind the bulwarks. His men were divided into four squads each allocated a mission. Chaughern a mighty axeman to take the watchtower on the quay, Tousel a Narchadian warrior to take the palisade tower at the far end of the quay, Aerchart the archer to seize the gate tower and Duffric himself to capture the Inn. Nothing was to be set on fire, as that would give the alarm to people inland and to vessels passing by.  

  With the wind across them, they could only approach the village quay very slowly. Duffric peered out from a sweep port. A knight with four soldiers stood waiting to greet them. There were also two labourers standing further along beside a crane. Closer and closer they came but the reception committee had not drawn their weapons. "Cast the mooring ropes!" Shouted Haken and the two boatmen threw the ropes ashore, one forward and one aft. Two of the Baratrean soldiers caught them and went to wind them round the quay's bollards. "Charge!" Ordered Count Duffric, leaping ashore to engage the knight. He and his men were taken completely by surprise and easily slain. "Ding, ding, ding, ding!" Someone was beating on an iron bar, to give an alarm warning from up in the quay tower. Chaughern and an archer went into it to silence the noise. Duffric had no time to see more, as he jumped down from the raised quay, running to take the Inn. A few villagers poked their heads out of their cot doorways but his men ignored them for the moment. He opened the door of the 'Red Deer' to find two merchants having breakfast. They were being waited upon by the innkeeper and two maidservants. "You are my prisoners!" Said Duffric in Simnith and they raised their arms. Macherib and a spearman herded them up against the cup-board. "Is anyone above?" Demanded Macherib pointing at a maid. "Nn-no Sir, we have few visitors this time of year." "Check that, Bythic!" and another of his spearmen went upstairs. Duffric himself went out of the back door into a courtyard with a well in it. A man and a woman ran out of the door of a building attached to the Inn and he cut them down. A look inside the building revealed it was a large kitchen that obviously served the Inn. The upper floor probably had servants quarters but he had no time to check them. A building opposite was a stable with several horses in it. No use to him, he wanted food or treasure! Villagers were coming out of their houses to the right, looking confused. "By whose right have you slain these good people?" Demanded a priest, clad in a greeny grey robe. "By Hagoth's right! The mighty slay the weak if it pleases them!" "Get you gone in Eru's name, foul one!" Roared the priest, so Duffric ran him through, killing him on the spot. A gasp of horror went up from the villagers. "You people, into the Church!" Ordered Duffric and they filed past to do just that. Tousel shouted from the palisade tower. "We have killed the guard who was here. There is no-one left on the quay or along this palisade milord!" "You and Sygric, come down and help herd the villagers into the church. Kill any who resist!" A man carrying a blacksmith's hammer ran at Duffric, who dispatched him with a thrust through the throat. Peasants were milling uncertainly in the main street in front of the Inn. Aerchart with his bow was stopping them from leaving by the gate. "Everyone drop your weapons and go to the Church!" Ordered Duffric and that is what they did in the main. Chaughern appeared from the Quay escorting two women. "I killed a tarkgh at the top of the tower. These two were in the knight's house." "Good, you can start checking the cots, this side of the Inn." Changing to Simnith he pointed his sword at the two women. "Who are you?" "I am Lady Lys Morse and this is my abigail Jeanne. I pray you let us free, I am from Thentis whose flag you fly?" "You are the widow of the knight who opposed our landing?" "Yes I suppose so. He was ever a kind and reasonable man?" "Little chance of a quick ransom for you then?" "I am sure my father could raise a reasonable sum within a few weeks." "Well you had better come aboard our Lymphad until then." "Who are you committing this outrage? I thought we had a truce with the Chaotic lands?" "Count Duffric of Narchos at your service, now get into the ship! Haken, put them in the hold, I'll get a few more to join them." Haken's boatmen drove the two women down into the ship's hold and there bound and gagged them.

   Duffric then set his men to loot every building, once the villagers were in the Church. Four pigs and three goats were sent to join the lady in the Lymphad's hold, with much flour, peas and other food supplies. Aerchart reported that he had seen only a few villagers escape over the palisades, so most must be in the church. He could see a herd of cattle grazing to the North, so Duffric sent Chaughern, with two spearmen, to collect them. The Count then took Tousel to search the prisoners in the Church. They were a surly dispirited bunch, who did not have much worth taking on them. He picked the four prettiest maidens, having his men drag them off to the ship. He had little storage space but under current conditions, they might fetch 80 Gilden Pezzi apiece in Narchburz. Duffric then locked the wailing lamenting remainder into the Nave. It's door had a very fine lock and key. Tousel he left in the Church tower as a guard. Then he returned to the Inn, where Macherib was still guarding the people there. Duffric decided he would eat some breakfast and then have little fun with the prisoners.

   He had just finished some cold beef slices when Sygric came in. "Aerchart says two ladies are riding towards us!" "Ladies? Quick, Sygric let us go get and them when they reach the gate!" Ladies might be ransomed for immediate cash and he could easily wait until nightfall. He doubted there were any Baratrean forces near enough to threaten him. If he waited to use the darkness to escape, he could leave the village in flames. That would make a real thorough job of it he thought!  

                                                                *                              *                              *

"We will halt and hide here!" Decided Lady Morgana Lefey. They had spent another night in the Bois de Proscrit, sheltering from yesterday's gale. She had hoped to arrive in this small wood during darkness but travelling through the night had taken longer than expected. It was now around the eleventh hour! Her party comprised eight riders plus a pack ass and a spare mount. Sir Richard Nogent, Lady Abigail Clove, Sergeant Hrolf, Arbalister Bergand, Minut son of Moltin the dwarf locksmith, Tonaldo the Stetian Minstrel and her abigail Mistress Cherry.  It was not easy to hide them all from prying eyes. Proud of them as she was, her two big blue unicorns in particular, were very conspicuous! She had copies of the Grand Duke's Proclamation and of Bishop Innocent's Ordinance, against her and most of her party. Just a fortnight ago life had been normal and dull. She had been elder half-sister to Squire Arthur, heir to their father Sir Daffyd Lefey's estates. He was a hero Knight Banneret and a diplomatic emissary for King Eudes of Thentis, serving on the Fara-Elysia border. Now he was dead, murdered at a truce parley by the Elysian Wizard Kralja! Sir Daffyd's three brothers, greedy for his estates, had arranged for the Order of St.Judas to arrest Aunt Abigail and kill Arthur. Morgana herself was either to become a nun or be burnt as a witch! But she had escaped, rescued Abigail and killed two of her Uncles in fair fight. As the writs indicated, this had upset the authorities and she was now trying to escape to Stetia across the river. Over there her mother's brother, Peron Quixano would protect her. She carried a very valuable magic item for him, for which he would pay 1,000 Gilden Pezzi. His knight, the dour Don Incio Fulminar, had gone to arrange for two ships to come and transport them to safety. The village of Minbec was close to the small wood where they had halted. It would be from its quay that they would embark but she dare not enter until the ships arrived. Doubtless the writs for her arrest would have been sent to the village and she wished to avoid any more unnecessary unpleasantness.

   Before they could disperse into the trees however, a damsel on a palfrey came cantering towards them from the village. "Halt!" hissed Morgana to her troop, "We must not seem to be behaving suspiciously! "Oh Milady Morgana, pray will you send your men to rescue my mistress?" Cried out the damsel, obviously recognising her. "The Narchadians have taken the village! They captured me and Lady Eglantine! Their Leader has sent me to Sir Edouard, to demand a 1000 Gilden Pezzi Ransom for her! He also wants monies for Lady Lys and the commoners they hold prisoner? Unless I am back with the money before nightfall, they will take milady and the villagers off to slavery?" Morgana had met Lady Eglantine Condamet many times and knew her for a harmless if insipid damsel of 17 years. Sir Edouard was her infirm grandfather, who lived with her in a fortified manor, full two hours ride distant. "We shall see what we can do Mistress, what is your name?" "I am Peurise Lady Eglantine's abigail. We were taking medicines, biscuits and preserved fruits for certain of the ailing villagers, when they captured us at the gate. A knight in dark armour with two men waving spears jumped out at us! Milady tried to turn her palfrey to escape but the knight stabbed it's head and it died! Milady gave her name and demanded to be set free but the knight replied he was Count Duffric of Narchos and she was his prisoner. She would keep Widow Lys company, as she was taken also." "That is the wife of Sir Geraint Morse, the Customs Officer here." Broke in Sir Richard Nogent. "They must have killed him and his men. I saw but one tall mast as we came here and that flew the flag of Thentis. No doubt they were taken by surprise!" "Mistress Peurise, know you how many be with the foe?" "Alas I saw little as I was without the gate. Apart from the Count and his two men with spears, I saw a man in an embroidered green gown. He looked to be an evil sorcerer from a far foreign land! His garb was not of these parts. I think there was also someone up on the tower by the gate but I am not sure." "The Narchadians have many sorcerers from the West." Commented Sir Richard, "If they came in but one ship they are not like to be more than a score strong." "Honourable odds but they will not be expecting us!" Estimated Morgana. Tonaldo the Stetian Minstrel spoke up, "Madam, I am sure Don Incio would advise that this is not our business! If we wait, the raiders will go away. If we try to attack them, do we not we endanger the precious item you are bringing for Peron Quixano?" "Master Tonaldo, that is indeed just what Don Incio would say. But I am leading this party and I believe it my bounden duty as a lady errant, to rescue these two ladies and such villagers as we may. Narchadians carried off mine own mother years agone and I relish the chance to strike back at them! How say you Sir Richard?" "Madam I think you are right, chivalry demands no less. But our strike must be well planned?" Abashed, Tonaldo temporised, "Madam Morgana, I speak but as my masters would wish. An you go against these brigands, I will come too and I will sing of the deeds after!" There being no other dissenting voices, they held a brief council of war to organise the plan of attack. Morgana was a little flushed from the dispute. Don Incio, although deferential to the veteran Sir Richard, had been indicating that he expected females of whatever rank, to docilely do what the knights told them! To be fair he had not yet seen her use her sword, the magic Taglier as yet. He did not know of the years of fencing practice she had had, with Sergeant Hrolf and her brother Arthur. She smiled, Don Incio had a strong aversion to Tonaldo's songs, (Like many another) the more verses she could inspire the better!

   Sir Richard, with Sergeant Hrolf and Minut led off down the road towards the village. They turned right at the crossroads, to approach the only gate in the wooden palisade defences. "Halt who goes there! Why cometh ye to Minbec?" Hailed a man on the tower beside the gate, closed against them. "I am Sir Richard Nogent and we come for a luncheon at the Inn." "Nay that may not be, for the Inn is closed this day." "Nonsense! The Red Deer never closes, least of all to me! I have been coming here these many years, patrolling the Arwyn." "Yet they are closed this day." "Let me in and I will make mine host open it to me! He will provided us with what he has!" "I will first send unto him Sir." Changing into the kharsh tongue he called down, "Sygric, tell milord we have a knight and two soldiers at the gate demanding in!" Sir Richard's kharsh was good enough to understand this but he wanted to keep hold of the man on the towers attention. He hoped Morgana's unicorns could really jump the palisades, he would not have dreamed trying it with his Melonda. "This is a full strange happening that the gate is shut against us? It is broad daylight, here in Grand Duke Basylt's realm? I shall have harsh words to say to Sir Geraint about this welcome." At that moment came the clash of arms beyond the gate and the man on the tower turned round.

   Once Sir Richard's party was well clear, Morgana had led the rest towards the nearest palisade fence. Mounted on the great unicorns, she and Lady Abigail jumped over, one after the other. They rode along the walkway, towards the tower beside the gate. Its ladder jutted back, partially blocking the way but Morgana's Harold cleared that too. In the street beyond, a knight and three spearmen were emerging from the Inn's doorway. "Shimmer!" Shouted Morgana and the purple silk of her gown glowed dazzlingly. Frowned on as witchcraft in Bara, shimmering gowns were high fashion in Stetia and were also known to disadvantage assailants. Back at the palisade, Tonaldo, Bergand and Cherry had ridden up and used the height of their mounts to clamber through the appetures. Their horses could not hope to emulate the feat of the unicorns. Mistress Peurise took charge of the mounts as the three advanced inside the village, on foot. Lady Abigail dismounted from the unicorn Hilda at the ladder and hurried forward to unbar the gate. An arrow from the man on top of the tower grazed her shoulder, tearing her black widow's gown.

   Outside the Inn, Morgana cut two of the surprised spearmen down, shattering the shield of one in the process. As the knight and surviving spearman recovered their wits, she rode on down the street to the ramp up onto the quay. She saw men on and beside the Lymphad but thought that first they must deal with those behind her. She turned in time to see Peurise' green gowned sorcerer, join the knight in the street. She started to return back but Sir Richard, Hrolf and Minut riding in, riding in the now open gate, struck first. Both the knight and the spearman fell and beyond she could see Tonaldo, climbing the ladder of the gate tower. She skipped off Harold to catch the wizard, now backing inside the Inn doorway. Demoralised by the loss of his leader, he forgot his spells and pointed a dagger at her instead. It was his last act! Sir Richard, Hrolf and Minut raced inside to dispose two more Narchadians. They had been guarding the group of prisoners against the cup-board. "Is the Lady Eglantine here?" Demanded Morgana. "They took her upstairs!" Answered the Innkeeper, so Morgana hurried up the stone steps shouting "Shimmer". Her gown had dulled again and she expected there to be more guards. At the top however, was only empty corridor with four doors on one side and five on the other. Start at the beginning she thought, they have not had much time since Eglantine arrived? In fact the very first door she opened, revealed Lady Eglantine, lying bound and gagged on a palette. Morgana  cut her free with her sword. "Oh thank you! I was so scared! Goodness knows what they were going to do with me?" "Never mind that, where is Lady Lys?" "I do not know, I have not seen her." "The ship is escaping!" Came Bergand's voice, from the great room below. Morgana ran downstairs again, "Hrolf, Minut, please search the rest of the chambers upstairs!" She raced out into the main street but they were too late, the Lymphad was under away. Bergand loosed his crossbow at it but they could not see where the quarrel struck. Tonaldo then hailed Morgana from the tower by the gate. "Raiders bringing in six cows!" he shouted.  Unfortunately the raiders also heard him and they ran away towards the cover of some scrub. The cows were left lumbering around lost. Morgana decided that it was not her responsibility to chase after them. She set her followers to search the body-strewn village. Sir Geraint Morse' body they found on the quay but his house was empty. On the door of the quay watchtower was a writ.


The Lady Morgana Lefey, is hereby ordered to present herself for trial with her menie, for the unlawful killing of four servants of the late

Captain of Charles, Sir Phanuel Lefey. The said Lady is also accused of using a bladed weapon in excess of three hands in length. The trial to be held at the Citadel, Charles, on the first day of the third Moon 706ATN. If she fails to attend, she and her menie shall be declared Outlaw.

                                                By Order               Basylt Devisage

                                                                                Grand Duke of Bara


Morgana tore it down and took it with her. At the top of the tower she found a dead soldier, lying beside a springald that covered the quay. It was unloaded having been loosed. Sergeant Hrolf reported that the other rooms at the Inn had been empty, except for the gear belonging to two merchants. These had been waiting for some bales of Thalian silk, which the St.Fabiola lymphad should have been bringing from Ekthalon! Recognising the departing vessel, from its red and white colours, they guessed that now their journey had been wasted. They were so grateful for the party saving their lives, that they pressed 200 florins into Sergeant Hrolf's hands. Then they took their mounts from the Inn stable and headed off, back to their homes in Charles City.

   Meanwhile Sir Richard had reached the Church. On its door was another writ: 

Church of Eru Ordinance

Wanted, dead or alive, the miscreants: Sir Richard Nogent, Lady Abigail Clove, Lady Morgana Lefey, a number of demons in their control, including one of dwarf stature. For murders most foul, witchcraft, theft and sacrilege. Also the escaped fugitives: Miss Edie a witch, Miss Vanova a witch and Miss Louise Berde under suspicion of witchcraft.

                                                                                                Decreed by

                                                                                Innocent, Bishop of Charles

The knight pouched this and tried to open the door but it was locked. "I have a key to open this door and the one inside!" said Minut. "I installed these locks not four moons agone." He fumbled around with his tools and keys. "Who goes there!" Challenged a voice in kharsh, from inside. "Sir Richard Nogent and we have killed your leader and retaken the village. I suggest you surrender whoever you are?" "My name is Tousel and I am a warrior from Narchad." The man opened the door and threw down his axe and shield. "The villager prisoners are inside, please take me away from them?" "Tie his hands and take him to the Inn." Sir Richard told Minut. Presently he unlocked the door and found about a score frightened men, women and children in the nave. These were embarrassingly grateful to him for their rescue! Since he had passed that way many times, they assumed he was still doing his river patrol duties. He saw no reason to correct them. He suggested they bring all their dead to the church, ready for the burial service. The bodies of the raiders would be taken to be burned at the crossroads! The villagers went out and checking their homes first, wailed at their losses. Some goods were recovered from the bodies of the Narchadians and returned to their owners. The Innkeeper took charge of the prisoner Tousel. "I will hand him over to whoever the Grand Duke sends, to replace Sir Geraint." He said but his eyes had a hard look. The future boded ill for the Narchadian. "We are very grateful, Lady Morgana to you and to Sir Richard for your driving off these raiders! You can be sure of a good word from us should you ever need one?" From this Morgana realised that he knew about the writs. "Thank you we do have some disputations that will be settled in good time. First we await two ships from my Uncle the Third Peron of Stetia, for we have urgent business with him. He also will need to know of this raid! If the knight Sir Richard slew was indeed Count Duffric, who knows how the Narchadians will take such a notable loss. We will bring all our mounts round to your stable Master if you please. We stay here until the vessels come." The two maids were already mopping the bloodstains, from the stone flagged floor. Expensive flooring for an Inn but the Red Deer had rich custom in the hunting seasons. Had the Narchadians come during them, they could have had a much richer haul!

   Comprehensive checking revealed that the raider's ship had got away with Lady Lys, her abigail, four other village maidens, some livestock and most of the food from the cots. Fortunately the Innkeeper's cellars had remained unlooted. Morgana sighed, brooding over the fate of Lady Lys and the five damsels. Should she have attacked the ship alone, instead of turning back to take the Inn? Her father would have declared it a rash act, when she did not know how much opposition her followers faced. Her own mother had been carried off like Lady Lys, twenty years ago. Although declared officially dead, she was rumoured to be still living somewhere in Narchad. Morgana's own long-term ambition was to quest for her in those Chaotics lands. Would she ever get the chance?       


Module Notes

This account comes from one of the play testing actions. The game was played as a public participation action at the Wappenshaw (Glasgow), Claymore (Edinburgh) and Border Reiver (Newcastle)  wargames conventions. In those nine playings, most groups of players favoured a direct approach. This usually resulted in the ship escaping with its prisoners and loot. In one of the best ones a young girl playing Tonaldo the Minstrel and Cherry the maid, captured the ship which meant all the prisoners were saved. Her brother unfortunately spoiled the complete success of the action. He allowed Lady Morgana to be killed in a duel with Count Duffric!

[1] Marks (or Markesses) were the rank of land-holders in Narchad below that of the Counts.

[2] Ten Silver Florins to the Gilden Pezzo, the standard currency of Morval Earth.

[3] Coat of arms of the Baron of Aquitain who owned the lymphad.

[4] Hagoth is the supreme Chaotic Magho or demigod.

[5] Sixth day of the week.

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