Mansu Yusef - Part 4 - Game Master Only

Games Master’s Plan * More details of Mansion at the end

It is a clear windless starry night with no moon, a little bit chilly. Visibility recognisable 6” movement 18”. The action starts around 2200hrs when the villagers have gone to bed. Surleyman’s dog P. 05 starts barking at the approach of the Lady Digby Launch.  Martlet has to dice D6x4 inches for his position beyond the post at P.42. Once Surleyman’s dog barks GM D6 for others to join in from the cards 5 one card, 6 two cards. Four cards revealed Col Potemkin D6 +F (+1 each alert move) 1 ignores, 2+ alert 5+ raise the alarm in the Mansion. When all nine cards revealed or the Lighthouse Keeper sounds his gong, Surleyman calls out the village militia (M).

D6 4+ Each building comes out men in front women on roof. Assemble in front of Priests house. Alarmed at the undermining of the pillar he will order driving the foreigners away!

Big Crocodile FV4 Neuserk 5” Mo 5” Me 0 (+1 in water) Pst -1

Small Crocodile FV3 Neuserk 4” Mo 4” Me -1 (+1 in water) Pst -2

The villagers have stones on their roofs to drive off crocodiles

To throw D10 6” 5+ Bst -3 11” 6+ Bst -3 if 0 = no stones left!

01.  Position of Lady Digby heading to Jetty when dog starts barking

02.  Jetty with Archaeologist party (7) & Hotspurs men (2)

Miss Warmside will give letter to Ali Wey. Mrs Warmside will report to her “I have bad news! In the cave in the packed rubble under the building, we have found a bronze Drachma of Ptolemy VIII Physcon. He reigned a hundred years after Arsinoe I, so this tomb cannot be hers!”

03.  Campsite, 4 bell tents with bedding & clothes, cooks cabinet, sack flour

Water Kettle on fire. Large fire to deter crocodiles & guide launch

04.  Crane

05.  Surleyman’s dog starts barking

      Dog FV 2, Mo 7”, Me –2 Pst –2 Fa 2/2, Ag +1 Obeys masters orders.

06.  Surleyman’s house Surleyman, wife Jihab, Mother Rusa, son Pot, son Sput

Surleyman Activist Lea, Mo 6”, Fa 3/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me +1 Pick Pst -1,

 Pot WA, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Pick Pst -1,

            Sput By +1, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Spade Bst -1,

Jihab By, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me 0 knife Pst -2,

Rusa By, Mo 4”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -2, Th -1, Me 0 knife Pst -2,

07.  Finds tent 7 pieces pottery heap building stones, Table, site diary.

08.  Black Marble column on top of bank. Villagers believe St. Simeon’s

09.  Ladder to column. The ‘cave’ recent excavation into the bank.

10.  Main excavation with 14 foot ladder to the bottom

11.  Spoil heaps

12.  Crane

13.  Hovel Pickman, Spademan & 2 women

Pickman By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 pick Pst -1

Spademan By , Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Spade Bst -1

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

14.  Site of where the ‘giantess’ appeared, limelight smoke stains on Hovels

15.  Hovel pitchfork man, spade man woman & child

Pitchfork man By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag 0, Th 0, Me +1 Pst -1,

Spademan By , Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Spade Bst -1

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

16.  Bridge four to carry at 4” rate or two to tip below.

17.   Well

18.  Stable 4 horses

19.  Ostlers house 3 Pitchforkmen 1 woman. Will stand not joining Militia

Pitchfork man By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag 0, Th 0, Me +1 Pst -1,

20.  Roadway leading eventually to Damietta or Cairo

21.  Portico

22.  Fountain

23.  Pasha’s Mansion* Guard Kepok on roof GM D10 9 to spot launch & wake Colonel next move. He will raise alarm the move after!

Guard Kepok WA, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/3, Ag +1, Th 0, Me +1 Rifle Bst 0

Rifle Firing 3” 5+ Pst +2, 6” 6+ Pst +2, 11” 7+ Pst +2, 18” 8+ Pst +2, 10 rounds

 2 rds to reload 1 to aim & 1 to fire , Charm M-1 F 0, Coercion +1. Speaks Arabic

Mansion P.23 from photograph. Loud noises W= wakes on D6 =n

If there are several in a room the first to wake will wake the others the next move. They will take another move to dress.

Locked Front Double Door BS5 FS4

Ground Floor Corridor empty

Audience Hall two floor high, empty Strong Door to cellar BS6 FS 5

Stairs down to cellar bottles sherberts, wines & spirits. Three simple chests FS 3

1st 2limelights & gas cylinders. 2nd 6 gas cylinders. 3rd Deflated Giantess 

Stairs up to upper corridor.

Butlery Butler Ras Keb W3. Strong Door BS6 FS5 to cellar as above.

Butler Ras Keb Activist, Mo 6” Fa 2/2/3, Ag 0, Th -1, Me 0 hands Bst -3

 Charm M 0 F0, Coercion -1. Speaks Arabic, Turkish, French, Russian (P) 

Armoury. Halvidar Kim W4. Locked cabinet FS4 6 shotguns & cartridges

Halvidar Kim Activist+1, Mo 6” Fa 3/3/4, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +2 sword Pst 0 Watch

Dagger Pst -1 PI Dubious, Charm M 0 F+1, Coercion +2. Speaks Arabic, Turkish

Spare Room. Museum Guards Abdul & Achmed W 5

Museum Guard Abdul WA-1 Mo 6”, Fa 2/2, Th 0 Ag 0  Me 0 Carbine  Bst –2,

Carbine 3” 4+ st +1, 6” 5+ st +1, 11” 6+ st +1,   Speaks Arabic, French (P)

Museum Grd Achmed WA-1 Mo 6”, Fa 2/2, Th 0 Ag 0  Me 0 Carbine  Bst –2,

Carbine 3” 4+ st +1, 6” 5+ st +1, 11” 6+ st +1,   Speaks Arabic, French (P)

Guard’s Room. Sgt Fezput, Guard Tannit, Guard Fatim W 5

Sergeant Fezput Activist+1, Mo 6” Fa 3/3/4, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 Revolver Bst –2 Revolver Firing 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst 0,

5&5 rounds Watch Dagger Pst -1 PI Dubious, Charm M-2 F-2, Coercion +2. Speaks Arabic, Turkish

Guard Fatimm Activist, Mo 6” Fa 3/3/4, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 Revolver Bst –2

Revolver Firing 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst 0, 5&5 rounds

 Charm M-2 F-2, Coercion +2. Speaks Arabic, Turkish, French (P)

Guard Tannit Activist -1, Mo 6” Fa 3/3/4, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 Revolver Bst –2

Revolver Firing 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst 0, 5&5 rounds

 Charm M-2 F-2, Coercion +2. Speaks Arabic, Turkish, French (P)

First Floor & Roof

Upper Corridor Harem Guard Mimi dozing W2+ Stair to roof & Guest Corridor

Harem Guard Mimi Activist-1, Mo 5” Fa 3/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me -1 Revolver Bst –2 Firing 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst 0, 5&5 rounds

Charm M+1 F-2, Coercion +2. Speaks French, English, (P) Arabic, Turkish,

Harem. Harem Guard Ayesha W 3+, Abigail Tamara 4+ 6 Harem women 5+

Harem Grd Ayesha Activist, Mo 5” Fa 3/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 dagger Pst -1

Charm M+1 F-2, Coercion +2Speaks Arabic French (P) English (P)

Six Harem Women By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 Hands Bst -3

Charm M+1, F -1 Coercion -2   Speak Arabic, Turkish, French (P) English (P)

Abigail Tamara WA +1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/3, Ag -1 Me -2, Dagger Pst -1(in Flowers)

Revolver 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst 0, 5 rounds  

Class III PI Dubious, Charm M +2 F -1,Coercion 0. Has reticule 1st aid kit. 

Speaks Russian, French, Arabic (P)

Pasha’s Bedchamber. Pasha 5+ Countess 5+

Pasha Ahab Zaghoul Lea Activist, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/3, Ag -1, Th -1, Me 0, revolver Bst-2 Small Revolver 3” 5+ Pst -1, 6” 6+ Pst -1, 11” 7+ Pst -1, 5 bullets. Watch,   

Class VII, PI Dubious, Charm M -1, F +1, Coercion +1.

Speaks Arabic, Turkish, English (P), French (P), German (P)

Countess Oddana Lea Activist, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/3, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -2, Bst-3

Watch, reticule,  Class VII, PI Dubious, Charm M +3, F -1, Coercion +1.

MC £16 – 8s – 6p Speaks Russian, English, French, German, Polish (P)

Magic! Mesmerise a person 3” D6 + MP +F – Class as a number. Fs, others present -1, nearby movement or loud noise -1, nearby fighting -3, Previously Mesmerized +2

= 8+ Mesmerized will obey immediate reasonable orders, 10+ Mesmerized plus will carry out a specific order when awakened if prompt given for one day,

n -11 = gives days will respond to prompt.

Forget ! To make the victim lose the memory of an event or a few hours

D6 +MP +F – Class as a number. Factors, others present -1, nearby movement or loud noise -1, nearby fighting -3, +2 if has been Mesmerized . = 8+ Forgets

Guest Corridor empty 1st Guest Room Colonel Potemkin dozing W 2+

Col Potemkin Lea Ac Mo 6”, Fa 2/3/3, Ag 0, Th +1, Me +2, revolver Bst –2.

Revolver Firing 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst –1, 5+5 rounds

Speaks Russian, English, French, Arabic (P) Turkish (P) Watch

Dubius, Charm M0 F+1, Coercion +2. MC £41 – 9s – 3d

2nd Guest room Vladimir & Yevgeny W 3+

Vladimir Activist, Mo 6” Fa 3/3/4, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +3 Revolver Bst –2 Lamp.

Revolver Firing 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst 0, 5+5 rounds Watch

Dagger Pst -1 PI Dubious, Charm M-2 F-1, Coercion +2.

Speaks Russian, Arabic (P) English (P)

Yevgeny Activist, Mo 6” Fa 3/3/4, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +3 2 Revolvers Bst –2

Revolver Firing 3” 5+ Pst 0, 6” 6+ Pst 0, 11” 7+ Pst 0, 18” 8+ Pst 0, 5&5 rounds Watch Lamp. Dagger Pst -1 PI Dubious, Charm M-2 F-2, Coercion +2.

Speaks Russian

3rd Guest Room Capitaine Pedant W 5+

Capitaine Pedant Lea Activist, Mo 6” Fa 2/3/2, Ag 0, Th -1, Me 0 binoculars Bst -2 Derringer 2+2 bullets 3” 4+ Pst 0, 6” 5+, Pst –1, 11” 6+ Pst –2. Watch notebook

Speaks French, English, Arabic, Ancient Egyptian, Latin  

24.  Hard standing for shooting wildfowl

25.  Garden

26.  Kitchen with staff quarters above Not in the Militia

Cook By +1, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me +1 Dagger Pst -1

Cleaverman By +1, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me +2 Cleaver Pst -1

27.  Crane

28.  Shop Sidi Ban, wife Fera, son Sandi Ban, his wife Roka with dog outside

Favour the archaeologists who have given them good business Not Militia

Sidi Ban By +1, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me +2 sword Pst 0

Sandi Ban By +1, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +2 Cleaver Pst -1

Fera By, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th 0, Me -1 Staff  Bst -2

Roka By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag 0, Th +1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

Dog FV 2, Mo 7”, Me –2 Pst –2 Fa 2/2, Ag +1 Obeys masters orders.

29.  Mud bank beside Quay

30.  Village Quay

31.  Village Quay

32.  Fishing Boat empty

33.  Felucca empty

34.  Felucca empty

35.  Fishing Boat empty

36.  Fishing Boat empty

37.  Steps Mansion  bank down to Punt Quay Small Punt

38.  Large punt

39.  Small punt

40.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

41.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

42.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

43.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

44.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

45.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

46.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

47.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

48.  Marsh within 3” D6 -3 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

49.  Low mud within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

50.  Low mud within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

51.  Low mud within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

52.  Mid channel D6 5+ 2 dolphins 3+ 1 dolphin friendly honk if ship nearing mud banks.

53.  Palm trees (dates?)

54.  Light House, Keepers Turb & Bant dozing but if shots fired D6 4+ sound the alarm gong to make Surleyman call out the militia.

Turb WA, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +2 scimitar Pst 0

Bant  WA, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +2 scimitar Pst 0

55.  Bridge four to carry at 4” rate or two to tip below

56.  Bridge four to carry at 4” rate or two to tip below

57.  Gaggle of five Geese, Honk at strangers within 6” GM D6 for dogs to join in from the cards 5 one card, 6 two cards.

58.  Hovel dog in front Neuserk 4” Staffman Pick man 2 Pitchfork women

Dog FV 2, Mo 7”, Me –2 Pst –2 Fa 2/2, Ag +1 Obeys masters orders.

Staffman WA, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th 0, Me 0 staff Bst -2

Pickman WA, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 pick Pst -1

Pitchfork woman WA, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 pitchfork Pst -1

59.  Hovel Spademan, Axemen & 2 women

Spademan By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Spade Bst -1

Axeman By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 Axe Pst 0

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2.

60.  2 Dogs Neuserk 4” Dog FV 2, Mo 7”, Me –2 Pst –2 Fa 2/2, Ag +1 Obey Master

61.  Hovel 2 Clubmen & 2 women

Clubman By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 Club Bst -2

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

62.  Bridge four to carry at 4” rate or two to tip below

63.  Steps Bank down to Village Quay

64.  Hovel 2 Pickmen & 2 women

Pickman By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 pick Pst -1

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

65.  Priests House Sacrados Alexandros, son Mark Spade & Torchman, son Timothy sword, 3 women 2 woman & child

Alexandros has discovered the ‘foreigners’ have dug into the bank under the sacred Pillar of Simeon making it liable to collapse. He wants them gone!

Alexandros Activist Lea, Mo 6”, Fa 3/2/2, Ag 0, Th -1, Me -1 knife -2,

Mark Activist, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Spade Bst -1 Torch

Timothy WA, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +2 sword Pst 0

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

Woman & Child By -1, Mo 4”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -2, Th -1, Me -2 knife Pst -2

66.  Low mudbank within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

67.  Well

68.  Nave of Church of Simeon Stylites empty

69.  Tower of Church empty 12 throwing stones D10 6” 4+ Bst -2 11” 7+ Bst -2

70.  Path down to Excavation area

71.  Hovel Cleaverman, Spademan, 2 women

Cleaverman By +1, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me +2 Cleaver Pst -1

Spademan By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Spade Bst -1

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

72.   Hovel 2 dogs in front 1 Pickman, 1 Spademan, 2 women

Dog Neuserk 4” FV 2, Mo 7”, Me –2 Pst –2 Fa 2/2, Ag +1 Obeys masters orders.

Pickman By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th +1, Me +1 pick Pst -1

Spademan By, Mo 6”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag +1, Th 0, Me 0 Spade Bst -1

Woman By -1, Mo 5”, Fa 2/2/2, Ag -1, Th -1, Me -1 knife Pst -2

73.  Flock of Chickens strangers within 4” cluck wildly setting off dogs at P.72

74.  Low mud within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles

75.  High Mudbank

76.  Bridge four to carry at 4” rate or two to tip below

77.  High Mudbank haystack and path down to low mud (P.82) Python!

Python Neuserk 2” Mo 3” FV 4 Me -1 Bst -2

78.  Bridge four to carry at 4” rate or two to tip below

79.  High Mudbank haystack 2 Rams hostile to strangers 6”

80.  High Mud Bank with anti-crocodile walls

81.  Low mud within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

82.  Low mud within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

83.  Low mud within 6” D6 -2 crocodiles (D6 4+ Big 3- small)

84.  Crocodile barring wall.


Part 1 - introduction and first part of the action

Part 2 - Second part of the Action

Part 3 -Player accounts

Part 4 - Games Master Map and key

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