Creature States and Definitions

The Morval Earth Simple Abridged Fantasy Rules can be downloaded from this website click here.

Creature State Definitions

Agony -2 in Melee, missile firing & spell casting. (D10 8+ improves to Sharp pain)

Berserk +2 in melee and not subject to morale throws.

Blinded Cannot see or fire, -4 in melee.

Collapsed Creatures, having expended their fatigue points must lie down, can speak.

Coma Deeply unconscious more than Faint or stunned.

Crippled Basic badly wounded, must lie down, can speak. Adventurers option see P.4.

Damp  -1 from agility, -0.2 from Obstacle Value,

Dazed -4 to melee no firing or spell, moves halved for one move after which D6 is thrown

each move needing a 5+ to improve to Demoralised.

Dead Deceased, Adventurers subject to possible recovery P.5. May be rendered Risen dead by magical means in the Morval Earth setting.

Demoralised -2 to melee, -2 to missile hits & -2 to morale throws, D6 5+ to revert to normal.

Steeds half moves only.

Entangled -4 to melee, cannot move.

Faint Unconscious, each move D6 5+ improve to Dazed (or Pain dazed)

Floundering This is the state of non-swimmers with no wreckage to cling to. Floundering costs a fatigue point per move. Dice each move Floundering D10 -2 if tired = 1- lost drowned.

Helpless Incapable of saying or doing anything relevant. Attackers have free hacks (a D10 + melee + weapon values +2, no parry chance)

Nagging Pain -1 to melee & Generosity, (D6 5+ improves to minor irritation.)

Paralysed Stand helpless, Steeds refuse to move. After two rounds, improve to Terrified.

Pain Dazed -4 to melee, missile firing and spell casting, Moves halved. (D6 5+ improves to


Prostrate Fall to ground helpless, Steeds stampede. After two rounds will improve to Paralysed.

Risen Dead Need to replace fatigue points from fresh blood or using Ghouls grip, to drain from live creatures. Cannot be stunned, stung or poisoned. Have unlight sight.

Sharp Pain -1 in melee, missile firing and spell casting, (D6 5+ improves to Nagging Pain.)

Soaking -2 from agility, -0.4 from Obstacle, -1 from melee. D6 5+ Improves to Damp.

Stampede Steeds double move away from the source of their fear. Controlled Riders on stampeding steeds, dice each move D10 +F Demoralised -1, Terrified -2, Paralysed -4, (Steed alone needs 8+ to stop) 6+ regain control, 3+ stampede another move, 2- thrown, strike D10-4 against rider.

Stunned Unconscious. After one move begin dicing each move D6 needing 5+ to improve to

 Dazed etc. For each stun blow strength worse than Dead (within the stun value) D6 +4 moves before improvement dicing begins. (D6 5+ to improve.)

Submerged. Submerged creatures lose hand held items and additional gear, such as packs and shields. Submergers are divided into swimmers, non-swimmers and sinkers. Sinkers are Plate and heavy armoured creatures, liable to drown whether they can swim or not.

Terrified Can only dodge, with no bonus in melee, no firing, Steeds quarter moves only. After two rounds, improve to Demoralised.

Tired -2 from melee, -1 from missile hit chances, -1 from Morale throws and -1" from single move, 2" from double move, (0.5" from swimming, 2" from flying). Rest a move to regain 1 Fatigue point.

Undead Have infinite fatigue. Have unlight sight and adversely affected by strong light. Some Phantasmal undead, have to pass to the Planes in bright light. Cannot be stunned stung or poisoned.

Witless Means that the character stands around inert, unless led by someone.

Wounded -2 in melee -2 to firing hits. Improved to -1 by first aid.

Unready, -2 in melee for a round. (Caught half surprised)

Random Valuables in Gilden Pezzi (plus as seen on figure) D10 dice







Unclothed & skeletons



Peasants, Goblins



Freemen, Soldiers



Gentlewomen, Harlots



Knights, Traders



Merchants, Lords



Ladies, Courtesans



Housewives, Domestics



Army Standards (Only count when an army has been formally mustered)

If an Army Standard is lost, All Army units in sight must check for morale with a -2 deduction. Allied units in sight, check morale dice without deduction.

If an army Standard is seen to retreat, all Army units normal morale check dice.

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