The BlueKilns Wharf incident

Umpires Key

Chance Cards * = knows about the warehouse music sessions

Use playing cards with C = Clubs, D = Diamonds,  S = Spades & H = Hearts.

Two cards are drawn each move with the Umpire deciding where it should be applied if not specified.

If not obvious placement, dice for options or discard. When parties all in wharf area only one card to be drawn.


Map Key

1.  Top of Mary Road & entry point for Player A’s party

2.  Newspaper seller Stanley who is a Lurker for Player C. D10 8+ recognises Sandy harbour (Holmes), 6+

recognises John Wilkes Watson.

3. Queens Head In the control of  Player D Boughman Bart Culip, Thug Hobart, Thug Benjamin, Bartender

 & if they are not out with a drawn card harlots Jill & Joan from Sally’s Soup Kitchen/brothel.

4. Police Station. In the control of Player D. Sergeant Tuckerton, PC Wilson, PC Chalk & PC O’Malley.

                The Sergeant is outside smoking. . D10 7+ recognises Sandy harbour (Holmes), 4+

recognises John Wilkes (Watson). Second go if successful.

Out on patrol is PC Leatherhead . D10 8+ recognises Sandy harbour (Holmes), 6+

recognises John Wilkes Watson. second go if successful.

5. Seaman’s Hostel Mrs Hodge. Refuese to let any in or out till tommorrow

Mrs Hodge By, Mo 5”, Fa 2/3/3, Ag 0, Th 0, Me –1, Bare hands Bst –3

Class III (II) PI Respectable, Charm M +1, F 0. Coercion +1  

6. Silchester Line HQ. empty & locked BS 7

7. Pots Lane Roadway

8. Mary Road Roadway

9. Chandlers shut BS 7

10. Doctor Llewellen’s Mallard By, Mo 5.5”, Fa 2/3/5, Ag 0, Th 0, Me 0, B. Hnads –3

        Class VI, PI Respectable, Charm M+1 F+1, Coercion 0.

11. Narrow Street Roadway

12. Sally’s Soup Kitchen & Brothel, Sally, Mattie (Joan & Jill out) Farthing for a bowl of soup or roll.

Sally Bystander -1 Mo 4” Fa2/2/2, Ag 0, Th –1, Me –1 knife Pst –2 Class IV(III)

Unsavoury  Charm M +1 F –2 Inactives –1 MC £13- 18 –4d

Mattie Inactive -1 Mo 4” Fa1/2/2, Ag 0, Th –1, Me –2 bare hands Bst –3 Class II(I)

Unsavoury  Charm M +2 F –2 Inactives –1 MC £0-0-0d 

13. Narrow Street Roadway

14. Narrow Street Roadway

15. Beggar Ashanti Abe & boy under Player C’s control. D10 8+ recognises Sandy harbour (Holmes), 6+

recognises John Wilkes Watson.

16. Beginning of Chinatown entry point for Player B’s party

17. Bluekiln Lane Roadway

18. Bluekiln Lane Roadway

19. Bluekiln Lane Roadway

20. Potts Alley

21. Potts Lane Roadway

22. Potts Lane Roadway (entry points?)

23. Main Gatehouse Gate BS 8 under control of Player D Derby & Harker.

                All the dock high wall is topped with broken glass Pst  AvD –2 (+1 if cloth or newspaperused)

24. Silchester Line shed 3  £17,000 worth of stolen works of art

25. Silchester Line shed 2 legitimate Goods store

26. Silchester Line shed 1 Captain’s legitimate Goods store

27. Ramp up to wharf

28. Crane

29.  SS. Iron Duke in Control of Player C. 2nd Mate Pandit, Curry Joe Cook, 4 lascars.

30.  SS Maid of Orleans in Control of Player C Chef Gaston, Ski-Vi cookmaid, 2 enforcer thugs.

                In aft hold three Tong leaders bound.

31.  Sailing Barge Incognita belongs to Bluekiln Claywares Empty.

32. Wharf

33. Wharf

34. Wharf two punts moored. One used by Lee Chow has blood stains in it.

35. Ramp up to wharf

36. Warehouse 1 Silchester Line empty

37.Warehouse 2 Silchester Line empty door to Pots lane BS7.

38. Warehouse 3 Moriarty’s Luxurious Lair escape way out of Oriel window down rope ladder into Pots Lane. Professor Moriarty, Mr Archon, Albert Spear, Will Jacobs, Madame Zitzl.

39. Warehouse 4 Claywares.

40. Steam Lorry needs driver and man with red flag to walk in front 4mph Half an hour to steam up.

41. Kiln some items ready for firing but empty.

42. Stable empty.

43. Boiler house burning at low but empty

44. Kiln Gatehouse Under control of Player D. Adams & 3 watch dogs.

45. Clay puddling house empty

46. Moulding house empty

47. Chinese Chop Fang Seaman’s lodging

48. Chinese Ee Ho Seaman’s Lodging








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