Belmainian Civil War       

Belmanian Civil War Origins

Marketday the 13th of the Fourth Moon 707ATN

King Grocus had ordered dwarf Queen Draffa to go to Shone the Capital of Willen County. There she was to order Count Rankyn son of Rhaul, to seek out the printer illicitly making packs of playing cards. The dwarf King Druffin of Varadh was angry about this, as printing is supposed to be a dwarf monopoly and Varadh has very strict anti-gambling laws. Grocus intended to tell Druffin that the culprits have been executed but in fact he intended to imprison them in Regalis, so he could make use of their abilities. She was also to order a quantity of Fire Rock to be sent to Grithin. In his mining activities there he had found what he thought might be Mythryl ore, but had been unable to smelt it, as charcoal was not producing sufficient heat. He had found that the elves of long ago used the black Fire Rock for the task. The County of Willen has mines for both iron ore and Fire Rock.

  Queen Parsifa had travelled to Tallastor in Millien County. There devotees of Minos hold services celebrating the successful arrival and maturing of calves. As the Arch Priestess of Minos in Belmain, her duty is to officiate at these services.

   Thus when the Regal light extinguishes and the doom bell tolls, there are only four queens present in Regalis. King Grocus with some of his courtiers had gone to Grithin where he was mining for stainless silver, also known as Mythryl.

  All the Queens knew that the Seer Kassandro predicted that Grocus would be succeeded by a queen and privately each decided that it should be her! To gain magical acceptance it would be necessary to obtain the ancient Elf Sceptre and having her Orb of authority to hand, cast the requisite spell touching the immense Regal Orb in the Great Hall. If successful the orb would glow, the Regal Beacon on the roof of the Palace would re-ignite and the Doom Bell would cease tolling. The Swartze Swestrin Sorority had established that the sceptre might be found concealed in one of six places.

   Queen Phaedra was at her devotions in her Temple of Aphrodisia, when the Doom Bell began tolling. Collecting the Priest Herdo and his Brutyr guard Ramon, she headed out towards the Great Hall. She estimated (correctly) that other Queens would be searching for the necessary Elf Sceptre in the Palace building. She is soon delayed by the appearance of The Horrub. The Supreme Demon Emissary of the Chaotic High Command! However after giving her one of his freezing stares, he disappeared without speaking. Further on she collected a knight and two soldiers and then a witch gave her a useful Magic Bolt scroll spell.

   Queen Mesulla started in her bedchamber and failing to recruit the Queens Quarter’s guard, she headed upstairs to the second floor. There she argued with Guard Commander Sir Wyngs who refused to help her. Meanwhile her abigail Shazama picked the lock to the Council Chamber. Guarding her orb of authority herself, from the lazy Sir Wyngs at the door, she sends Shazama and her three demons inside to search the two great chests. One was in the Council Chamber and the other in King Grocus’ locked bedchamber beyond.

    Queen Indrana was in the Palace Kitchen demanding more curry meals from the chef.  On hearing the Doom Bell toll, she went straight into the Courtiers Reception Chamber. There she failed to recruit Messalinda the Grand Mistress of the Swartze Swestrin but succeeded with Marshal Gildelm and his wife Lady Mira. She told him that if she became Queen, his Belmanian Army would become much more than a token force. It would lead an offensive against Thentis and Stetia! She headed upstairs to the second floor. She and her menie then saw Queen Mesulla alone at the door. Before she could escape to her menie in the Council Chamber, Amazon Wilana threw her chakram felling her. Queen Indrana rushed forward and sliced Mesulla’s head off. The Abigail Shazama and Mesulla’s three demon guards surrendered and reluctantly agreed to join Indrana’s menie. Together they discovered that neither of the great chests held  the Elf Sceptre.

   When the Doom Bell began, Queen Gimawl was just outside Vizier Gro Abh’s Office. He and his secretary Yesmine were inside. Gro Abh decided to support her claim for the throne. He knew that as a Stetian, she was likely to continue the peaceful trading encouraged by Grocus. He told her the Sceptre was not in his desk which was one of the possible locations. They then checked the sideboard but drew a blank there. However Wizard Smartier then discovered it in the High Table. Soon the Regal Orb briefly glowed, accepting Gimawl as the new Monarch of Belmain. Her own Orb of authority changed to silver and white, with its carrying frame turning to red gold. Queen Phaedra and her menie were nearing the Hall and immediately accepted the decision. She is sure that Gimawl will agree to her ideas about marriages and inheritance. She and the Vizier Gro Abh swear allegiance to Gimawl. She offers to crown Gimawl at the coronation. Queen Gimawl says that this should be done by her own Bishop Trier but certainly Phaedra must have some ceremonial hand in it.

   On hearing the Doom Bell cease tolling, Queen Indrana curses.

 “That must be either Phaedra or Gimawl is accepted! I am not going to serve under either of those weaklings!”

The Marshal agreed, “Nor will I. If you will maintain your claim I will collect some of my troops and we can go to Mira’s brother, Count Sharda of Sigis. From the Sigis Hold we can attract recruits to drive whoever is the present Queen, out!”

They left the Palace to be met by The Horrub. He said “You are my choice! Go to the Sigis Hold and I will send troops from the High Command to help you!”

   Hearing the Doom Bell stop tolling, the remaining courtiers in the Reception Chamber troop across to the Great Hall. There the Grand Mistress of the Swartze Swestrin, the Chamberlain, the Captain of the Regalis Watch and the Steward of the Provender, all swear allegiance to now Queen Regnant Gimawl. They were all curious about the change to her Orb of Authority. Previous monarchs had not had them. Wizard Smartier was of the opinion that it was because “Her Royal Highness as a devotee of Krosus, is of Neutral Scelta.” and most thought that that was likely. “I would also hazard a guess that benevolent Krosus is also responsible for the carrying frame turning to gold!”

Gro Abh then suggested that a proclamation should be made throughout the city informing the people of her Accession. So the Captain of the Watch agreed to do that. “The County Lords must also be informed. Writs must be sent to them.” mused Queen Gimawl. “Yes but also to every castle town and village in the Kingdom Your Royal Highness.” added Gro Abh. “Queen Indrana and the Marshal have fled rather than accept you as Queen and there may well be others. It is important to provide accurate information to all, so those subject to disloyal overlords may act appropriately!”

 “This will take a vast amount of parchment and time?”

 “The guild of scribes will do most of the work. They have faced similar tasks in the past. If you will come to my office we will decide on what is to be written.”

Thus the following writ in runes was produced and sent throughout Belmain, to be read out in every public meeting place.

                                      Royal Proclamation

To all the peoples of Belmain, be it known that our King Grocus is dead! The Regal Orb and Court have accepted Queen Gimawl as your rightful ruler from henceforth. Dowager Queen Indrana and Marshal Gildem are declared outlaw. They are suspected of murdering Dowager Queen Mesulla and have not given themselves up for a fair trial. Any assisting them will be subject to severe penalties!

                                                                   By order of Gro Abh Vizier

Secretary Yesmine wrote out half a dozen of these and Wizard Smartier with three royal guards took them to the Street of Scribes in the city.

The Dowager Queen Phaedra volunteered to write to Queen Draffa at Shone and Queen Parsifa at Tallastor telling them what had occurred. She would suggest that the latter should inform the relatives of Queen Mesulla, around Pleholt, that she was dead and had received an honourable cremation.

Disappointingly both wrote back saying that since they had had no hand in obtaining the acceptance of the throne, they would not recognise Gimawl as Queen Regnant. They were both senior to her, a commoner, so why should they have to obey her? They were supported by the Counts of Willen and Millien respectively and would seek for others to follow them!

  Meanwhile Robert the Royal Camp Steward had returned from Grithin, to tell them that King Grocus, the Miner Royal and a score of others had died in the mine during an earthquake. There was no history of earthquakes in the area, so this event was something of a mystery! A suspect mystery thought Gro Abh. Had the Chaotic High Command at Gashad Dur grown angry with the King whom they called Grocus the Soft? 

   Nevertheless Queen Gimawl and Gro Abh drafted out another writ to be sent to every County Head. That is: 

To ------------------                                                       13th Fourth Moon 707ATN    

                             We, Queen Regnant Gimawl of Belmain have now rightfully ascended its throne. Our coronation at Regalis will take place on 14th of the Sixth Moon. Invitations to attend will be sent to many sovereign states so we must endeavour to show our strength to them. As is customary Heriots Tax will be due to be paid at the coronation. Bearing in mind that the last time this was levied was in 588ATN, there has been a certain amount of inflation of prices since then. Our Heriots are levied at 500 Gilden Pezzi per County, plus 10 Gilden Pezzi for each Mark within the County. Failure to attend the coronation without good reason could result in an accusation of treason against us! We look forward to seeing you.

                                                                             Gimawl Regina

Next writs had to be drafted to send to all the sovereign states likely to be within reach. Gro Abh said that if they wished to maintain the good trade relations built up with neutral and even Lawic countries, these must have a chance to send representatives. A long discussion was made with the courtiers as to which States should receive the invite. Sir Tenne Captain of the Regalis watch wondered if an invitation should be sent to the Chaotic High Command. Gro Abh said they had better not. If some powerful demon were sent there would be violent trouble with some of the other representatives! It was not as if the Command had provided any benefits for Belmain. For centuries they had been sending bands of troublemakers to pass through the Kingdom, whom they expected it to feed. These troublemakers had then joined the Army in Narchad which had had a long history of being beaten by those over their borders. These acts of aggression had damaged the wealth creating trade links Belmain had with the Eastern states. In the end the list of states to be invited were for most disputed the Dwarves, Varadh and Neradh and for the Elves Imlinead and Amelia. King Grocus had built up a measure of trust with King Druffin of Varadh and of course married his daughter Draffa. Neradh was a long way away but Imlinead and Amelia were on the borders. The Ered Khazid Mountains blocked almost all contact with Imlinead but the Omilia province of Amelia adjoined Regalien and the bulk of the country lay across the Deepwater Lake. In times past some adventurers had tried to annex parts of Omilia but had been driven out by ghosts. It was thought that live elves did live there but were never seen. Amelian elves were of small stature and most lived hidden in their forest. Using human intermediaries they sold timber to the dwarf shipbuilders of Dwarfbridge but there was little trade with them otherwise. Naturally invitations would be sent to the Chaotic States of Ogrimor, Koboldin, Tempania, Nor, Porcia, Horg, Dameth, Omgano, Danrin, Narchad and Durgan from whence Queen Indrana had come. Alpen had no central government so there was no-one they would invite from there. From the countries that had made contributions to the Lawic armies, they invited Thalia, Thentis, Perigord, Bara, Fara, Azelad, Stetia, Oblivia and Delvon. That was twenty-three in all but hopefully some of the distant ones would not come. Two Moons should be adequate for all if they are interested.         

To the ruler of ------------------                              13th Fourth Moon 707ATN    

                             On the sad death of King Grocus, we, Queen Regnant Gimawl of Belmain, have now rightfully ascended its throne. Our coronation at Regalis will take place on 14th of the Sixth Moon. Invitations to attend have been sent to many other sovereign states. We hope that you will come to establish good relations with us and perhaps others that will be joining you in this celebration. Alas due to the prevalence of the Horse plague in Belmain we warn you that it is not wise to bring them here. We will have ox carts available for hire if needed.

                                                                             Gimawl Regina


This was copied out and sent off in various problematical ways. Contact with the arrogant elves of Imlinead was minimal. A messenger party was sent up the mountains to give the writ to an elf guard post, last visited seven years ago. Since the marriage of Queen Indrana contact with nearby Danrin had been regular and was no problem. Amangorn a Skilled Ranger messenger, was sent with the writs for Narchad, Stetia and Oblivia. He was to avoid meeting anyone until he reached Chaos Deeps, across the border.

All the other Chaotic States writs were given to Sir Boulderbra and the Lawic ones to Dame Liksome, both of the City Watch. They would both hire a vessel at Atilo and sail down the Rillo River until they could safely land on the Cogwile bank. Then they would travel cross country to Tegalon. There Sir Boulderbra would catch any vessel travelling to Ogremaz. (In fact he travelled on a cog carrying poor quality Stetian wines.) There he would deliver them to King Shred of Ogrimor. The King would use his own resources to send them onwards to the other destinations. (Providing they were not states with which he was in conflict of course!) Sir Boulderbra was then free to return to Belmain anyway he found convenient. Dame Liksome would leave the invitation for Amelia and Thalia with Count Morven at Tegalon for any vessel going to them.  In the event, they were later taken by Queen Phaedra when she went to negotiate with Queen Ephemera of Amelia. Amelia had fairly regular contacts with Amazon Thalia, so Queen Ancalime would receive the writ in good time. Dame Liksome in fact hired the Felucca Lisa. It carried a small cargo of silks, for Ekthalon, the capital of the Kingdom of Thentis. She carried a duplicate writ for the Juanta of Stetia in case that going via Chaos Deeps was lost. That would be dropped off at Merlza. She hoped that King Eudes would send on the writs for Neradh, Delvon and Perigord. She intended on calling on Grand Duchess Maudette of Bara and Cosimo the Grand Duke of Fara. 

     Later Queen Gimawl and her court were considerably dismayed on receiving the letters of defiance from Queens Draffa and Parsifa, although one from Queen Indrana had been expected. “Should we raise an army to fight them?” asked Queen Gimawl.

“Not yet Your Royal Highness!” advised Gro Abh, “It will not impress the state representatives if we have hostile armies moving around!”

  “But what if these rebels mobilise before us?” asked Sir Tenne the Captain of the Regalis Watch.

 “I am sure you can defend the city long enough for the loyal Counts to mobilise to rescue us!” suggested Grand Mistress Messalinda. “However I think it likely that they will wait until the coronation, in order to gauge who will support who. That will also include the forces of the foreign powers. I have read about the recent battle of the Jagdtiech Glade. At that the diplomatic bodyguards of the Ambassadors going to the Narchad Sektarar’s daughter’s wedding were strong enough to defeat Count Duffric’s Army. The Sektarar Bronwyn is a wise and powerful woman and I hope we win her trust.”

 “I hope we do. She and the Stetians will almost certainly want to come over the Chaos Deeps pass.” said Chamberlain Opulan. “However that comes down through Millien where Parsifa and Count Gotmor will block their passage. Then most of the foreign powers would come by water to either Tegalon or the Sigishold. Sigis will be closed to them whilst that and Willen block any overland route from Tegalon to Regalis!”

 “Does that mean that we must attack Willen and at least besiege Shone after all?” asked Sir Tenne.

 “Only if no other solution can be offered!” answered Gro Abh. “I remember there was once a stone quay built in Omilia at a place called Bilia. In the event of friendly relations being established with Queen Ephemera of Amelia perhaps she would allow us to use it for the coronation guests. There was a very rough track leading to the Sigishold road but we could improve it before the time!”

 “There is also the matter of Count Morven of Cogwile being able to come to the coronation himself!” stated Chamberlain Opulan. “Often small vessels could sail from Tegalon into the Deepwater and then up the Rillo River to Antilo, but not with the Sigishold blocking that route!”

 “Well at least Count Morven has responded to our letter saying he will be coming to the coronation.” responded Gro Abh. “He like the other Counts, Ogremaz and Narchburz is in messenger pigeon contact with us. So far, we have heard favourably from the Royal Constable of Regalien, Countess Gramarena of Ashponte and Countess Gypsyra of Haidril. That leaves Count Makentar of Yrshidim, Count Bromill of Fidril and Countess Redsun of Wisentor. Of those Makentar may not have received any message. His forest is dense and birds of prey often intercept the pigeons. Count Prushamin is a wily bird and he is probably waiting to see who has the upper hand. It may be that Countess Redsun is doing the same.”

 “I am sure I will be able to convince Countess Redsun to join us!” declared Grand Mistress Messalinda. “However we will need a skilled negotiator to arrange matters with Queen Ephemera. Getting into contact with her may be quite a problem as her elves are rarely seen. I suggest Queen Phaedra who has proved herself in negotiations.”

 Phaedra was somewhat taken aback by this. “But what can I offer Queen Ephemera? Her elves have little need of money as they are largely self-sufficient.”

Gro Abh shook his head, “They do accept money for the timber they sell to the Dwarves. They mostly spend it on arrowheads knives and sickles. I expect jewellery will be welcomed as well. It is a pity we do not have a navy. What I most fear is The Chaotic High Command sending troops to the Sigishold to build up a powerful army there. Truth to tell, I suspect them of being responsible for that earthquake at Grithin. However for some time most of their recruit units from the west have been heading for Sihon in Hamora. As you will know usually they come to Sigis in Norse Longships or hanoes from Ogrimor. We rely on Dwarf Cogs to carry our goods away and we do not know what King Druffin will do. He may well support Queen Draffa’s claim.”

 Queen Gimawl then spoke, “In my native Stetia they hire a fleet of Thentian Lymphads for a navy. Perchance we may be able to do the same. I ween King Eudes might be very willing to hire some out to us as an act of friendship! I think he would be eager to block the flow of Chaotic reinforcements heading for Narchad. In fact I think the Sektarar of Narchad will back the suggestion. She does not want war at this time after all the previous disasters and we will have to tell her the way over the Chaos Deeps Pass is blocked. Queen Phaedra you will collect such gifts and moneys that seem likely to sway Queen Ephemera to our way of thinking. Steward Robert, you shall employ men to work on the road leading to Bilia. In fact you can take those who were employed at the mines at Grithin, this is far more important than mining for Mythryl. Besides they need Fire Rock to smelt the ore and that comes from presently hostile Willen. Grand Mistress Messalinda, prithee go unto Countess Redsun and persuade her to join our cause as you suggested. Gro Abh, send pigeon messages to Sektarar Bronwyn telling her of our problems. You may suggest that she contact King Eudes on our behalf regarding shipping to bring eastern delegations to us! I think that is all for now. This meeting is adjourned!”

                                                =                      =                      =

Reception of the coronation invitations­

Sir Boulderbra and Dame Liksome took with them Squire Leonard, Trumpeter Keen, Debutant Wanda and abigail Pulchria. They also carried two baskets of pigeons for Tegalon. They successfully arrived at there on the evening of the 15th Fourth Moon. They met with Count Morven of Cogwile. He informed them that he had been told of their coming, visa messenger pigeon. He had intimated that he intended to attend the coronation. He had heard that the Count of Sigis was in revolt on behalf of Queen Indrana but thought some of the Chaotic rulers might send their delegations through his port, whilst normally they would disembark at the Sigis Hold. He arranged for Sir Boulderbra and his men to have a passage on the Dwarf Cog Margot to Ogremaz. It would be carrying a cargo of poor quality Stetian wines to there. They would be bringing back ‘colourful rocks’ mined in Trollia and Koboldin. King Grocus had ordered some of these for building projects but others would go to Thentis for Church of Eru buildings.


Sir Boulderbra arrived at Ogremaz at midday 19th Fourth Moon. King Shred received him and had Queen Gimawl’s invitation read out to him. He then called up his counsellors to discuss the matter. The Counsellors thought that they should send a delegation to Regalis, as Belmain had long been a trusted ally and trading partner. In fact there was some eagerness of some of them wishing to go to it, especially the Kings youngest wife Kraka. Her enthusiasm diminished when Shred decided that she would be accompanied by his eldest son and heir Brod. He was the son of Whinga King Shred’s first wife and had long quarrelled with Queen Kraka. He asked when King Grocus’ funeral would be but Sir Boulderbra did not know. King Shred willingly agreed to send on the invitations to the other Western states. He had written out an acceptance letter so that the knight could start sailing back on the morrow. In fact there was a flat calm on the 20th and the Margot was still loading rock so he could not leave until the 21st . He arrived back at Tegalon on the morning of the 25th.


Meanwhile Queen Draffa with Count Rankyn of Willen had decided to ask her father King Druffin of Varadh for his support. They set out on the 17th of the Fourth Moon reaching the Truce Border post at noon the 18th. The Queen had written a letter:


Beloved father,                                      Written at Shone this 17th Fourth Moon

                    It has come to our notice that King Grocus to whom you married me, has died by means unknown as yet. Queen Gimawl with the assistance of Queen Phaedra has seized the throne in our absence! Count Rankyn son of Rhaul is giving me his support. I am come to the border to plead for your assistance in driving out the Usurper Gimawl and establishing me as Queen Regnant of Belmain.

                                                                   Yours Loving daughter Draffa

They camped at the border and at dawn a message came from the King that Draffa was to go and meet her mother Grosh daughter, of Gherno at the Gnathgurn Dvaunana. Count Rankyn and his escort remained at the border. He had been exiled from Varadh for blasphemy long ago and was barred from returning for another fifteen years. Queen Draffa and her menie were escorted into the tunnel leading to Gnathgurn. They arrived in the evening and leaving her guards outside, Draffa and her abigail Rosina were let into the Dvaunana. It was nearly seven years since Draffa had last seen her mother Grosh so they had quite a celebration with much to tell one another. Eventually after dinner Grosh said that they must now discus her supplication for assistance. King Druffin had debated the matter with his council. They thought that it was inappropriate for a female to rule a state even a human one. Draffa pointed out that Durgan, Thalia, Narchad and Bara all had female heads of state. Grosh replied that Bishop Bhorking had stated that these were aberrations that would be corrected in time. King Druffin was not prepared to risk his warrior’s lives fighting for a flawed cause. However he did have a care for Draffa and had a suggestion she might like to take up. In the days of yore the western boundary of Varadh had extended much further away from the mountains until the Elves had colonised it. Shone was situated on where the original border was. The King’s offer was that if Draffa would marry Count Rankyn, he would pardon him and accept all the Willen County into Varadh. He was prepared to accept the lands west of Shone in lieu of those lost in Cogwile and Yrshidim. Naturally Draffa was appalled by this but Grosh warned her, “The alternative is to make peace with Queen Gimawl and accept whatever terms she gives you. Belmain is really a human state and you would have trouble remaining in power were you to take it over. Bishop Bhorking says that Seer Kassandro’s prophesy said only that King Grocus’ successor would be a Queen, but nothing about how long she would last! Most of the dwarves living in Belmain are Willen miners. That becoming a province of Varadh would be a viable proposition! Since Queens Indrana and Parsifa are in revolt, whoever wins in the end may be happy to allow Varadh to keep what is just without argument! I suggest you discuss this offer by your father with Count Rankyn before you make a decision.” So Queen Draffa returned back to the border.

   Count Rankyn was sympathetic. “If King Druffin will not support you we have no chance of winning all the Kingdom. I care nothing for his pardon but making Willen into a province of his does have advantages. We do have the majority of Belmainian dwarves but they total only perhaps a quarter of my people. If I was to become one of his subjects the people would have to maintain the customs and duties that have enjoyed in the past. We would as well pay taxes to Gnathgurn as to Regalis and in return Duffric’s army must support us in any aggressions from Belmain. If you became my Countess you would keep the powers your orb of authority gives you over the humans in the County. Most of the iron mined in Belmain comes from Willen. The only feasible alternative is Varadh itself. The smiths in Regalis and Tegalon would struggle without us. There is another matter. You came to me from Grocus wishing me to arrest the illicit printers of playing cards. If Willen becomes part of dwarf Varadh this printing becomes legal. Whilst I appreciate that gambling will be strictly against to law, these packs of cards are a profitable export to the human states.  Further Master Underholt’s printing business may be useful for us in spreading information. Many of our dwarves have either fled or been banished from Varadh. They will be more loyal to us than to King Druffin!”

Draffa thought about this. After her earlier defiance, Gimawl was not likely to give her much of a future. On the other hand becoming Rankyn’s wife might not be too wonderful. But it would be better than running back to the Dvaunana in Gnathgurn! Then although Grand Mistress Messalinda had sided with Gimawl, there would be Swartze Swestrin in Willen who could support her if necessary. She decided to accept King Druffin’s offer.

                                                =                      =                      =

        Queen Parsifa was with Count Gotmor of Millien at Tallastor, when he received  Gimawl’s  proclamation of the 13th Fourth Moon. She told him that as the first one to marry King Grocus she should be the one to succeed him! He agreed with her. She had come from Millien originally and as a priestess of Minos had given years of service in building up its cattle herds. He wrote back to Queen Gimawl saying that he believed that Parsifa was the rightful Queen. Parsifa wrote to the adjoining Counties of Aschponte, Palim, Osiwile and Yrshidim   

To the Lord/Lady of ----------County                                       16th Fourth Moon

We, Queen Parsifa account ourselves the rightful ruler of Belmain now that our husband King Grocus is dead. We were his first Queen in marriage so the commoner Gimawl is an usurper. You know that my claim is just and I ask for your support in removing her. Given the many years Millien has provided food foe the armies of Narchad we are hopeful ok obtaining support from there too.

                                                                                 Parsifa Regina

She did also write to Bronwyn the Sektarar of Narchad.

To the Narch of Narchad                                                      16th Fourth Moon

We at Tallastor in Millien have heard that our beloved husband King Grocus is dead. As his first Queen Consort it is right and just that in the absence of any children, we should succeed him as monarch of Belmain. Imagine our consternation on our finding that the Stetian commoner Gimawl has seized the throne in our absence! We have written to our adjoining counties asking for assistance in removing the usurper but would appreciate any support that you could give us. For aeons Millien has fed volunteers coming to join your armies. Her salted and dried meats played their part in mitigating your famine of the winter before last. We and yourselves are in a state of peace with the Lawics at present. We hope that you will send such forces as you can spare to aid us?

                                                                   Parsifa Regina of Belmain

Count Gotmor wrote to his Marks and Markesses asking them to send soldiers to Nustyla to block the road to Narchad. Most obeyed but the Markess of Pleholt replied that she dared not. Her fortress guarded the borders with both Imlinead and Oblivia. Since it seemed a civil war was likely in Belmain. These two Lawic Countries might try to take advantage of that unpalatable fact.   

The first reply for Queen Parsifa came from Countess Gramarena;  

To Queen Parsifa                                                                18th Fourth Moon

Your Royal Highness,

                             My Magh Pozum were granted by the Maghi, the magic givers. Therefore if the magicks of the Regal Orb declare Gimawl Queen Regnant I have to bow to the wishes of the Maghi. I respectfully suggest that you make your peace with Queen Gimawl as soon as possible.

                                                          Gramarena Countess of Aschponte

                                      =                 =                 =

Imlinead The invitation to Imlinead was received with great suspicion. When eventually it arrives at the Royal Court, the King and Queen were away touring their kingdom. The Chamberlain suspected that it was a ploy to lure prominent elves into Belmain so they could be captured or killed! He decided to wait until the Royal Couple returned before presenting it. He put the writ into a secure chest and forgot all about it.

Narchad The invitations for Narchad, Oblivia and Stetia reached Narchburz on the 17th Fourth Moon. Sektarar Bronwyn immediately summoned a full Narch Council, which convened on the 19th. By that time Queen Parsifa’s letter had also arrived.

   The Sektarar read out both missives and asked the Narch members for their views.

Count Halflofe of Chaos Deeps said “This looks like an internal war in Belmain. If it stops these sheep stealing thugs sent by the Chaotic High Command past my stronghold, it is a good thing!”

 “But in effect these letters are asking us to take sides, Gimawl or Parsifa.” commented Count Branamog of Wearse. “Parsifa has the right of seniority but might be harder for us to deal with than the luxury loving Gimawl. She was the Gherrin of the undead Count of Dorchad once if you remember!”

 “I wonder what King Druffin of Varadh will do.” mused Count Manatan of Dorchad.

 “Queen Draffa of whom we have as yet heard no mention was his daughter. My County borders Varadh so I would not want to upset him!”

 “My County borders both Varadh and Thentis and I hope we will not actively take part to offend either the one nor the other. King Eudes took a very active part in ending the Azeladian civil war. It may be that he uses his great forces to do the same in Belmain?”

 “The famine is well over, thank the Maghi!” exclaimed Doleman of Narchos. “We are no longer so dependent on Millien meats. We now have fewer of the High Commands troops to feed, which is a good thing. Queen Gimawl was Stetian and my County borders Stetia. So it may be politic to align with her? What says the Marshal of our armies?”

 Marshal Swazine then spoke, “I cannot advocate sending our forces to support one faction against the other. Especially, as we know not how the matter stands amongst the peoples of Belmain. Ultimately, we must be co-operative with whoever prevails in the end. Our army under my three generals I have been using to build Barak 5. To even out the burden, I have been changing the troops used every two Moons. In this way the Generals are becoming acquainted with all the units in our army and the soldiers with them. As we know our long term aim is to capture that part of the Arbor Deowyn that is held by Thentis but circumstances have to change a lot before that is possible! The death of King Eudes and a Thentian civil war would help but are not likely. The peace with both Stetia and Thentis is a great benefit as it stands. What says the Madam Sektarar?”

 “My spies report that apart from Parsifa, Queens Indrana and Draffa are also in revolt against Gimawl’s accession. Indrana may bring in the Amazon kingdom of Durgan on her side and Draffa that of Varadh. I think we are agreed that we should not at this time favour any one of them materially. Belmain is a part of Kaosium as are we and it will be weakened by this conflict. However with the recruited units from the Western states heading for Sihon in Hamora, the forces there are growing stronger. They include the army we sent under General Krantz. The Monseigneur’s crusade was deflected into Azelad so Sihon has been well reinforced. King Eudes intended to collect his engines from Chemosh and take this vital stronghold, but that will not happen now. The Chaotic army up there might soon be strong enough to take the field. If that is the case, Eudes might well be heading that way again. Who knows how that may turn out but we are in no case to offend him. We have developed some good relations with Stetia and hope to keep them. Whilst not making war on anyone of the rival Queens behalf I do think we should have someone attend Gimawl’s coronation. Doubtless many other states will be there and it will be a good opportunity to find out what their diplomatic views are. If you are in agreement, I suggest that we arrange to go on Stetian vessels in company with those sent by the Juanta of Stetia. Who supports my suggestion for a delegation to go to Regalis?”

 The other members raised their hands but Marshal Swazine demurred, “But who is to go on this delegation?”

 “I cannot!” object Count Oswild “I have too many problems in my forests.”

 “I think that the Marshal and the Sektarar should go!” suggested Count Branamog, “It will be a chance for them to weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of the states who also go to it?”

 “I second that.” Declared Count Manatan. “Foreign relations is their business after all!” And so it was agreed and a letter of acceptance sent off.                


At Tegalon Dame Liksome decided that as she had a very long way to go she would travel on a Felucca that being a faster craft than the larger vessels. Count Morven provided her with Squire Eigor and three soldiers as an additional escort. Sailing downriver with a favourable wind she reached Dwarfbridge  in late afternoon. She delivered the Invitation for King Druffin to the Dock Master and not wishing to pay docking fees, sailed onwards, anchoring at dusk.

   King Druffin received the writ on the afternoon of the 19th after he had told his Queen Grosh his decision regarding Draffa’s application. He therefore wrote a reply.

To those ruling Belmain at Regalis                              19th Fourth Moon 707ATN

We have received your invitation to a coronation at Regalis. Our daughter Princess Draffa is soon to marry Rankyn son of Rhaul Count of Willen. We will agree to send a delegation to your coronation as soon as you accept that the County of Willen be returned to our Kingdom of Varadh as it was in the days of yore. It was stolen by the elves and it is only just that it should be returned. Princess Draffa will ensure that the human inhabitants can maintain their traditional rights and customs s in her position as the Countess consort of Willen.

                                                                             Druffin Rex

This arrived at Regalis on the 23rd Fourth Moon.


Sailing on the Arwyn after dark can be a risky business. Although the moon was full it was obscured by clouds on the night of the 16th/17th of the Fourth Moon. The Lisa passed over the Thentian border until just beyond Bredwardene. The moon was out on the 18th so Dame Liksome reached the docks of Ekthalon before midnight. King Eudes was probably the most powerful King in all Morval Earth, so the Dame decided that she must call on him in person. So she petitioned him for an audience. Realising that this was an important matter of State, he assembled his Council to discuss the invitation on the afternoon of Hopeday the 19th of the Fourth Moon.

Present were King Eudes, Duke Franz Neuman Marshal of Thentis, Otto Neuman Archbishop of Ekthalon, Francis Delacroix Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman Fitzralph Seneschal of Thentis, Margaret du Rheine Mistress of the Royal Household, Eloise du Rheine Librarian Royal, and Lady Roslyn de Feu, Foodtaster Royal. 

Dame Liksome with Squire Eigor and Debutante Wanda in support was asked to read out Queen Gimawl’s writ of invitation.

To the Noble King Eudes of Thentis                                13th Fourth Moon 707ATN    

                             On the sad death of King Grocus, we, Queen Regnant Gimawl of Belmain have now rightfully ascended its throne. Our coronation at Regalis will take place on 14th of the Sixth Moon. Invitations to attend have been sent to many other sovereign states. We hope that you will come to establish good relations with us and perhaps others that will be joining you in this celebration. Alas due to the prevalence of the Horse plague in Belmain we warn you that it is not wise to bring them here. We will have ox carts available for hire if needed.

                                                                             Gimawl Regina

 “Might we ask how King Grocus died?” asked King Eudes.

 “He died as a result of an earthquake at the village of Grithin. It was most unexpected! Queen Gimawl found the ancient elf sceptre and using it and her orb of authority and the requisite spell the Regal Orb and the Regal beacon accepted her as Queen Regnant. The Vizier Gro Abh, Queen Phaedra and most of the court swore fealty to her.”

 “What of the other Queens? There were six still alive I believe?”

 “Queen Mesulla was killed by Queen Indrana the Amazon. Queen Gimawl has declared her outlaw as a result. Queens Parsifa and Draffa were away from Regalis so I have no information about them.”

 “Do you think there might be conflict between Parsifa, Draffa and Queen Gimawl?”

 “It is possible. It is more likely that Queen Indrana will cause more trouble, as she was taking shelter in the Sigis Hold. Nevertheless I think that the bulk of the Kingdom will accept Gimawl in the long term. Squire Eigor here is from Tegalon, the second city in Belmain and his master Count Morven of Cogwile is firmly for her!”

 “Which other countries is Queen Gimawl inviting to the coronation?” asked Margaret du Rheine.

 “I do not have the complete list but I understand over a score. I have with me invitations for Stetia, Oblivia, Delvon, Perigord, Bara, Fara and Azelad. As I remember Thalia, Imlinead, Amelia, Durgan and Ogrimor are also invited. We were hoping that of your goodwill you might send on the invitations to Delvon and Perigord. It will be hard to deliver them to all with time enough for the furthest to reach Regalis.”

 “We shall deliver those two as you request. Now prithee leave us whilst we debate the matter in Council.”

Once the Dame and her menie had left the King spoke “What say you all?”

 “Sire Belmain is an evil Chaotic Country! It may be a trap! King Grocus may not even be dead!” anxiously declared Lady Roslyn the Foodtaster Royal.

 “Whilst we did not actually have to pay your ransom in Azelad, these wars are expensive and our coffers are not bottomless!” hinted Francis Delacroix Chancellor of the Exchequer.

 “You would be expected to take an expensive gift!” objected Margaret du Rheine Mistress of the Royal Household.

 “Surely that is but a small problem, though Queen Gimawl is known to be a connoisseur of jewellery. It would diminish our stature in Morval Earth were we not to have some representation there. The lady said that over a score of states were invited!”

 “I would not wish any to think that we were afraid to send any representatives!” declared Duke Franz Neuman the Marshal of Thentis.

 “Whilst I do not think his Majesty should expose himself to the dangers of this embassy, I should like to go to meet the other representatives and to size up this Queen Gimawl.” said Lady Eloise du Rheine Librarian Royal. She was known to be King Eudes foremost advisor on foreign affairs.

 Norman Fitzralph the Seneschal nodded “Your Royal Highness, I think it is desirable in the Kingdom’s interests that we send a delegation. Our presence may well influence the future policies of the other states present. Your Majesty’s military prowess cannot be in doubt after your successes in Hamora but it will be prudent not to risk your person. I suggest that we send our bold Marshal and our wise Librarian as our representatives?”

 “I agree, so be it!” responded the King. “The Marshal and the Librarian go. Dame Margaret you shall choose a suitable gift for this Queen. She came from Stetia originally so a gown would not be wise.” {Stetia was famous for its gowns of shimmering Silk}

 “I shall do my best Sire!”

 “Then we can call the Dame back and tell her of our decision. We shall of course send a formal letter to Regalis as well, Lady Eloise?”

 “I shall draft it myself Sire.”

So Dame Liksome was informed and the two writs for Delvon and Perigord sent off by Royal messenger. Wasting no time she sailed off immediately covering some sixteen myles before it became too dark to sail safely.

On the morrow the winds were unfriendly and they made barely twenty myles down the river. On the 21st however things improved and they anchored just short of Bras Parts for the night. But the winds failed again and they anchored opposite Senones on the night of the 22nd. It was better on the 23rd and they moored at the Narchadian port of Sperth late afternoon. There Dame Liksome handed the invitation writ for the Narch and sailed a couple of myles further. The Captain of the Felucca had a great distrust of the Narchadians!

On the 24th they sailed onwards, passing through the great city of Borolon and on down almost to the borders junction. From having Thentis on both banks of the river it changes to Bara on the left and Stetia on the right. They stopped again at Merlza to hand in the writ for the Juanta of Stetia. That done they were away again anchoring that night just past Closin, the original home of the notorious witch Morgana Lefey. On the 26th the winds were contrary again and they only made it to Pincelle. The winds stayed contrary and they used the current to travel twenty myles. The next day was far better, reaching Firmaz in the early afternoon they moored there. Dame Liksome disembarked taking two of the soldiers as well as her usual attendants. Not having horses and none of them ever having ridden one, they prepared to walk to Charles on foot.

Stetia & Oblivia

Sektarar Bronwyn had forwarded the writs for the Juanta of Stetia and the Nizander of Oblivia on the 20th from Narchburz. At Bosen the capital of Stetia they arrived on the 22nd and Peron Quixano had the Juanta of four assembled on the 23rd.  The meeting was brief as the other members wished to attend a sports meeting. They agreed that Peron Quixano should attend the coronation with such escorts as he thought suitable. On the 24th he received a letter from the Sektarar of Narchad.

To the illustrious Peron Quixano                                Narchburz 21st Fourth Moon The Narch have decided that Marshal Swazine and I should attend the coronation of Queen Gimawl at Regalis on the 14th of the Sixth Moon. Personally I regret this as my daughter Lady Robyn the wife of your Don Incio Fulminar is due to give birth around that time. However duty comes first. My Information is that Queen Parsifa with the Count of Millien is blocking the Chaos Deeps route into Belmain. She is counter claiming the throne. Therefore if you will agree, I would wish to hire one of your Lymphads to make the journey to Tegalon. The Sigis Hold the closest port to Regalis is held by the rebel Queen Indrana. Perhaps it would be a nice symbol of these present peaceful times if we sailed there together?

                                      Your ever loyal ally Bronwyn Sektarar of Narchad  


Peron Quixano immediately penned a reply saying that he would arrange for two Stetian ships would bear both parties to Belmain in good time. He would collect her and the Marshal Swazine from her port of Sperth. They might also have someone from Oblivia as well but that had yet to be decided.

  He then began to draft a message in short sentences to be transmitted by the Or palantyte Orb to his niece Marshal Morgana Lefey in Bara.

King Grocus Dead, Gimawl

New Queen, Indrana & Parsifa

In revolt. Coronation14/6M

Am going with S. Bronwyn


Rebel Indrana has Sigis Hold

Parsifa blocks Chaos Deeps road

Suggest you go, not Maudette

Dramatic Political Development!

These were sent of the next dawn, the time of day that Morgana’s Argent Mirror would be manned. So Grand Duchess Maudette of Bara and her court heard the news about Grocus’ death and the intended coronation of Queen Gimawl on the 25th Fourth Moon.

 The Nizander of Oblivia in Amnaesia received the forwarded invitation on the coronation on the 23rd Fourth Moon. He sent off a reply

To Queen Gimawl of Belmain                  Amnaesia 24th Fourth Moon 707ATN

Your Royal Highness.

                             I regret that the recent war in Azelad has revealed deplorable lapses in some of my subjects. I am therefore embarking on a comprehensive tour of all my subjects which I expect to take at least four moons. Thus I shall not be able to attend your coronation. However I wish you well and hope that our two states may proceed henceforth in perfect amity.

                                                                   The Nizander of Oblivia. 



At the court hearing were Grand Duchess Maudette, her husband Doze Handor, Mistress of the Royal Household Dame Melusine Denigre, Marshal Morgana Lefey, The Constable of Charles Citadel Sir Richard Nogent, General Sir Raise Barre, Bishop Uhtred of Charles and Lady Cherry Clerkess of the Provender.                                                                                                                                                                   

  Marshal Morgana told them that King Grocus of Belmain was dead and that Queen Gimawl was to be crowned as the new ruler. The coronation was to be at on the 14th of the Sixth Moon, presumably at Regalis. Peron Quixano would be going in company with the Sektarar of Narchad by ship, as a revolt by Queen Parsifa was blocking the Chaos Deeps pass. Queen Indrana was also in revolt and was in the Sigis Hold, Belmain’s second port. Presumably an invitation would be on its way to the Grand Duchess. Peron Quixano had listed it as a dramatic political development and Marshal Morgana thought that likely.

 “So we have to decide what to do whether or not we receive and invitation to this coronation?” queried Grand Duchess Maudette. 

 “Queen Gimawl was a Stetian so I am sure that we shall receive an invitation!” declared Dame Melusine. “We sent Belmain an invitation to Your Royal Highnesses wedding, although they did not send anyone.”

 “Your Highness, we can hardly do anything much if we are not invited!” objected Sir Raise Barre. “We have to work on the assumption that we will be!”

Doze Handor nodded, “Yes, we will do that. I could take my elephant perhaps?”

Marshal Morgana’s jaw dropped, Doze Handor was very proud of his giant Elephant which certainly impressed all who saw it but it was too heavy to cross bridges or to travel in ships. It would be a major engineering feat to get it to Belmain.

 “Nay Sire, we need it here to put fear into any who think ill of her Royal Highness!” objected Sir Raise Barre.

 “Indeed, I need you to stay at mine side and that must be here whilst I am with child.” said the Grand Duchess. It was only a Moon since this had been announced.

 “If two of the Queens are in revolt, those who do go might be in for an adventurous time I ween?” mused Sir Richard Nogent. “I think they must go in our own vessels! They should be back from Agetsu within a moon.”

Bishop Uhtred nodded, “For the coronation of a Queen, I deem it would be most meet if our representative were a Lady. A Lady whose eager words indicate that she is most interested in what will be occurring in Chaotic Belmain!” and everyone looked towards Marshal Morgana.

 “You are our foreign affairs expert Dame Morgana, but we could send a knight in your stead if you would prefer it?”

 “No Your Royal Highness I must needs go. The Sektarar Bronwyn and mine Uncle Peron Quixano are going there together and we must watch carefully just what those wily politicians intend. There will be dangers but I will face them as my father Sir Dafyd faced them, I do but follow in his footsteps.”

Sir Rais Barre nodded “In truth I think you are well fitted for this task. It will help our prestige if all three of our ships be used to convey you there and back. Further, you travelled in the Nef Oeririr to Tikjolit with your Unicorns. Whilst horses cannot enter Belmain safely because of the horse plague, I think that Unicorns may? They would be a notable prestige accessory!”

Morgana was not absolutely certain that Unicorns were immune to the horse plague but she expected only to be in Belmain for a short while. They did attract favourable interest wherever she took them. “Yes, a show of  strength may certainly be required when moving amongst declared Chaotics. If your Royal Highness permits I should like to take all three of our fleet? And I think we should sail to Belmain as soon as Practicable.”

 “You have our permission. There will be few food supplies to send to the crusade until the harvest is done. Again those in the West will not have seen our great Urcas.”

 “It remains for your Royal Highness to appoint some noble Lady to act as Madam Marshall’s Chaperone.” Said Dame Melusine with relish and Maudette smiled.

 “Surely Dame Aura Michelet will be chaperone enough for me?” protested the Marshal.

 “Dame Aura is a single lady like unto yourself Marshal Morgana. We need a Lady of respectability used to courtly affairs. One whom we hope will be able to return to us. No Lady Cherry!”

 Lady Cherry had raised her hand. “Lady Cherry with the loss of Dame Anise Galette we cannot dispense with your vital abilities.” (Dame Anise, the wife of Sir Richard Nogent, was killed in the fighting at Tikjolit.) Dame Melusine paused thinking and Morgana was very afraid that she would nominate herself!

 “I would suggest Lady Hildegard Glance. I knew her at the Court at Valles under King Reginald. Her husband Gilbert Trefleur died a few moons ago and his brother and sister-in-law now own her Manor at Feyzal on the Limuran border. That will not be pleasant for her. I was intending to suggest that she be appointed as a Lady of the Court when the next vacancy occurs, but here is a chance for her to earn the right. What say you Madame?”

 “It shall be as you wish.” responded the Grand Duchess, “Sir Richard shall send our order that the Lady Hildegard presents herself here forthwith! Marshal Morgana you will collect such forces as you will need for this adventure. Ah well if we receive not an  invitation all these deliberations will be for naught!”

    However when a rather footsore Dame Liksome arrived on the afternoon of the 1st of the Fifth Moon she was surprised to find that her news was no surprise and that the Baratreans were intent on having their delegation heading for Belmain very soon. Grand Duchess Maudette said “We are sure that we in Bara will have very friendly relations with Queen Gimawl and will be sending a strong delegation to attend her coronation. Marshal Morgana Lefey shall head it with our full confidence and authority. We await the return of our fleet to Firmaz and since your vessel the Lisa lies there, she shall escort you back there.” Dame Liksome was a little shaken at the Baratreans knowing so much but of course a messenger could have ridden from Firmaz to Charles a day quicker than she had walked. Marshal Morgana arranged for a horse drawn wagon to convey her and her party to Firmaz. They stopped for the night at the monastery of St. Polle. The Simonite monks were rather surly but knew better than to upset Madam Marshal. Morgana questioned Dame Liksome as to the attitude of the Dwarves of Varadh and discovered that she did not know how the dwarf Queen Draffa had responded to the news of Gimawl’s accession. Draffa had been in Willen the County with the highest proportion of dwarves in Belmain, when the Regal Orb had accepted Gimawl. Dame Liksome admitted that it was quite possible Draffa was in revolt as well and possibly with the backing of King Druffin. She also mentioned to Morgana that Queen Phaedra had encountered The Horrub on the morning of the accession. Without ever having met him, Morgana knew that The Horrub was an immensely powerful emissary of the Chaotic High Command and knew that this was a bad portent. They arrived at Firmaz at midday 3rd of the Fifth Moon and Dame Liksome and her menie sailed onwards.


The Grand Duke of Perigord received the coronation invitation forwarded from Ekthalon on the 22nd of the Fourth Moon. It seemed that there was not one for the Monseigneur head of the Church of Eru, so he consulted with him about the matter. The Monseigneur said he had no desire to send anyone to Chaotic Belmain for any reason whatsoever! He worried that entanglement with it could lessen the Lawic strength in his Crusade to free Hamora from the Chaotics. Grand Duke Bertrans agreed with him and said that he would send more forces to Hamora instead. When an invitation to send his delegation to Belmain on Baratrean ships arrived from Grand Duchess Maudette, he replied that there would not be one!


King Granbold also received the forwarded invitation on the 22nd of the Fourth Moon.  

He was still very angry and worried about the disappearance of his sister Princess Griselda. Bishop Bhorin said they should have no truck with distant and Chaotic Belmain and so the King decided to ignore the writ.


The Delvon Parlement had the invitation read out to them on Woeday the 24th of the Fourth Moon. It was thought to be an honour to receive it but King Eudes had hinted that Queen Gimawl would expect an appropriate present from them. Three days were then spent on deciding that a full set Delvon kitchenware would be appropriate. A further day was spent in deciding that the best way for the delegation to proceed to Belmain was via Thentis to Ekthalon and there to hire a vessel to take it. Next came the very knotty questions as to how large should the delegation be and who should be in it? After four days it seemed that there would be two rival delegations but the Parlement’s Treasurer Safe Hans, refused to advance any money to either of them. His suggestion that the Godwin Forthrite Legion who had represented them at Grand Duchess Maudette’s wedding should go, was rejected with contempt. Treasurer Safe Hans then took his built up holiday entitlement and left Delvonton. Meanwhile word of the Horrub redirecting Chaotic forces towards Belmain reached them. Worrying intelligence for the pacific Dimini, who relied on others to keep them safe. After half a moon the warring factions came together and decided that the large expenditure needed was not worth it. Like Neradh, they too did not send any reply to Queen Gimawl.

Fara and Azelad

Variable winds and the big S bend in the River Arwyn meant that the Lisa did not reach Faralon until the afternoon of 5th Fifth Moon. The Dockmaster arranged for them to meet the Grand Duke Cosmo Morosini on the morning of the 6th.

   Meanwhile Marshal Morgana had contacted the Contesa Pomodora the Querida of Azelad via her Argent Palantyte mirror. Pomadora’s family had long been experts on Palantyte alchemy. In times long past they had had contact with the Palandork College in Belmain. After the Battle of Elar, Pomadora had studied the Cobret, the orb brought by Willow Fitz-Wordley. She, the half-sister of Marshal Morgana had been captured wounded at the battle. With those studies Pomodora was able to activate one of her own large orbs used by her great grandfather. Morgana had sent:

To the Querida of Azelad                                                                                    26th 5.M Charles Bara

King Grocus of Belmain

Dead & Gimawl Queen


Peron Quixano & Sektarar

Going together to new Queen

Gimawl’s Coronation, Regalis

 14th Sixth Moon! MM

This excited Pomodora as she knew something about the Orbs that had been made at Palandork in Belmain. This was a chance to for her to go and actually see the Regal Orb at Regalis. She sent a messenger Eagle to King Anghered in Mirimaz plus a longer worded message by rider.

Request I represent Azelad at

Queen Gimawl of Belmain’s

Coronation 14th Sixth Moon

Querida Pomadora at Elar.

On the arrival of the longer letter King Anghered sent an affirmative reply:

Querida Pomadora given full

permission to represent Azelad at

the Regalis Coronation in

Belmain Anghered Rex

This gave Pomadora time to pack and head off on the 1st of the Fifth Moon. With her she took a palantyte orb for show as she had heard of the Queen’s orbs of authority. As Querida she was entitled to an escort of six Royal Guards with Don Esso Absente to lead them. He had spent the civil war on the border with Valhar. She had Dame Prominencia Bucolo, her own two debutante’s Wilma and Ivy plus her half elf wizard Halfz. Also with her were Sir Achard Hartsel and his wife Lady Rebecca Lefey (Morgana’s aunt) who had fought alongside her at the Battle of Elar and stayed with her ever since. They now thought that this would be chance for them to head back towards their home in Thentis.

 King Anghered sent of a messenger Eagle addressed to Grand Duke Cosimo Morosini of Fara asking him to arrange for a ship to take the Querida to Belmain. A second message the next day explained why the journey was necessary.

    When Dame Liksome and her two supporters were ushered into the presence of the Grand Duke, she found that the Querida of Azelad was already there and ready to accept the invitation, meant for King Anghered. Both the Grand Duke and Querida Pomodora were glad to see her, as the Baratrean squadron had docked in on the 3rd and been told to wait. Querida Pomodora’s luggage plus that of the Faraese delegation had already been loaded aboard. It would have been very embarrassing if the invitations had never arrived!

   When informed of the expected invitation, the Grand Duke had wondered who to send on such a dangerous embassy. Since it was the coronation of a Queen some female representation was desirable. Who could they best spare if the worst came to the worst? He consulted with his wife Gloriana. She suggested Donna Pomposita the wife of Comandare Eusebio Querci. He was Comandare dei Cantiere in charge of the ship building yards. An unimpressive knight he had made a fortune selling timber for ship building. There had been suspicions that some of his business dealings had been less than honest. Yes, he should head the delegation and the Tesoro Reale would investigate his dealings in his absence. He would need a small escort and Cosimo knew the very knights that would do. They were always looking for adventure regardless of Fara’s actual needs. Further one was married to a merchant’s daughter! Yes, she could go with Donna Pomposita. Yes knights Carlo Cornacchio, Dino Rinocero and Louis Cocodil would be the very men he could well do without!  In the event of the party actually making it back it might be useful to have some to record what they had done and more importantly what they had seen! He would send the librarian Enrico Nioso with them.     

   As with at Charles, Dame Liksome and the others were unnerved by the speed information seemed to get around these Lawic States! However with these two writs delivered her task was done and she determined to head back upriver before it got dark. .   

  The vagaries of sailing up against the current with variable winds. On the 10th and again on the 20th and 21st  they were becalmed but they reached Tegalon on the afternoon of the 22nd. With the same winds and their slower vessels the Baratrean squadron reached Firmaz at midday the 7th. Morgana’s delegation boarded there and they sailed onwards, on the 8th. On the 19th they sailed past Ekthalon without stopping. Morgana was afraid of the situation they might find in Belmain and was disappointed they had not moved faster. However the Captains said that sailing in the dark was too dangerous so they had to anchor each night. They reached Tegalon in the early afternoon of the 28th the last day of the Fifth Moon. The wind was then dropping to almost a complete calm. Count Morven met the leaders on the Quay.

 “Queen Indrana’s forces still block the way up the Rillo River so you will need to sail on past the Sigis Hold to the quay at Bilia. Queen Gimawl has had a road made linking in to the old Sigis Hold one. There will be ox carts available to take you to Regalis from there.

It will be best if your big ships anchor out in the lake. Queen Indrana has been receiving some reinforcements from Ogremaz in hanoes and it will be as well to block them from sending any more!”

 “How long will it take us to reach Regalis from Bilia?” asked Marshal Morgana.

 “Two days in easy stages but it could be done in one.”

 “The coronation will be on the 14th so there is no need for us to be in any hurry to get there. I propose that we stock up with victuals here as stocks are low. Then I think that we should stay blockading Sigis and Bilia in strength until the 11th. What say you?” and she turned to Querida Pomodora and Don Esso.

 “I suppose that makes sense.” replied Comandare Eusebio, “Staying on shipboard will be more comfortable than living in a tent!”

 “Marshal Morgana, you are most experienced in the ways of war so I will not object in this case. I suspect that with Indrana holding the Sigis marsh lands, travelling close to them might not be threat free! These are your ships anyway! Are we the first arrivals?”

 “Yes Madam Querida, you are. We are expecting ships from Stetia and from Thentis to arrive in due course. The Queen of Durgan has written to say that she will attend the coronation but she will arrive overland.”

 “That is good, since Queen Indrana came from her Queendom!” smiled the Querida.

 “Alas, not necessarily so Madam! Royal Constable Grazing of Regalien reported that a band of Durgid amazons was spotted crossing his land towards Sigis. The amazons of Durgan tend to be quarrelsome amongst themselves.”

 “What forces has Indrana in Sigis?” asked Marshal Morgana.

 “We know not for sure but probably not more than eight score.”

Morgana winced, that was rather a lot! “Then it behoves us to make sure no more can come over the lake. When those from Thentis and Stetia arrive prithee ask them to join our blockade. Has there been any fighting inland?”

 “Not as yet. On King Druffin of Varadh’s bequest Queen Draffa has married the Dwarf Count Rankyn of Willen. He now claims that Willen is now part of his Kingdom. Apparently, some of it was eight centuries ago! Count Gotmor has stopped all traffic on the roads into Millien on Queen Parsifa’s behalf. Agents are active vying for support from the Marks in all the counties. Except of course Sigis and Osiwile.”

 “The sooner we get this coronation over so we can return to our homes the better!” declared Comandare Eusebio. “I am glad my Urca’s are the largest ships in Morval Earth. Staying shipboard as long as possible sounds most pleasing to my ears!”

Count Morven laughed, “No so. The longships of Nor are near twice the size. It may well be that you will see one of them bringing Chaotics from the east whilst you are shipboard!”

 “Our vessels all carry dolphins so we should be able to deal with one at need. However it seems to me that if you could provide a few troops to hold our ships whilst our delegations are away at Regalis it would make victory more certain?”

 “Much of my forces are watching the borders with Varadh and Willen but I see what I can spare.”

Journal of Librarian Enrico Nioso of Faralon

On the 5th of the Fifth Moon his Royal Highness Grand Duke Cosimo Morosini of Fara gave me the honour to be part of his delegation that would represent him at the coronation of Queen Gimawl of Belmain. Our leader would be the Comandare dei Cantiere Eusebio Querci. Having inherited a woodland estate with timbers suitable for shipbuilding, he had amassed a fortune dealing in those commodities and been given the Order of the Helm. A rank rated as Knight Banneret in other lands. His Faralon shipyards had long made cogs and feluccas but in recent years produced the big Urca vessels, carrying double the cargo of a cog or six times that of a  felucca. The other members of the delegation are the Comandare’s wife Donna Pomposita, Sir Dino Rinocero, Sir Louis Cocodil, Sir Carlo Cornacchio, his wife Lady Renata {nee Saddlemaker!} plus a few servants.    

  His Royal Highness has requested that I write up our experiences. Since we are to travel on the Sir Richard, one of our great Urcas in the Baratrean service, he hopes the Comandare might persuade rulers to purchase more of these. The Querida of Azelad and her menie would travel in the Dame Morgana and a third ship the Azeladian Nef Oeririr would bring up the rear. It was thought that this would carry a delegation from Bara. The squadron was commanded by Admiral Albert of Bara who was on the Dame Morgana in the lead. On this vessel was a huge Palantyte ball, called the Nebuchair orb. This can reveal nearby objects floating on the water in the dark or dense fogs. Unfortunately it cannot detect underwater hazards and so to be on the safe side it was customary to anchor whenever it got dark. We would then all be served dinner with we gentry having it on the deck of the Nef, so that we could socialize. Querida Pomodora was most interested to see the Nebuchair orb as it was her grandfather who had created it. It was made for the Azeladian Navy but Admiral Valente Degollar turned pirate and the hero Don Incio Fulminar captured it on the Oeririr, which is how that vessel came to be in the Baratrean service. Querida Pomodora and her Wizard Halfz have much studied Palantyte lore having several orbs at her castle of Elar. She was hoping to study the magic orbs held in Belmain. She had an orb with her but said that it was mainly for show as the Belmainian Queens are known to carry some as symbols of their authority. It will play the Azeladian National Anthem if so ordered!

   I asked her about her title of Querida which appears to be unique in Morval Earth. She told me, in the times of yore good Queen Docilla was succeeded by her son King Stilinbed. He neglected his duties squandering tax money on his pleasures. Losing popularity made the countryside dangerous so that he and the Lords of Azelad began fortifying their abodes. He decide to build walls all around the capital of Mirimaz which an immensely expensive undertaking was. Many of the Lords decided to refuse to pay any tax at all, so desperately Stilinbed asked his sister Princess Querida to try to negotiate a settlement. The result was the setting up of the Cortes, the Azeladian version of a Parlement. In the future whenever the King felt it necessary to raise taxes for something new, or to make important decisions such as becoming involved in a war, Princess Querida would call all the Lords to assemble to vote on the matter. This worked so well that when Querida decided to retire and she nominated her niece to take over, the post was kept and named after her. Querida Pomodora told me that things had changed a little over the years, with Office bearers having additional votes in the Cortes. She herself held three, one as Querida, one for her stronghold at Elar and one for the Leon Borgo of Mirimaz the traditional property of the Querida. I told her things were much simpler in Fara. The Grand Duke, advised by such courtiers as were present  with him, made all the decisions. Should he be away hunting as was often the case, the decisions would just have to wait! Fara was lucky in having a succession of noble and virtuous Grand Dukes, who avoided becoming too much involved in foreign wars. Although of course they sent troops up to join the Lawic Army. Whilst ever ready to build large ships to sell to other states they had avoided having a navy of their own. They believed that this removed  one source of inter nation dispute for them. Their problem was keeping together the mixture of races in Fara. That is the original Farii, the Omgani who migrated from Omgano long ago and the Edini who migrated from across the Sundering Sea. The latter lived mostly north of the River Arwyn and were worshiper’s of Eru.              


Origins of the Civil War                          

1. River battle at Bilia

2. Regalis Coroation

3. Battle of Antilo

4. Assault on Sigis Hold

5. Assault on the Dwarven town of Shone

6. Assault on the rebel Counts at Shid

7. Battle of Onin Bridge

8. Battle of Folga


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