Sir Terence Lambert

After your recent unsuccessful action at Rues your family with Lady Nicollette Decre and her small menie retired to your castle of Airvault. You have not the strength to attack Maudette in the city of Charles and she has not enough to attempt this strong castle. However on the 24th of the Eleventh Moon 706 ATN a Maestro Luigi Ruffiani comes offering support. He belongs to the Larete Balokha Free trading (smuggling) organisation. Your late brother Sir Christopher assisted them (for price) transferring goods over the Bara Limuran border. Maudette’s operations at Claux broke up the Larete Balokha’s trade route. Further there is word that she may be intending to strike at their markets in Limura. Like you they wish to obtain some revenge against her.  Luigi’s agents say that not having had any response to her earlier message to Doze Handor, Maudette is about to send a detachment to track him down in the jungles of Oblivia. To do this they need vessels large enough to carry their steeds over the river Arwyn. Large vessels are in short supply as most are carrying supplies to distant Agetsu for the Lawic Host.  Most of what are left are smuggling craft under the control of the Larete Balokha. They have massed them in the marshes east of Stetian Crujirmaz. They intend to attack Maudette’s detachment when they have hired vessels on the river. However having mostly sailors, Luigi has asked you for soldiers to boost their crews. After a family conference this you have agreed to do. However Lady Nicollette Decre there made a very attractive proposition that you ride to Oblivia and kill Maudette’s intended bridegroom. The Larete Balokha found the body of Maudette’s messenger so Doze Handor still does not know of his good (or bad) fortune. So apart from some foot soldiers under Squire Gilbert Lambert (Sir Christopher’s son) you have the steeds for a mounted expedition at Crujirmaz. The Larete Balokha fleet comprised originally a dwarf cog, three feluccas and three small smacks. Now you have just been joined by a Lymphad, commanded by the Perigordan knight Sir John Chernuy. He is escorting an Eruvian Priest and treasures to Faralon. He is appalled at the damage the ‘witch usurper Maudette’ is doing to the church of Eru and is very willing to join in destroying her detachment. His ship is well manned so you feel he should carry the brunt of the fight. Whilst your footmen are relatively expendable you do not wish to lose those designated to ride on the mission to Oblivia. Their mounts are in Crujirmaz under the care of Lady Nicollette Sergeant Ofsse and the abigail Miss Tengshi. With the Dwarves you total 31 whilst Luigi has 20 plus Sir John has 14 totalling 65.

Luigi’s two Feluccas he anchors east of Crujirmaz close to the Stetian shore as they are likely to be apprehended as known smuggling craft. The Peronelle and the St. Brigid are anchored mid stream opposite Firmaz whilst your ‘fishing fleet’ is down river closer to the Baratrean shore. Your armed men are lying down in concealment. The enemy takes two hours loading horses onto their vessels and you are alarmed to see that both the Urcas are being used. Even worse, they both haul up dolphins on the end of their yardarms. Obviously they are prepared to fight! Eventually the lead vessel is poled away from the quay.

                                                           *                              *                              *

Cog Peronelle 2 anchors, 2 grapnels, 10 throwing axes, 2 firepots, 1 first aid kit  

Captain Swartze, 2 crossbow dwarves, 2 axe dwarves = 5

Capt. Swartze Off, Mo 5”, TR 5, SR 6, D-5, C –4, W –3, A 0, Ob 1.0, Me +1 01 = +1 sword st 0 Speaks Kazid, Edin, Simnith Reads Runes Tengthin, Tinderbox, Expert Sailor

Crossbow dwarf Fol Mo 5", Fa 6/12, TR 3, SR + 3, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +1, Ob 0.8, Me +0 –0 = 0 st 0  Crossbow 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+, St -4  +1 to hit if rested. 12 quarrels Fires alt moves.

 Axe dwarf Fol, Mo 5”, TR 3, SR 3, D-6, C –5, W –4, A 0, Ob 0.7, Me +1 –1 = 0 +2 st +2 Shield Parry 7+ St 4 Speaks Kazid reads Runes

Felucca Algytha 2 anchors, 2 grapnels, 2 sweeps (The steeds are ashore)

Sir Terence Lambert, Squire Teodore, Sir Hildebrand, 4 Hobilars, Karl, 2 sailors 1 crossbowman = 11

Sir Terence Destrier, Lea Mo 10"(5"), Fa 5/10 (5/10), TI 2, TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+2), D -5 (-6), C -4 (-5), W-3 (-4), A -1 (-2), Ob 1.2 (1.0), Me +3 -0 +2 = +5 sword st 0 Shield parry 7+ St 4 Speaks Edin, Simnith reads Tengthin

Sir Hildebrand Destrier, Off Mo 10"(5"), Fa 5/10 (5/10), TI 2, TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+2), D -5 (-6), C -4 (-5),  W-3 (-4), A -1 (-2), Ob 1.2 (1.0), Me +2 – 1 +2 = +3 1st rd +2 spear st 0  Shield parry 7+ St 4 Speaks Edin, Simnith reads Tengthin

Squire Teodore Destrier, Ind Mo 10"(5"), Fa 5/10 (5/10), TI 2, TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+2), D -5 (-6), C -4 (-5),  W-3 (-4), A -1 (-2), Ob 1.2 (1.0), Me +1 -0 +2 = +3 sword st 0 Trumpet signal 36” rally music 48” Speaks Edin, Simnith reads Tengthin

Hobilar Rouncey Fol Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TI 1, TR –2 (0), SR –2 (0), D-5 (-5), C –4 (-4), W –3 (-3), A –1 (+1), Ob 1.0 (1.2), Me +1 – 1 +2 = +2 1st rd +2 spear st 0, shield parry 7+ St 4. Speaks Simnith

Karl Ind Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +2, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.1, Me +2 –0 = +2 st 0

Lt Crossbowman Fol Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.3, Me -1 -1 = -2 dagger st 0 Crossbow 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ 12 quarrels st -4. Fires alternate moves. rested +1.

Sailor Fol Mo 5", Fa 6/12, TR +1, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.1, Me +0 + W Fs

Smack Ann 1 grapnel 2 oars 1 anchor

Peter, 1 hobilar sailor & 1crossbowman = 4

Lt Crossbowman Fol Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.3, Me -1 -1 = -2 dagger st  0 Crossbow 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ 12 quarrels st -4. Fires alternate moves. .

Sailor Fol Mo 5", Fa 6/12, TR +1, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.1, Me +0 + W Fs

 Smack Cilla 1 grapnel 2 oars 1 anchor

Juan, 1 hobilar, ,sailor & 1crossbowman = 4

Lt Crossbowman Fol Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.3, Me -1 -1 = -2 dagger st 0 Crossbow 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ 12 quarrels st -4. Fires alternate moves.

Smack Mano 1 grapnel 2 oars 1 anchor

Grido, 1 hobilar, sailor & 1crossbowman = 4

Lt Crossbowman Fol Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR 0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.3, Me -1 -1 = -2 dagger st  0 Crossbow 5" 5+, 10" 6+, 15" 7+, 20" 8+ 12 quarrels st -4. Fires alternate moves.

Sailor Fol Mo 5", Fa 6/12, TR +1, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.1, Me +0 + W Fs

On shore at Crujirmaz

Lady Nicollette, Miss Tengshi, Sergeant Ofsse, 2 Palfreys, 3 destriers, 8 rounceys 1 packhorse first aid kit. = 3

Lady Nicollette Off, Mo 12"(5"), Fa 7/14 (5/10), TR 0 (01), SR -1 (+1), D -5 (-4), C -4 (-3), W-3 (-2), A 0  (+1), Ob 1.4 (0.8), Me -2 -1 +2 = -1 dagger st 0, 4 throwing knives mounted –1 4” 4+ st -3  Speaks Simnith, Edin, Reads Tengthin

Miss Tengshi Ind, Mo 12"(5"), Fa 7/14 (5/10), TR 0 (+1), SR -1 (+1), D -5 (-4), C -4 (-3), W-3 (-2), A 0 (+1), Ob 1.4 (1.0), Me -1 -1 +2 = 0 dagger st 0, 2 throwing knives mounted –1 4” 5+ st -3 Speaks Jedonese, Simnith, Edin First Aid satchel, tinderbox

Sergeant Ofsse Rouncey Ind, Mo 11"(6"), Fa 6/12 (6/12), TI 1TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+1), D -5 (-5), C -4 (-4),  W-3 (-3), A -1 (+1), Ob 1.0 (1.3), Me +2 -0 +2 = +4 sword st 0, Shield parry 7+ St4 Tinderbox

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