Characters and Traps

 The Adventures of Morgana 'Exiled!' was published as a novel in June 2002.

The Morval Earth Simple Abridged Fantasy Rules can be downloaded from this website click here.

Adventurers injuries optional rules 

Whilst the standard -2 wound penalty, reduced to - 1 after first aid is provided by a healer is normal during the heat of the action for important characters it is desirable to be more specific. How long a wound may take to heal, step by step will be relevant in a saga. For important characters the failure to wound by one point should be noted, as in such a case scratches, bruises or at least damage to clothing will have been inflicted. Also at the GM's discretion there could be the chance of the victim screeching or cursing. GM's can suggest such scratches etc: could fester to -1 in melee if not treated with a proper bandage and healing balm (antiseptic). A dressing is these two combined. In a saga balms and salves may spoil if kept too long. Similarly important character crippling's and 'apparent deaths' may need specifying.

Adventurers Wounding (Usually thrown after an action for characters relevant to the saga.)

Throw percentage dice (two D10s red for tens, black for units) for the location and primary effects assuming the bleeding has been at least roughly bandaged. It is assumed that wounded characters will take a round, rough bandaging a wound themselves. If a character continues fighting bleeding he loses one fatigue point per move. GM to adjust %s if the wound could only apply to exposed parts of the body. The full healing time is diced for as indicated in the table. Treatment and hospitalisation can reduce this. The deductions can be improved in healing steps, at the GM's discretion. (If no healing balm is applied D10 each day for half the recovery time, 0 the wound festers.) Magic abilities are reduced for c = casting  & Lc = level regenerating power and casting.



Wound Location





Healing time

Permanent effect?


Firing eye blinded





D6 + 4 days

D10 3- = -1 Firing


Other eye blinded





D6 + 4 days

dead eye


Ear deafened obtuse





D6 + 7 days

ugly ear


Jaw, cannot speak





D6 + 11 days

Scar -1 to charm


Face disfigured





D6 + 4 days

Scar -1 to charm







D6 + 7 days



Fighting arm*





D6 + 16 days



Fighting arm*





D6 + 11 days



Fighting arm*





D6 + 7 days



Other arm*





D6 + 16 days



Other arm*





D6 + 11 days



Other arm*





D6 + 7days



Leg, moves -3"





D6 + 16 days

D10 3- limp


Leg, moves -





D6 + 11 days



Leg, moves -2"





D6 + 7 days



Leg, moves -2"





D6 + 4 days



Torso moves -2"





D6 + 16 days

D10 3- Fa -1/2


Torso moves -1"





D6 + 11 days



Torso moves -1





D6 + 7 days








D6 + 4 days


               *Must discard shield and cannot use a two handed weapon.

Application of a pain soothing salve reduces the Melee and firing deductions by one. Each two days full rest deducts one from the days healing required. Treatment by a 1st level healer, deducts D6 -2 days if constant. A phial of Holey water deducts D10 + 35% of healing time.

Adventurers Crippling As for Wounding Throw percentage dice (D%) for location. If the blow was struck with a blunt weapon such as a club, staff or ball mace -5 to D%.

Ucon = Unconscious D6 = 6 3x D10 moves, 5 7x D10 moves, 4 12x D10 moves, 3 D6 hours, 2 3xD6 hours, 1 7x D6 hours.

Me & Fi gives melee and firing hit chance deductions when conscious.  

% Dice

Wound Location

Me & Fi



Healing time?

Permanent effect?


Head, Ucon  




D10 + 28 days

-1 to firing


Head, Ucon




D10 + 21 days

Scar -1 to charm


Head, Ucon




D10 + 16 days



Head, Ucon




D10 + 11 days



Fighting arm Ucon




D10 + 28 days

-1 to melee


Fighting arm




D10 + 21 days



Fighting arm




D10 + 16 days



Other arm Ucon




D10 + 28 days

-1 shield parries


Other arm




D10 + 21 days



Other arm




D10 + 16 days



Leg, moves -5"




D10 + 28 days



Leg, moves -4"




D10 + 21 days



Leg, moves -3"




D10 + 16 days



Torso moves -2"




D10 + 28 days

-1/2 Fatigue


Torso moves -1"




D10 + 21 days







D10 + 16 days


Each two days full rest deducts one from the days healing required. Treatment by a 1st level healer, deducts D6 -2 days if constant for at least half the time. Treatment by a 2nd level healer deducts D6 days if constant for at least half the time. A phial of Holey water deducts D10 + 35% of healing time.

Adventurers Burn Wounding   %D for location. No bleeding involved.

% Dice

Wound Location

Me & Fi



Healing time?

Permanent effect?






D6 + 11 days

Burnt bald






D6 + 7 days



Fighting arm




D6 + 11 days

-1 to melee


Fighting arm




D6 + 7 days



Other arm




D6 + 11 days



Other arm




D6+ 7 days



Leg, moves -3"




D6 + 11 days



Leg, moves -2"




D6+ 7 days



Torso moves -1"




D6 + 11 days



Torso moves -1"




D6 + 7 days


Application of a burn salve will reduce the Me & Fi deduction by one. Each two days full rest deducts one from the days healing required. Treatment by a 1st level healer, deducts D6 -2 days if constant for at least half the time. Treatment by a 2nd level healer deducts D6 days if constant for at least half the time. A phial of Holey water deducts D10 + 35% of healing time.

Adventurer's Cripple burns %D for location. No bleeding involved. If no healing balm is applied, D10 each day for a third of the recovery time, 0 the wound festers.

% Dice

 Wound Location

Me & Fi



Healing time?

Permanent effect?






D10 + 21days

Burnt bald






D10 + 16 days



Fighting arm




D10 + 21 days

-2 to melee


Fighting arm




D10 + 16 days

-1 to melee


Other arm




D10 + 21 days

-1 to melee


Other arm




D10 + 16 days



Leg, moves -3"




D10 + 21 days



Leg, moves -2"




D10 + 16 days



Torso moves -1"




D10 + 21 days



Torso moves -1"




D10 + 16 days


Application of a burn salve will reduce the Me & Fi deduction by one. Each two days full rest deducts one from the days healing required. Treatment by a 1st level healer, deducts D6 -2 days if constant for at least half the time. Treatment by a 2nd level healer deducts D6 days if constant for at least half the time. A ph1al of Holey water deducts D10 + 35% of healing time.

Adventurers Apparent 'Death' dicing

For those characters left for dead but whose bodies can be recovered later (possibly by enemies?) If alive, they are unconscious for at least 20 plus D10 hours. 6xD10 +5 days to regain maximum fitness possible. Any burnt to death or drowned are definitely dead.

Recoverability Dice  (taken at the end of an action when able to check bodies) D10

= 9, almost fully recoverable. (AFR) 8, recoverable to minor disability (RMD)

7, recoverable to disability (RD) 6, recovered to badly disabled (RBD)

5 or less dead as first thought.

 Recovered D10 for result. 


8+ Face scarred -2 to Diplomacy & Charm ratings.

6+ Hearing reduced, (Normal to obtuse)

4+ Fatigue rating reduced by ½

2+ Obstacle classification reduced by 0.4

1-  -1 from melee power.


8+ Become dumb

6+ Fatigue rating reduced by 3/6

4+ shortened sight -1 to missile hit chances

2+ limp -1" to move

1-  -2 to melee power


8+ Fainting fits, D10 when action imminent 0 faint for D6 moves

6+ Become deaf

4+ Shield arm useless, -2 to melee power

2+ Fighting arm useless, -3 to melee power

1-  -3" to moves, -0.8 to obstacle classification.


8+ become blind (-4 in melee)

6+ legs useless, -3" in melee (-3" to move on crutches or crawl 2")

4+ arms useless (can only dodge in melee -2 +3))

2+ Completely bedridden

1-  Insane.

Infections If no healing balm (antiseptic) is applied, D10 each day for half the recovery time, 0 the wound festers. D6 = 6 adds D6 days to healing, 5 adds 2 x D6 days to healing, 4 adds 4 x D6 days to healing, 3 adds 7 x D6 days and permanent  -1" to moves,  -1 to melee and 1/2 fatigue, 2- dies in 2 x D6 days! (Holey water applications count as healing balm and heals festering, in D6 +1 days.)


Figures encountering traps and some natural dangers, will have varying instant reaction abilities which can be given as an agility factor. This can be marked on character cards as the 'A' value.

Default Agility values are: Plate armour -2, Heavy armour -1, Medium armour 0, Light +1, Unclothed +2, carrying shield -1, Female -1, Adventurer +1, carrying load -1.

Mystic or Chance Dice (MD)

Mystic Dice are a pair of six sided dice, with symbols instead of numbers on them. A player throws the dice and the GM reads the combinations of symbols off a table. The table could read 1 > 36 but 1 > 6 is sufficient in these rules. Instead of symbols, colours could be used. A variety of tables are possible. The point is that the players do not know whether they have thrown high or low but can check after the game. (My symbols are: Elemental Essence dice, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Male and Female. Ethereal Phase dice Omph, Skull, Eye, Lamph, Sun and Scarab.) The players should be given no reason as to why they are throwing the mystic dice. It could be to spot a trap, (Apply Factors to the result.) to find something lying on the ground, to encounter one of a selection of people or creatures, or to be spotted by a concealed guard etc.    

Traps General Comments 

Traps are set for hunting or for defensive reasons. For GM's it is only too easy to make traps so lethal, that a quest party could be destroyed at one fell swoop! This is not the idea of the game! If trying to keep the spirit of realism (suspended disbelief), traps should not be set in places or situations, where they are more likely to catch the local denizens than strangers! If the local denizens live in an area festooned with traps, for months on end, it is obvious some of the more stupid ones will forget the safety procedures. Traps can be of the type to set of an alarm or to emplace an obstacle, rather than injure or kill the one springing them. Some traps such as loop traps, shallow pit traps, or the caltrops covered elsewhere, should be designed to slow down rather than kill the victims.

Triggering Traps

The main means of triggering traps are treadle, trip cord and trespass. Trespass being when the victim goes somewhere or touches something he or she should not. Treadle traps operate when the victim steps onto them. They have the advantage that they can be locked into a safe mode, for when friends need to pass. They take a considerable time to construct and then only by trap experts. Trip cord triggered traps can be set up far quicker but can never be better than Loosely concealed. Traps for commonly used routes would be Normally Concealed at best. Adventurers, seeking to ambush forces pursuing them could well use trip cord operated traps. Only traps set in little used areas, such as tombs could merit Well Concealed status. Most traps can only operate once but if not, thought must be given to the mechanics of re-setting them.

Spotting Traps,  (or other hidden mechanisms or treasures)

Diced for when within 2", MD or D6 + F (F = Factors)

F are Personal Bonuses and handicaps, Trackers in the wild, Engineers & thieves in buildings.

Plate or heavies -2, Medium or encumbered light -1, second in area -1, third in area -2, fourth in area -3. Walking cautiously at -1" to move +1, searching moving only 2" per move +2, mounted -1, moving 7" + -1, moving 10" + -2. Penalties are also applied for gloom or darkness.

= Loosely concealed (LC) 4+ to spot, Normally concealed (NC) 5+, Well concealed (WC) 6+ to spot.      

Trip cords LC (Loosely Concealed for spotting) Can only operate for one round.

These are quickly made, up to 3" per move. When triggered GMs D10 - Victims Agility +F, 7"+ move +1, 11"+ move +2, 15"+ move +3, 20"+ +4, 2nd victim -1, 3rd victim -2, 4th victim -3.

= 2- break cord lose 1", 3+ break cord lose 3" & curse loudly, 5+ fall Demoralised  & strained ankle

-2" to moves D6 x20 moves, 7+ fall Dazed & sprained ankle -3" to moves heals in D6 days, 9+ Fainted broken ankle -4" to moves heals in D6 +4 days, 11+ Fainted Broken leg -5" to moves heals in D6 + 11 days.   

Bandage + pain easing smear improves sprain 1" etc. Riders whose Steeds fall, fall off strike -3.

Treadle Traps

The treadle is the triggering mechanism which operates when a creature (above a certain weight?) steps on a board, bridge, slab etc. Far slower to set up than the trip cord it may have an immobilising safety device which will be normally operated with a concealed lever.  As a Silent alarm system D6 +F

F= Personal bonuses Plate/Hvy -2, Medium/encumbered -1, walking cautiously at -1" to move +1, search moving only 2" per move +2, mounted -1, moving 7" + -1, moving 10" + -2. 

= 6+ victim realises something has been triggered.

Otherwise a gong/bell/trumpet sounds or a hail of stones, arrows and javelins rains down, or a giant boulder or cloud of gas or bucket of acid or gout of flame etc. threatens the victim(s).

Lifter Traps

These whilst definitely more of the temporary booby trap type, can trigger mainly the same sort of things as the treadle traps. They are triggered when a weight (gold idol, casket, book etc) is lifted upwards. Similar is the type triggered when a door or trapdoor is opened. 

Falling Traps

In these the ground/floor/bridge etc gives way, allowing those of unquick reflexes to fall into whatever awaits below. Obviously variable as to levels of concealment and lethality.

Specimen Pit Trap.  16 cubits (1" deep) dug in open space recently taking one man 8 hours.

 Concealment class Normal (NC) If not spotted, GM's D10 - victims agility + F

Factors:   7"+ move +1, 11"+ move +2, 15"+ move +3, 20"+ move +4.

9+ jump over unscathed, 7+ jump back unscathed, 6 hanging on far edge, 5 hanging on near edge, 4 retarded fall -2 to strike, 3 retarded fall -1 to strike, 2- fall unimpeded.

  GM dices for falls D10 + pit strike factor.

 Pit strikes for 1", earth bottom -4, rocky bottom -3, spiked bottom -2, +1 per extra inch depth

  One variant is when a bridge or floor gives way when a certain cubits weight of creatures is on it! This is ideal for trapping larger numbers than other traps.

Loop Traps 

Usually the loop of rope covers an area of one square inch and is quickly laid, 3 men 4 moves.

They are concealed nooses of rope connected to a bent down young tree. If successfully triggered, the victim is left swinging by one foot in the air. Useful for capturing victims alive or for trapping areas where friends may well also be caught.

 Concealment class no better than Normal (NC) GMs D10 - victims agility + F  

Factors:   7"+ move +1, 11"+ move +2, 15"+ move +3, 20"+ move +4.

= 8+ spring but not caught, 6+ missed trap not sprung this time, 4+ caught but keep hand held items, 2+ caught dropping hand held items & cursing heard to 8", foot will be strained -1" to moves for D6 x 5 moves, 1- caught dropping hand held items and screaming heard to 18", foot will be sprained on release  -2" to moves for D6 x20 moves.

Leydonic (Electric) Traps  (From Leyden Jars)

The magic in Morval Earth includes electric bolts and lightening strikes and there are electric eels in some waters. In a few areas the science of Leydonics has produced small dynamos, capable of running feeble lighting with vegetable filaments. Also simple capacitors capable of storing up a sizeable charge. Traps involve the victim making a connection that releases such a charge. Long recharging times. Electric charges are more effective against those wearing metal armour.

Natural Traps

These include arranging encounters with monsters, wild animals, swarms of insects, pirahna fish, electric eels, giant clams, etc. Also dangerous plants, soporific poppy fields, lethal stinging nettles, dropping ripe fruit that emit unpleasant gases, toadstools that send up clouds of unpleasant seed spores etc.  

Character Qualities for decision-making (EIMGILD ratings)

One way for players to know the characteristics of their figures, is to have their qualities given in numerical form. These should be allocated by the Games Master in a standard format, at the outset of the adventure. Also sometimes a decision is needed from a non-player character, for which his or her qualities may give a guide, or be used in a dicing exercise. For this it is wise to dice for the characteristics only when needed. The seven qualities used are:

ENERGY (Ey) Bone idle to hyperactivity, heroes need high energy ratings.

INTELLIGENCE (Ie) Idiot to genius, Interpreters and magicians need high intelligence.

MORALS (Ms) Debauched philanderer to prudish paragon. Relates to medieval marriage theory.

GENEROSITY (Gy) Mean miser to benevolent profligate, assassins have low generosity.

INTEGRITY (Iy) Cowardly ditherer to determined hero, Leaders need high integrity.

LOYALTY (Ly) Incurably treacherous to fanatical adherence it includes willingness to obey apparently even silly orders.

DIPLOMACY (Dy) Tactlessly antagonistic to silver tongued statesmanship.

Though the full range is from 1 to 7 the vast majority of human characters have qualities in the bands 2 to 6 with 4 being the average norm. To dice for these randomly use D6, reading the 1 as a second 4. The Integrity value can be used to influence the Terror Resistance factor and the Intelligence value the Spell Resistance factor. The EIMGILD qualities can also give a lead to GM's who give characters weaknesses.

To arrive at a decision using card characters

1) Sort out whom will make the decision, allowing for possible disagreements splitting a party.

2) Pick the possible options and weight them with causation factors according to likely-hood, 0 > 5. (A Charmer influencing a decision adds her rating to the causation factor.)

3) Pick which characteristic is most relevant to making the decision and double the character's qualities score. Use the other characteristic qualities as they are, or halved according to relevance.

4) Add the values and causation factors for each possibility.

5) Reduce the totals in proportion to the number 0 > 9 and use a D10 to achieve the result.

Temptations and Weaknesses

For the Games master the object of these is to obstruct, delay, cause dissension and place in danger the player's characters. GM's will vary the details and effects to suit but here is a list used of temptations. Characters with set weaknesses are more likely to succumb. For some, dice each move to leave, applying only weakness factors. Money expenditure will often need to be catered for.

A character who succumbs can be outvoted by two others of equal or higher rank.

Low Drinking Tavern, D10 + Iy + Females +2 + thirst? = need 7+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Bakery/Pie shop, D10 + Iy + hunger? = need 7+ to ignore. 6+ to leave.

Musician playing D10 + Iy + quality of music + Females -1 = need 8+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Storyteller D10 + Ly = need 7+ to ignore. 9+ to leave.

Puppet show D10 + Ie = need 6+ to ignore. 8+ to leave. 

Archery butts D10 + Iy + Females +1 = need 6+ not to watch. 8+ to leave.

Wrestling competition D10 - Ey + Females -2, = -2+ not to watch. 8+ to leave.

Fencing school challenge D10 - Ey + non-fighter +3 + female +1 = -1- fight, -3- watch, 8+ to leave.

Public baths D10 - Dy + females -1 + dirtiness? = -2+ not to have a bath taking D6 + 2 moves.

Ancient Monument D10 - Ie = need -2+ not to spend D6 moves examining.

Enthralling Book Readers only D10 - Ie = need -1+ not to browse, need 8+ to stop.

Red Light Premises Males only D10 + Ms + LR (0-1) = need 5+ not to enter taking D6 + 3 moves.

Street harlot Males only D10 + Ms + LR (1-3) = need 3+ not to employ taking D6 + 2 moves.

Gambling Casino D10 - Gy = need -1+ not to enter, needing 9+ to leave.

Dicing Game D10 - Gy = need -2+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Smoking Den D10 - Ly + non-smokers +2 = need -2 + not to enter, 7+ to leave. 

Tumbling display D10 + Ie Females -1 = 7+ to ignore, 7+ to leave.

Conjurers performance D10 + Ly = need 6+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Clothing shop D10 - Dy + Females -2 = need -2+ to ignore. 9+ to leave.

Jewellery shop D10 - Dy + Females -2 = need -2+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Beggars Tale D10 - Gy + Females -1 = need -2+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Striptease show Males only D10 + Ms = need 6+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Skittle game D10 - Ey = need -2+ to ignore. 8+ to leave.

Mirror D10 + Dy +Females -2 = need 8+ to ignore. D6 -2 moves admiring self.


GM's to suit their own setup can apply these to characters. Care must be taken for these not to unbalance the game. Because a character hates another race or sex, does not mean that they have to automatically attack them on sight. A character obsessed with studying shrubs, will make very slow progress through a wood! However they add colour to both the characters and the game. Most give a deduction to a specific form of temptation, which can be varied to suit.

Alcohol -2 to temptation. Once started need 8+ to stop (to merry, tiddly, drunk, incapable?)

Tobacco Smoking or snuff-taking -2 to temptation (smell, smoke & smokers cough complications)

Gambling -2 to temptation 8+ to stop or when money has run out.

Dalliance Chatting up the opposite sex, 8+ to stop.

Lechery -2 to harlots and striptease lures.

Vanity in appearance -2 to temptations. (Mirror, clothes etc:)

Idleness If left to self will neglect duties.

Bullying Will torment prisoners or any persons or creatures under their control. 

Kleptomania Dice not to steal unguarded objects or pick pockets 3+ not to.

Pyromania Will set fire to any enemy property.

Clumsy D10 3+ not to fell likely objects. In melee any friend within 1" D10 2- hit!

Over-talkative Needs 7+ to stop talking once started to a new acquaintance.

Collectors Needs 7+ not to be distracted into searching for a desired object.

Hates opposite Sex Reluctant to speak to or perform any service for them.

Hates a particular Race or alignment Will attack them at least verbally when encountered.

Awaking groups asleep

Diced for within 6" in the open, 4" in tent, 2" within building or next room. D6 or MD + F,

Furtive Movement -1, Movement or whispers 0, speech or heavy or plate movement +1, Screeches or clash of weapons +2, Shouts or Screams +4, Acute hearer +1, Obtuse hearer -1, Noisy area -1, One in group -1, Inner wall between -1, outer wall between -2, Known threat +1.                      

= 5 1 wakes, 6 2 wakes, 7 3 wakes, 8 all wake.

Woken sleepers response Diced when a person is woken by suspicious noise.

MD or D6 +F Noise ceased -1, Movement or whispers 0, speech or heavy movement +1, Screams +3, Clash of weapons +2, Alarm called +3, Officer +1, Independent 0, Follower -1, Nidderling -2, Expecting trouble +1.

= 5+ raise the Alarm, 4+ investigate, 3+ listen awake D6 moves, 2- go back to sleep.  

Dressing & Undressing For hasty dressing or undressing unclothed take 1 round, clothed 2 rounds, medium 3 rounds, heavy 5 rounds, plate 7 rounds. Fighting half dressed -1 in melee. Incomplete Armour as for rounds actually taken dressing. For full dressing add the following rounds, All +1, women +2, Ladies +4, children +3, Merchants +1, Courtiers +2. 

Riders & Animal Trainers (Non riders deduct 1" from moves and 1 from stampeding & falling dice)

Riding is a skill and riders are rated as 1st level animal trainers. 2nd level animal trainers can break in wild horses and control dogs and other animals.

Neuserks, Okserks & Chuserks  (Words from Dorithian Washa)

Neuserks are creatures who will always attack strangers, approaching within a specified zone in inches. Move distance -1" is a suggested neuserk radius zone. 

Okserks are creatures of uncertain temper, which may attack strangers (D10) within their zone. Bulls suggested Okserk distance 3", D10 +2 per additional stranger, = 3- attack.

Chuserks are creatures who will attack strangers, within their zone, if the specified odds are favourable. Pack of 5 wolves Chuserk 5", will attack two or less strangers (2- St) 

Untethered Steeds and ruminants & herding                               

Herds & flocks will wander together but spread out to 1" between each beast. They will wander off at D10 -3" per move.  If result a minus, has not moved. The direction from where started D6 4+ right, 3- left, D10 x 20 degrees. Catching wandered steeds depends on rider's skill and relationship with mount.

Within 6", D6 +F 6+ = caught. Faithful Mount 4+, Usual Mount 2+, Trained mount +1, Raw mount 0.

Herding  Cows 5" 4 per herder, Sheep & goats 4" 6 per herder (dog 8), Pigs 3" 5 per herder.

Animal trainers, shepherds etc add 3 animals to number herded.

Sharpened Stakes  (Take 2 moves to fell & 3 moves to position & sharpen)

Riders attacking sharpened stakes, D10 +F, speed 15"+ strike -4, 10"+ strike -5,

6"+ strike -6, on steeds. Lose charge bonus &  -1 in melee from sharp side.

Foot attacking sharpened stakes, lose charge bonus & deduct 1" from normal

move & 3" from charge move.

Advancing from behind sharpened stakes Riders -3" Foot -1".

Grapnels, Ropes, and cords

Ropes are normally in six het lengths (6 table inches), the light type carried by adventurers capable of carrying 5 quabits (A quabit = 16 kilos.), that is the weight of one and a quarter average persons. Carrying heavier length ropes would deduct 1/2 fatigue endurance from the figure. Permanently placed ropes and ships grapnel ropes can usually carry 10 quabits and vessels mooring ropes are 20 quabits. If a rope is overloaded D6 - 1each excess quabit, = 2- breaks.

Cords come in six het balls, 1 quabit strength and suitable for bowstrings, trip cords and binding prisoners. A quarter of a het is enough to bind a prisoner hands and feet.

Grapnels are metal triple pronged devices for hooking onto purchase points for climbing or for tying vessels alongside one another. A character carrying one with a length of rope will deduct 1/2 fatigue endurance. Normal throwing ranges for grapnels are men 5", and women 4". To gain a lodgement successfully D10 6+ required. If an opponent is within 1" of the lodgement D10 7+ they throw it down.

Cutting ropes & cords with sharp edged weapons. Try each round, D10 + Weapon strike - half ropes quabit strength. = -2- fail, -1+ weaken -2 quabits, +1 + rope cut.  


A warrior trained to go berserk spend one move building himself up into a rage costing one fatigue point in the process.. He then adds +2 to his melee and are not subject to orders or morale throws. They will continue to attack any enemy standing within 12" until they collapse exhausted.

Guarding prisoners

Moving prisoners with bound hands requires one guard per 3 men or 5 women for complete security. Expert guards or turnkeys + 2 to these totals. For each prisoner in excess, D10 +F per move. One side blocked by physical feature +1, Independent prisoner present -1, Officer present -2, Leader present -3, prisoner just run -1 = 0- a prisoner runs off and dice again, 1+ no escape attempt.

Running with bound hands = double move -3".

Bound Leader, Officer and Independent prisoners can try to work their bonds free if left unsupervised.

D10 + F each move. Each loosening +1, = 11+ Free, 8+ Loosened, 0 give up too secure.

Once hands free can undo one binding per round including feet and gags.

Catching, runaways, and overpowering. Catching runaways is worked out in rounds assuming that both guard and fugitive are running at double move rate. When within 1" of Fugitive, D10 + F each in competition, adding basic Me factors.  F hands bound -2, Guard using whip + 2, down -2

 = Guard +5 F caught & knocked down, +3 F caught, 0+ F still involved, minuses give inches F clear.

Once caught, continue struggle with Fugitive -1for being caught. = Guard +3 to tie hands and gain control. If a second person aids the guard, mean and add +3 as with melees.      

Tracking  (This involves spotting the tracks left by the prey.(known to GM)

Trails are traceable for up to three days. Fresh within 60 moves, (=3 hours) set rest of 1st days, stale on 2nd day, old 3rd day. Dice each move following the trail D6 + trackers level +F

fresh 0, set -1, stale -2, old -3, moderate rain -1, heavy rain -2, light snow -1, moderate snow -2, heavy snow -3, snow on ground +2. Gloomy D/L -1, Dark DDL -3

Result 7+ follow at normal move rate, 6 follow at move -1", 5 follow at move -3", 4 prey was here but direction uncertain, tracker moves 3" next move in guessed direction & can only follow the track if within 1" and the dice score is high enough. 3- lost track, must backtrack 3" and dice again next move.

Scent Tracking For scent tracking animals, levels 1 > 3. (GM will know scent path)

Scents are traceable for up to 6 hours (120 moves) fresh = less than 40 moves, stale = less than 80 moves, old = less than 120 moves. Scents are lost within 1" of water obstacles.

Dice each move following trail D6 +tracker level +F

fresh 0, stale -1, old -2, ground wet -1, light rain -1, moderate rain -2, heavy rain -3, moderate snow -1, heavy snow -2, strong wind -1, gale -2. Counter scents -1 > -3.

Result 7+ follow normal move rate, 6 follow move -1", 5 follow move -3", 4 halted a move,

3- trail lost, must search again at least 3" away from loss point.

Pepper trap  tracking animals moving into one draught of pepper laid on the trail dice, sneeze violently (heard to 9") D6 each move needing 6 to restart tracking.

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