Retribution at Ekthalon


Umpires Secret Information.


Games Masters Secret Information.

Card Abbreviations

Off = Officer, Ind = Independent, Fol = Follower, Mo = Move rate,

Fa = Fatigue Tired/Exhausted, TR = Terror Resistance, SR = Spell Resistance,

D-n = Death margin, C-n = Crippled margin, W-n = Wound margin,

Ob n = Easy Jump dist, Me = Melee combined basic & weapon. St = Weapon Strike.

TC n = Terror Coercion value, CI n = Charm Influencing value.

S = speaks Simnith. D10 = ten sided dice. MD mystic dice or secret D6

TD Temptation Dice D10 for each player applying any bonusses.


To Start off Dice for the position of Hedban/ Master Henri. We used Mystic dice (MD) in which are two six sided dice with mystic symbols on them. The symbol combinations give number 1 to 6 but keep the players guessing as to whether they have thrown high or low. A secret D6 will do instead. We only varied the position of Hedban but it would be possible to give bigger variety by dicing for the locations of Formio/ Beadle Florien and Cordelia/ Madam Charlotte as well.

MD  Number gives the location of Master Henri & his two bodyguards.

6 His house 9, 5 South Entrance 5, 4 Scribery 46, 3 Red Light 40, 2 Friars Hall 45, 1Bush Tavern 34.

Henri Mo 6", TR3, SR0, D-5, C-4, W-3 Ob 1.4, Me +2 sword St 0 TC4

Louis Mo6", TR1, SR2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2 , Me 0 sword St 0 TC2 1st level magician

1MPU per move max 4,     Spells Magic bolt, Smoke screen, Stranger sensing, Cling.

Ragin Mo6", TR2, SR0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.4, Me +1 club St -1 stun 4 TC2


The party is stopped at the dock gates and the Captain reads them the following proclamation.



Inasmuch as we have evidence that the late Basylt Devisage, Grand Duke of Bara, did gravely abase the coinage minted in Charles, we hereby decree that all such Baratrean coinage not be used in this city of Ekthalon. Such Baratrean coins, namely the Gilden Pezzo, Silver Florin and copper Pfenni of Charles should be handed in for changing at authorised moneychangers. These are the City Hall, the Preceptory of St.Judas, The Cathedral Almoner, or any Ombardi bank.

            By order of the Mayor

                  & Ekthalon City Council 

Quay gates Proclamation & Money for bribes and expenses.

The Captain at the Quay gates stops them and says "You are from Bara, you had better hears this." Reads the proclamation. (Prices are listed in florins of which there are 10 in the Gilden Pezzo.)

Each character dices, D6 x 10% of their money is usable. Of course they can change the Baratrean money to get 60% change at the Ombardi Bank or Preceptory.

Languages: The normal language in the Sanctuary Stews is Edin (Westron) which Don Incio does not speak. However many also speak Simnith (Sindarin) marked S Other languages written in full.

Assassins Present Names

Formio Futrotte = Florien de Perigord, Beadle of St Frederick's. He is in overall charge of registering all residents, collecting rents and keeping order in the Sanctuary on behalf of the Friars. He lives in the Church Tower with his four mistresses and bodyguard of bailiffs. He is on the 4th floor with one of his mistresses. On the floor above is an alarm gong and one of his mistresses on lookout duty.

Hedban = Master Henri, Head Bailiff of St Frederick's. He is in charge of the bailiffs who are the very corrupt police of the Sanctuary. He lives in 9, the blue house with his mistress. Position diced for

Cordelia = Madam Charlotte, Master of St. Frederick's Stews. She is in charge of the public bathhouse which has a very unsavoury reputation for holding orgies upstairs. She lives in 42 the pink house with her friend Jocette and her maid Dulcie. She is in her Office at the Stews outside which is an alarm gong.

Alarm Gongs: These are situated around the city of Ekthalon to sound in cases of emergency, such as riots and fires. When sounded the City watch, the Kings guards, and all able-bodied citizens are supposed to come and solve the problem. In the Sanctuary Stews the bailiffs substitute for the watch, able bodied citizens willing to do anything are few D6+2 men & D6+2 women. If the gongs beat longer than four moves, the Kings guard of two knights and twelve spearmen will come from the barracks to investigate.

Bailiffs: These are thugs employed as the police of the Sanctuary, armed with clubs or falchions.

# Encounter/Action Cards: Use a pack of playing cards for these. They are drawn whenever a squad reaches the # symbol on the map. They are all at corners, so those they encounter are assumed to be coming in the opposite direction.


Questioning: People in the Sanctuary, are marked D for denizen or O for outsider. Outsiders naturally know nothing of the assassins and little about the area. For Denizens the players throw a Mystic Dice to give the amount of information they know. Primary Question is what wealthy persons arrived here four years ago?  6 gives either Master Henri or Madam Charlotte, 5 gives either one of the bailiffs or woman who rents the pink house 42. 4,3,2 No idea, 1 Edifico of the Ombardi bank 35, or Madame Calleux of the Red Light 40. Secondary Question is where are Beadle Florien, Master Henri, or Madam Charlotte?

7+ Has just seen one, 6 Florien Church Tower or Henri correct place, or Charlotte Bathhouse. 5 Florien Church or Henri house 9, or Charlotte house 42. 4 Florien Church or Henri house 9 or Charlotte house 42 and tries to warn assassin. 3, 2 No idea! 1 Florien in Preceptory of St.Judas or Master Henri imprisoned in Barracks or Charlotte now a Chiaran Sister in the Preceptory of St.Judas. 


Feel Free to embellish or simplify to keep the game going.

Morval Earth Coins & measures (1 man = 4 cubit size)

10 copper pfenni = 1 silver florin, 10 florins = 1 Gilden Pezzo (Gold Piece, plural Pezzi)

50 drops = 1 phial, 2 phials = 1 draught, 4 draughts = 1 bottle, 20 bottles = 1keg, 2 kegs = 1 barrel

10 pinches = 1 spoon, 10 spoons = 1 bag, 10 bags = 1 sack. 4 kets = 1 het (1 table inch)

Merchants Price Lists for basic items (Selling price/buying price in Florins) One move each deal.

Random Valuables in Gilden Pezzi (plus as seen on figure) D10 dice

Figure      Money     Jewels      Figure      Money      Jewels
Unclothed & skeletons    0 0  Peasants, Goblins  D-4 0
   Freemen, Soldiers,     D 0 Housewives, Domestics   D+3 D-2
Knights, Traders  3xD+10 D-1   Gentlewomen, Harlots    2xD 2xD
Ladies, Courtesans   3xD+5 4xD Merchants, Lords  6xD +40   2xD


Umpires Map Key  MD = Mystic Dice D = Denizen O = Outsider

People assumed to be armed with knives, strike -1 unless stated otherwise.

1) Wall tower 2 watch with Springald, shoot any in alley  8" 4+, 16" 5+, 24" 6+, 32" 7+, Strike -1

2)       Open Place. MD 5+ OK 4- watch fires at anyone as suspected criminals as above.

3)       Normal entry point for Parties, decide whether to stagger entry into two entrances.

4)      City watchtower with crossbowman and Alarm Gong. On lookout for lawbreakers.

Crossbowman Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1 Me 0 sword St 0

Crossbow & 8 quarrels 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ St -4

5)       South Entrance to Sanctuary  2 Beggars "Alms for the disabled!", Wendy guide, Marmaduke guide

Beggars D, Mo 3", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.4, Me -2 St -1. Will report to Bailiffs

Wendy Guide "I can show you all the sights of the Stews and more? For 25 Florins." CI3

D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -2 St -2. CI2

Marmaduke Guide "I can show you parts Wendy is not allowed near? For 30 Florins."

D, S Mo 6", TR 0, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me 0 St -1. Suggest go to Friars Hall.

6)    Pot Inn. Potte  D the Innkeeper speaks  Simnith, Kazid, Kharsh, & Norse. Area Maps 50 Florins.

Potte Mo 6", TR 2, SR 2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me 0 St 0.                  

Bigg the Nwana bouncer O, Mo 7", TR 4, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 150, Me +3 St +1

2 ugly barmaids. D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -2 St -1.

Sir Carlo's Uncle Seccatore Annoiare & his squire Orville Asino. These will tell Carlo of their

Travels in boring detail. The Grand Duke of Fara no less has sent him on a fact-finding mission.                                                      

(Really to get him away from court) Carlo will need 8+ on a D10 to escape these bores.            

Seccatore, O, S Mo 5", TR 2, SR 1, D-7, C-6, W-5, Ob 0.7, Me +1 St 0.         

Orville, O, S Mo 6", TR 1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me 0 St 0.

4 Makgh from Chaotic Danrin. Knull must test not to insult. Have been selling cattle.

O, Mo 6", TR 2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me +1, sword St 0. Axes -2 St +4, S. Parry 7+.

2nd Visit Seccatore & Makgh gone. Now Belmanians, Lania Troubadouress and her body guard Landor. Lania is a charmer dress in a blue curtfrock carrying a Regalis long lute. She will ask party what chance there is of Stetia and Fara banning the Order of St. Judas? (They are in fact Belmanian spies seeking political information. They know the Order has been driven out of Bara.)

Lania O, S Mo 6", TR 1, SR 2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -2 St 0. CI4

Landor O, S Mo 6", TR 3, SR 1, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.3, Me +2 St 0. Cloak parry 7+ strength 2.

7)       Jewellers with rich couple looking in window, each a temptation for Sanguette.(3-) 3xD10 in purse.

If caught woman will scream & run to Preceptory, Man shout "Thieves!" and try and hold.

Man O, Mo 6", TR 2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me 0 St 0.

Woman O, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -2 St -2.

On Scream, MD 4- Sergeant Wausel with 3 halberdiers & 2 crossbowmen will investigate from 19.

Inside Merchant, female assistant & 2 guards

Jeweller O S Mo 6", TR 1, SR 2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me 0 St 0.

Female assistant O, S Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -2

Guards O, Mo 6", TR 2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me +2 St 0.

8)       Doors Luxury Tailors, Maitre Door D*, Me= -2, S, B5 and Maitresse Door D*, Me= -3, S, B3

D* For 10GP each Maitre & Maitresse will check their books, MD for each

5+ Master Henri head Bailiff of house 9 or Madam Charlotte of house 42 in 2 moves.

3+ Master Henri head Bailiff of house 9 or Madam Charlotte of house 42 in 4 moves.

2- Signor Edifico of the Ombardi bank or Madame Calleux of the Red light.

1st Floor  Male measuring rooms 3 seamstresses O, Me= -3

2nd Floor, Female measuring rooms 3 seamstresses O, Me= -3

3rd Floor, Cook O, Me=-3 Doors living quarters.

9)       Head Bailiffs House. Mistress Melinda, D, Me -3, B8, Boy D, Me -3, St -1 Will know where Henri is.

Boy, D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -1 St -1. Send boy to warn Henri if she suspects they mean him harm? If warned Henri will collect bailiffs from Tower & confront.

10)    North Entrance, Beggar "Alms for a wounded soldier!" Hail Guide, Official Friary Guide & Apple seller, "Apples 2 coppers pfenni each!" TD 2- will buy.

Apple seller D Mo 4", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.8, Me -2 St -2.

Beggar D, Mo 3", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.4, Me -2 St -1.

Hail "I know all the sights and places of the Stews? For 25 Florins I will guide you." CI2

D S Mo 6", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -2 St -2.

Official Phil "I am the guide appointed by the Friars of St. Frederick and can take you anywhere in the

Sanctuary area. I can sell you a map for 50 Florins. Free soup will be served to those listening to the sermons of Brother Eloquence in the Friars Hall. Sanctuary tokens can be purchased in the Church.

D +1 to questions dicing. Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1

11)    Sun Inn, Bar room, Sucret the Innkeeper & 2 barmaids.

Sucret D S Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me +1 St -1

Barmaids O, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1.

4 Merchants discussing corn selling business hostile to strangers & foreigners in particular.

O, S Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1

 In Kitchen  Cook & 2 maids,

Cook O Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me 0 St +2

Maids D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1.

1st Floor 3 Actors watching rehearsal

Actors O,  Mo 5", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1.

2nd Visit  Grinning the Dimini. Actually a dwarf thief Steal purse on 7+ caught on 0.

O, S Mo 5", TR 0, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1  St 0.

12) Empty house

13) Empty house

14) Church of St Judas. Crossbowman lookout, Alarm Gong. Within 9" MD 3+ OK, 2- recognised one of party. Two moves to report to Inquisitor who sends 2 squads of 4 to watch each exit of Sanctuary.

Crossbowman Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1 Me 0 sword St 0

Crossbow & 8 quarrels 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ St -4.

15) Preceptory of St Judas. Within 4" MD 3+ OK, 2- recognised one of party. All called out.

Inquisitor Hewel, Sir Piety, 3 sword familiars, 3 crossbowmen.

                Inquisitor S Mo 6", TR +3, SR +4, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.2 Me -1 dagger 0 2nd Level magic

                2 MPU per move, Detect magic, Magic Bolts, Breaching Bolts, Disarm, Guilt Blush

                Sir Piety Mo 6", TR +2, SR +1, D-6, C-5, W-4, Ob 0.9 Me 0 morning star -2 to shield parry SP +7

                Swordsman Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1 Me 0 sword St 0 shield parry 7+

        Crossbowman Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1 Me 0 sword St 0

Crossbow & 8 quarrels 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ St -4.

16) Empty house

17) Widow Caponier's house. Concealed Tunnel entrance leading to altar in St Frederick's Church.

                D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -2 St -1.

18) Empty house

19) Barracks. Royal Guard, Sir Hugh Gerounet brother of GM of St.Judas, Sir Louis Ripaille, trumpeter for summoning cavalry from the citadel in D10+5 moves. 12 spearmen, 2 crossbowmen.   Watch Captain Borrel, Sergeant Wausel 5 medium halberdiers 5 medium crossbowmen

            Sir Hugh S Mo 5", TR +4, SR +2, D-6, C-5, W-4, Ob 0.9 Me +3 sword St 0 Shield parry 7+

            Sir Louis S Mo 5", TR +2, SR +2, D-7, C-6, W-5, Ob 0.7 Me +2 sword St 0 Shield parry 7+

            Spearmen Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, Ob 1.1 Me 0 + 2 1st round St 0 Shield Parry 6+

            Crossbowmen as spearmen Me -1sword St 0, 8 quarrels 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ St -4

            Trumpeter Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3 Me -1 knife St -1

            Borrel S Mo 6", TR +3, SR +1, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.2, Me +1 + 2 1st round St +1

            Wausel Mo 6", TR +2, SR +1, D-5, C-4, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me +1 sword St +1

            Halberdiers Mo6", TR 0, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1 Me -2 +2 1st round St + 3

            Crossbowmen as halberdiers Me -2 sword 0, 8 quarrels 5" 6+, 10" 7+, 15" 8+, 20" 9+ St -4

20) Watchtower with crossbowman and Alarm Gong. On lookout for lawbreakers.

Crossbowman Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1 Me 0 sword St 0

Crossbow & 8 quarrels 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ St -4

21) Gap Alternative entry point for South Party.

22) St Judas eyes MD 3+ OK, 2 recognised, Inquisitor send 2 squads of 4 to watch each exit of Sanctuary.

                1 Recognised All 8 in Preceptory sortie out to try to capture immediately.

23) Gap Alternative entry point for North party.

24) Entry Point for Mounted Royal guard from Citadel Two Knights & six hobilars.

25) Plague Place. MD 5+ OK 4- watch fires at anyone as suspected criminals.

26) Wall tower 2 watch with Springald shoot any in alley  8" 4+, 16" 5+, 24" 6+, 32" 7+, Strike -1

27) Suicide Alley, Locked iron gate BS 8, Wall 1.0 high.

28) Suicide Alley, anyone seen in it by towers will be fired upon.

29) Suicide Alley, Locked iron gate BS 8, Wall 1.0 high.

30) Stews Bathhouse.

                Entrance hall guard Leo, Mistress Camilla, & Master Hugh. 10 Florins  per person bathing.

                Guard Leo O, Mo 6", TR +3, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me +2 St 0.

Camilla D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -1.

Hugh D, S , Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1.

                Men's Baths servant & 6 men bathing. Women's Baths servant & 5 women bathing

                Upstairs Hall Alarm Gong.

                Warming (Orgy) Room empty, 1st bedroom empty, 2nd bedroom Minstrel & Lady

Office Madam Charlotte, locked Chest BS6 Heap of dressing gowns & cloaks. Bundle of blackmail documents. Under all bag of coins 343GP

                "Please come in and have a goblet of wine, I have the finest Ruego?" Wine is drugged DS 2 (P.2)

                Charlotte, S Mo 5", TR +2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me +1 St 0,

Throwing knife 3" 3+ Strike -3.

31) Body lying against wall! Dead, stabbed and purse empty. Should report?

32) Tenement 2 Wives armed with clubs hate all foreigners. Will come out if gong beating

                D, Mo 5", TR 0, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me -2 clubs St -1 stun 4.

33) Low Tenement, 2 men, 3 women. Men D, Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me 0  St -1.

                Women D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -2. 

34) Respectable Tenement 2 men 4 women (1 with 2 young children attached) Women wear aprons.

                Men D, Mo 6", TR +1, SR0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3 Me 0 St -1 

Women D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -2.

35) Ombardi Bank: Maestro Inegenio Droghiere, Signor Edifico & 3 guards all speak Simnith.

          Inegenio D +1 if spoken to in Omgano. Mo 5", TR +2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me +1 St 0

          Edifico D, Mo 6", TR +2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me -1 Axe St +4.

          Guards D, Mo 5", TR +2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me +1 sword St 0.

          Changes Baratrean money at 60%. Buys & sells expensive items including weapons.              

36) Bush Tavern, Chaotics Ingrid Alewife, Lotti the barmaid, Motte the Messenger actually an assassin.

            Ingrid speaks Norse, D, Mo 5", TR 0, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1  St -1

Lotti speaks Norse, D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -2.

Motte speaks Norse S Mo 5", TR 2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me +2  St 0.

Has 4 Sleeping Pills DS 1 & 3 Poison pills DS 2, Throwing knife 3" 3+ Strike -3.

37) Serfs Tenement 2 men 4 women.  Men D, Mo 6", TR +1, SR0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3 Me 0 St -1 

Women D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -2. 

38) Healers Sister Lucrece of St.Joan, close friend of Madam Charlotte! 3 Nurses, 5 patients in bed.

                D, S Mo 5", TR 2, SR 3, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1 St 0 TC2

                Magician 2MPU per move maximum 8, Poison and Sleeping Pills, Holey Water.

                Spells, Blinding Flash, Disarm, Ease Pain, Forget & Reversal, Reshape Flesh.

                Nurses D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -1.

39) Friary door opened by Novice Famish, Inside Senior Friar Winner, 2 Friars, 2 Cook women helpers.

                Winner will tell where targets should be unless he knows intention, otherwise "Sanctuary!"

                Famish O, S Mo 6", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1

Winner D +1 questions, S Mo 6", TR 2, SR 3, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me -1  St -1

Magician 2MPU per move maximum 8, Has Holey water & acts as judge in Sanctuary.

Spells: Air Blasts, Charm person, Magic Bolts, Fire Missile, Inflict Vertigo, Strike Dumb.

Friars D, Mo 6", TR+1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1  St -1

Cook women. D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -1.  

40) Red Light Brothel "What do you want we're closed!" through closed door from Borag the Bouncer.   If pressed she will threaten them with her sword unless bribed to get Madame Calleux.  (Women are barred from carrying swords in Thentis but Borag is a Belmanian)

                Borag speaks Kharsh O, Mo 6", TR +2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me +1  St 0.

                Upstairs Madame Calleux, Minstreless & 5 harlots

Madame Calleux D, Mo 5", TR 1, SR 3, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1 St -1. Magician 1 MPU per move maximum 4. Spells: Blinding Flash, Fit of the Giggles, Reshape Flesh, Inflict Vertigo.

Minstreless D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -2.

Harlots O, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -2.

41) Lucky Die Tavern & Gambling Den , Only Tavern keeper & 'Gambling Nell'. "We have all dice games, and packs of both hand drawn Stetian and printed dwarf cards available!" TD 2- 

              Tavern keeper D, Mo 6", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me 0 dagger St 0.

        Nell O, Mo 6", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -2 dagger St 0.

        Gambling D10  play until 7+ thrown. Winnings D10 v Nell's D10 +2 x 10 Florins.

42) Pink House belonging to Madam Charlotte. Maid Alice answers door. Jocette, Madam Charlottes friend upstairs. Will be suspicious of intentions towards Charlotte. Will pretend Charlotte is held in Preceptory of St. Judas. Will send maid to warn her at Stews via rear window.

Jocette D, S Mo 5", TR -1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.8, Me -2 St -2.

Alice the maid O, Mo 5", TR -2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.8, Me -3 St -2.

43) General Store, Sells long life food, spices, herbs, cord candles etc: (Dice for availability)

             Staff John, Betty & Zen. Has Fayreton Leaf Tobacco at 10 Florins the pack (for Smutz)

      John D, Mo 6", TR +2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me 0 dagger St 0

Betty D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.8, Me -2 St -1.

Zen O, Mo 6", TR +3, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.4, Me +1 Club St 0 stun 3.

44) Pipe Tavern & Smoking Den. Braur the Tavernkeeper has Fayreton Leaf Tobacco at 12 Florins the pack (for Smutz) Also many other brands.

Braur D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me 0 St -1.

Upstairs is smoking room full of smoke. Three men lying, now only able to cough.   10               entering  = 5+ OK, 3+ nausea, me - 1 until 5+ on D6. 1+ cough, me -2 until 5+ imp to nausea, 0 Vomit me, -3 until 5+ improve to coughing

45) Friars Hall. Hall Bailiff Piety at the door with a two-hour glass.  "To qualify for the free soup you are required to listen to Brother Eloquence's Sermons for two hours. If you go in now you will qualify.

Piety D, S Mo 6", TR +3, SR 1, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1, Me +2 St 0.

Inside are Brother Eloquence with two women helpers and audience of 6 men & 7 women.

B. Eloquence O, Mo 6", TR +2, SR 3, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me-1 St -1.

Helpers D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.8, Me -3 St -1.

Men O, Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1.

Women O, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -1.

46) Scribery Building, two lawyers, Chancery & Perjury. Will undertake to argue any case with City,

Church or Royal Courts. Will sell map of the area for 60 Florins! Will complicate any issue!

Lawyers D, S Mo 5", TR +1, SR 2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -1 St -1.

47) 2 Letter writers stalls. Will read a letter for 2 Florins or write one for 5 florins. Sell Map of Area for 30

Florins. Writers D+1 to questions., S Mo 6", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1.

48) Metal Smiths                2 Smiths with forge and tools to repair weapons etc:

                Smiths D Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me 0 St -1

49) Stable, 3 horses, 2 pack asses. Owner Gavin & ostler. Gavin hates Henri.

                Gavin D, Mo 6", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me 0 St -1.

                Ostler O, Mo 6", TR 0, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me -1 St -1

50) St Frederick's Nave. Deputy Beadle (Friar with Sword) & 2 soldier bailiffs. At desk ready to register

persons wanting Sanctuary for 40 days or to apply as permanent residents. 40 days Token costs 10 Florins. For Permanency 40 to 100 Florins according to means and situation.

Deputy Beadle D+1 for questions, Mo 6", TR +2, SR 2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2 Me -1 St 0

Magician 1 MPU per move, max 4. Spells Detect magic, Guilt Blush, Inflict Vertigo,

Soldiers D, Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me 0  St 0, Shield Parry 7+ strength 4.

Altar with wooden candles and cross on it. (Top hides entrance to tunnel to house 17.) 

51) St Frederick's Tower. Ground Floor Corporal Grim & 3 Bailiffs, in reserve.

                Grim D Mo 6", TR +2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.4, Me +2 St 0

                Bailiffs D, Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me +1 sword St 0, club -1 stun 4.

                1st Floor Armoury / prison cell empty but for clubs, daggers and quarrels.

                2nd Floor Kitchen 2 women washing up after meal.

                Women D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -1

                3rd Floor Office, table chair & large locked chest. BS 7 Blackmail records & 536 GP.

                4th Floor Double bed Florien & woman dressing. Clothes hung round walls.

                Florien S Mo 6", TR +2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1,3 Me +3,  St 0

                Woman D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -1.

                5th Floor Woman on lookout watching for any serious breaches of the peace. Alarm Gong.

                Woman D, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -1.

52) Mummers backstage. 4 Dancers on stage rehearsing. Manager and three musicians beside.

                Manager O, S Mo 6", TR 0, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.3, Me 0 St 0

                Female musicians O Mo 5", TR 0, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -1

                Male musician O Mo 6", TR 0, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me -1 St -1

                Dancers Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me -2 St -2

53) Blackball Pawnbrokers Master Shylove & Windlass his crossbowman guard.

                Buys and sells any cheap goods, most of those on rules list available.

Will change Bara money for 50% no questions asked!

                Shylove D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2  St -1

Guard O, Mo 6", TR +1, SR 0, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 0.9, Me 0 St 0.

                Crossbow & 8 quarrels 5" 6+, 10" 7+, 15" 8+, 20" 9+ St -4     

54) Barber/Vet/ Surgeon. Tanchar, Landlady Nora, 2 young maidservants

                Tanchar D, S Mo 6", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1 St -1.

                Nora D, Mo 5", TR +1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1 St -2.

                Maidservants O, Mo 5", TR -1, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -3 St -1.

Card Abbreviations

Off = Officer, Ind = Independent, Fol = Follower, Mo = Move rate,

Fa = Fatigue Tired/Exhausted, TR = Terror Resistance, SR = Spell Resistance,

D-n = Death margin, C-n = Crippled margin, W-n = Wound margin,

Ob n = Easy Jump dist, Me = Melee combined basic & weapon. St = Weapon Strike.

TC n = Terror Coercion value, CI n = Charm Influencing value.

TD Temptation Dicing D10 n+ to resist.

# Encounter Cards  Any Heart or Diamond  means the way is clear.

# Ace Spades Lost damsel Amy, looking for dog Acorn, who chased a cat into Sanctuary area!

Ind O Mo 5", Fa 4/8, TR -1, SR 1, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -3 St -1

Wants help, Abigail Nell, probably looking for her.

# 2 Spades Lost dog. Yaps if approached within 3". Will follow party 4" behind. Mo 5"

(Name Acorn belongs to lost damsel Amy) Fa 3/6, TR -1, SR -3, D-3, C-2, W-1, Ob 0.5 Me -5 St -2

# 3 Spades Lost Abigail Nell, looking for Mistress Lady Amy. Amy followed dog Acorn Into Sanctuary area. Now lost both. Wants help? Ind O, Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR -1, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -1

# 4 Spades Woman carrying young child. D To question D10 +F = 5- child screams & mother hurries away cursing. Woman +1, Dimini +2, Warrior -1, Knight -2.

 D Mo 4" TR 1, SR 0 D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.7, Me -2 St -1.

# 5 Spades Dreadful Smell! Very dead dog nearby. All D10 (Dwarf +2)

= 6+ OK, 4+ nausea, me - 1 until 5+ on D6. 2+ unwell me -2 until 5+ imp to nausea,

1-       Vomit me -3 until 5+ imp to unwell.

# 6 Spades We ask the Questions! 3 Bailiffs, Demand who you are and why you are here? May want you to report to the Beadle. One with sword, two with clubs.

Mo 7" TR +2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.5, Me +1 sword St 0 club -1 stun 4, TC2

# 7 Spades We ask the Questions! 3 Bailiffs, Demand who you are and why you are here? May want you to report to the Beadle. One with sword, two with clubs.

Mo 7" TR +2, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.5, Me +1 sword St 0 club -1 stun 4, TC2

# 8 Spades Stray Guard hound intent on defending way. Growls menacingly TI 4

Mo 7" TR 3, SR -2, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.5, Me +2 St -1.

# 9 Spades O Lost Squire with hangover. Woke up in some Tavern but does not know where he is.

Please help? No money.

O Mo 6" TR 1, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me 0 dagger St 0.

# 10 Spades D but refuses to give information! Calamity Cassandra. "You're all doomed! Get away from here whilst ye may! The Maghi have told me a parcel of strangers, will die here today!

Mo 4" TR 5, SR 3, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9,Me -3 St -2

# Jack Spades D Bellicose Drunk looking for a dimini who "Stole my money last night!" will accuse

Godwin if seen. "Come to the Beadle!" Otherwise hang onto party demanding The Bailiffs to give him Justice!  (-3 to questioning.)

Mo 4" TR 3, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.6,Me -1 St -2

# Queen Spades Running woman in dishabille. "Save me, save me! I visited these two lawyers and

they tried to take advantage of me! I am now lost. (Could take to Friary or Church)  

Ind O, Mo 5", Fa 0/2, TR -1, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -1

# King Spades Two out of breath 'advocates'. "Have you seen an indecently garbed woman?" "We

were helping her and she took entirely the wrong idea of our intentions. We are most desirous to placate her." O Know nothing useful but long winded in saying so.

Ind Mo 5", Fa 0/4, TR 0, SR 2, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1 St -1


# Ace Clubs Fish seller "Fresh fish! Buy my fresh fish! Caught in the Arwyn last night! Two

Florins each!" D, Ind Mo 6", Fa 6/20, TR 0, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.1, Me 0 St -1

# 2 Clubs Drunk with bottle & dog, singing! Talks nonsense. In fact is St.Judas spy. MD 3- recognises

Party as suspects. Will report to Preceptory. 4+ OK.

Ind Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR +1, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me 0 St -1



# 3 Clubs Two women, one with staff & scroll. Were denizens but live outside now -1 in questioning.

(Have shopping list, en route to shops)

Ind Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR -1, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1 St -1

# 4 Clubs Officer & swordsman recruiters. "You look likely people to make good soldiers? We are

paying good money to any willing to serve? 30 Florins a day! For the Order of St. Judas?"

MD 2- recognise & challenge. 3+ recognise & report, 5+ unrecognised..

Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +2, SR 1, D -5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.1, Me +1 swords St -0

# 5 Clubs Man with arm in sling. "Could you spare a Few coppers for a soldier wounded in the wars?"

MD 2- one of party finds purse gone 2 moves after. 3+ nul, 5+ catch trying to steal purse.

Ind Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR +1, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me 0 St -1

# 6 Clubs Running wench in dun frock, will try to dodge past party? Response? She is trying to escape from a Procuress & thug. Ask for help if stopped?

O Ind Mo 5", Fa 2/4, TR -1, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -2 St -2

# 7 Clubs  Sinister couple. "Have you seen a wench in a dun frock. She was sold into our service by her father but has run away!" Reactions? Legally they are in the right.

Thug O Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +3, SR 0, D -5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.2, Me +2 St 0, TC 3

Procuress Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR +2, SR +1, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1 St 0

# 8 Clubs 'Dagger Gang' of 4 thugs! "Pay us 10 florins each or else!" "Or else you don't

go any further!" TC 5!

D, Ind Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR2 , SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me +1 St 0

# 9 Clubs Baker selling rolls & loaves. "Buy my bread, rolls 2 pfenni each, 8 for a loaf!" TD 2+ to resist

Ind Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR0 , SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.2, Me -1 St -1

# 10 Clubs D Old crone leaning on stick. Knows everyone and everything there is to know in the Sanctuary! So she says! Make it up as you go along.

Ind D, Mo 3", Fa 2/4, TR2 , SR 2, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.4, Me -3 St -2

# Jack Clubs Tootel the busker. He will beat drum and blow trumpet until paid 10 Florins to go away.

Ind D, Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +2, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me 0 St 0.

# Queen Clubs Meat pie seller. Temptation D10 +2 if already bought food, 3+ not to buy a pie for a Florin.

3 Moves Later, D10  6+ burp OK, 3+ nausea Me-1 until 5+ on D6, 2- Vomit Me-2 until 5+ on D6 to improve to Nausea Me -1.

Ind D, Mo 5", Fa 6/12, TR +0, SR 0, D -4, C-3, W-2, Ob 1.0, Me 0 St -1.

# King Clubs Friar Morbid. D "Eru be with you." +2 to questioning

Ind D, Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR2, SR +1, D-4, C-3, W-2, Ob 0.9, Me -1, St -1.

# Jokers at Games Masters discretion

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