Tax Assessor

The meal progressed in uneasy silence for a while. Then brother cook dragged the boy Flambert into the refectory. “Reverend Abbot I saw this wretch pour the contents of this phial into one of the wine jugs!”

 “Well what have you to say for yourself boy? Were you trying to poison us all?”

 “Oh no Reverend Abbot. It is a potion to make virtuous people stronger.”

 “Perhaps this Abbey matter could be enquired into at a later date?” suggested the Prior. “We could confine him in our cells.”

 Morgana shook her head, “Since we also are at risk, I would prefer to hold an enquiry immediately Father Abbot.”

 “As you wish Madam Marshal, but the boy is a lay member of the church of Eru.

 “Who gave it to you?” snarled Squire Robert glaring into Flambert’s face.

 “Why the good Vicar of Claux Sir.”

 “I know of no evil about him Sir Squire. His name is Barnabus.” Interposed the Prior. “It may be a beneficial herb given in good faith.”

 “We have only the boy’s word that the phial came from him.” Objected Squire Robert.

 “Vicar Barnabus has not as yet paid the heriots for his church.” Observed Dame Morgana levelly. “With your permission Reverend Abbot we would like to test this wine. My abigail has a piece of unicorns horn especially designed for such a task?”

 “Witchcraft?” exclaimed Kros the chaplain.

 “Not so.” answered Clarisse. “This Unstirrer, made from the horn of Saint Fabiola’s unicorn, was blessed by the bishop of Borolon. The use of such items was authorised by Monseigneur Gerald who was given one for his own purposes. I would imagine that it is still in use at Valles.”

 “I think you have the right of it Mistress. You have my permission to test the wine.”

 Clarisse dipped the Unstirrer into the jug of wine. It immediately fizzed and a cloud off green smoke arose from it! “It is indeed poison of a herbal type I think!” Clarisse told them. 

 “What boy? Did you seek to murder your Abbot!” demanded the Prior.

 “No of course not reverend Prior. The potion would have made him stronger like any devotee of Eru! The only people to have any fear of the potion would be the wicked devotees of witchcraft! Them it might harm.”

 “Then it would not harm you if you drunk it?” demanded Squire Robert.

 “What me drink some the Reverend Abbot’s wine?” stalled Flambert.

 “It would prove your story, come drink it!”

 “I am a good Eruvian!” declared the boy and drank deep from the proffered jug. “Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!” he cried his eyes starting and smoke coming from his mouth. He fell retching and writhing to the floor whilst everyone stared at him. Soon his twitching ceased and the Chaplain pronounced him dead.

 “I fear there is little he can tell us now.” Said the Abbot. “Brother Cook, do you and Simnel carry him to mortuary lest his presence upset the ladies.” And indeed Lady Sabine was being sick into the rushes on the floor. They none of them felt like re-starting the meal but Morgana ordered Clarisse to test all the food and drink in the building. The Abbot himself was too shaken to object to this usurpation of his authority. He sent Prior Severity to the Cellerer who returned with monks carrying a keg of barley ale for the hobilars and two large earthenware flagons of Quince wine for the high table. So eventually with the return of the cook, the meal began again. They ate in silence for a long while. Then Morgana spoke.

 “Father Abbot, that young church employee of yours, from whence came he?”

 “From Claux village I believe.” Answered the Prior.

 “Yes.” agreed Chaplain Kros. “His sister is employed by Vicar Barnabus.” This caused the Abbot to glare at him but he said nothing.

 “I shall be asking Vicar Barnabus some hard questions when I come up with him!” declared Morgana.

 “Yes the boy’s allegations must be investigated but surely you will be taking Barnabus to Bishop Uhtred if the circumstances require a trial?” Blurted out the naive Kros.

 “That would be only if it were a wholly spiritual matter Chaplain. At present we have the temporal possibilities of ordering attempted murder and the refusal to pay heriots. Her Royal Highness princess Maudette has decreed that such matters come to her and her deputies rather that the ecclesiastical courts. As Marshal of Bara I have full authority to deal with patent lawbreaking in a summary manner!” she rose, “Come, let our attendants dine, we shall retire to our chambers.” Just then there was the deep bong of a single bell from the Abbey and the Abbot spoke.

 “That is the call to our Compline service Madam Marshal. You or any of your party are welcome to attend?”

 “I think they will need all the rest they can get for tomorrow Father Abbot. It seems that there are those around here who are less than friendly to us!”

 “Alas that it should be so. Eru’s will be done Madame.”

So Squire Robert, the two abigails, Kros and the kitchen staff dined whilst the rest departed.

Upstairs Morgana went over her plans in her mind again. The weather was fair so even in the dark, Squire Fier should reach the Abbey by the twenty-third hour. If he did should she ride off immediately or wait until the monks were either at service or asleep? Dawn would begin around the seventh hour and she wished to be at Sir Christopher’s Claux hold by then. It would also be desirable to seize Vicar Barnabus at the same time, or better, before then! The problem was that none of her party had ever been to Claux before so she had no idea of the layout. She would need time for a night-time reconnaissance of the area, unless she could pick up a guide? Any guide from the Abbey was likely to lead them into a trap! Say three hours travelling plus two for reconnaissance? That left the latest time for departure as the second hour but the first would be better. The steeds would have recovered somewhat by then anyway should Squire Fier not have arrived. It was always possible that outlaws or even foreign raiders may have engaged him. Would her escort be strong enough to attack Claux hold? Only if surprise was achieved although Sergeant Neville’s training regime was raising her hobilars to a high standard. When Squire Robert and the two Abigails came up she set a hobilar on guard at the top of the stair and told everyone else to rest. The weather being clement they left the shutters of the chambers half open. They had not long got settled when the hobilars heard light thuds outside their windows, followed by creaking sounds. They seized their weapons and thus were ready when two figures appeared at the windows. “Burglars! Sergeant! Squire Sir! We have burglars!” But one had to go out into the hall along to their room to pass the message as there was no connecting door. However the two manning the windows felled three assailants and the mob backing them ran off. “We are betrayed! They are ready for us! They have killed Big Harm!” they heard from below. By the time Morgana got to her window she saw only the tail of the mob heading for the river. Going to the Hobilars room she ordered Sergeant Neville with two hobilars to go down the still standing ladders to investigate. There were two dead bodies, one being of giant size but the third man was still alive with a spear thrust through his lungs. “One is still alive, should I finish him?” called up the Sergeant. “No, we should question him. Robert find out who they were and what they were up to?” So Squire Robert descended and held his sword to the man’s throat.

 “Who are you and why were you attacking us?”

 “I am an honest thief squire! Driven to it by Basylt Devisage’ taxes. I have a wife and six children to support.”

 “I don’t believe you! Why were you attacking us?”

 “We heard that there was a tax collector here and hoped to steal some of our own money back! We expected to sneak in quiet like but you were ready for us.”

 “There were rather a lot of you for that and you know as well as I do that Basylt is dead! Who are you or do you wish to die nameless?”

 “No Squire, my name is Charm, Chestnut Charm they call me. I was a thief in Valles but the watch got too good so I fled to the countryside. Eventually I joined these outlaws led by Humfon and Big Harm. That is Big Harm that you have killed there.”

 “And the other one? He looks to be a soldier?”

 “He was once. He is Blackke, Sexton of Claux.”

 “From Claux! Then you were seeking to murder us all?”

 “No squire no! Honest I am a thief not an assassin!”

 A hobilar spoke up, “I heard of a Chestnut Charm wanted for burglary in Valles Sir!”  

Morgana leant out of the window “You, thief, if you wish to stay alive, who led you on this raid, the Vicar of Claux?”

 “Well now I were thinking it was Humfon and Big Harm but the Vicar Barnabus was with us. It was news he brought that had them call up the band Milady.”

 “Very well, bind up his wounds Sergeant. We will leave him in the custody of the Abbot when we leave. He can deal with the bodies too. I doubt that he will be pleased that outlaws are raiding his Abbey!”        

   They settled down to rest once more. The monk’s Compline wailing had long ceased so they must mostly be abed. Morgana looked for the stars to judge the time but they were hidden by clouds. She pondered, there would be an hourglass in the Abbey Church so they could ring the bells for the services, that could give her the time. She rose leaving the chamber to go there when Mistress Lys called out “Madam Marshal you are not going out unattended?”

 Morgana glowered but without turning her head responded, “I go to seduce the father abbot of course I need no assistance for that!”

 “Madam!” gasped Lys genuinely shocked.

 “Come with me if you wish Lys. Then you can ply your charms on the Prior!”

The chuckle from the hobilar on sentry duty made Lys realise she was being mocked but she followed Morgana just the same. They went out across the yard and entered the Abbey Church door. The place seemed empty but climbing some stairs they found a young monk on watch in the bell ringing chamber of the tower. He had heard their approach but was plainly terrified to find it was two women who had caught him thus alone. “Sir Monk I seek to know the time and I see that you have timing glasses to aid me?”

 Relief crossed his face and he looked at the glasses “It is a quarter past the twenty-third hour Milady.”

 “Who else keeps watch in the Abbey at night Sir?”

 “Why, why only the porter at the gate and myself or whoever hath the bell shift Milady.”

 “Then we will keep you company awhile. We have already been assailed by outlaws and who knows what else may come.” She went to peer out of the window into the darkness. The monk sat down beside his timing glasses whilst Mistress Lys scowled at him and interposed herself between him and Morgana. She was impatiently waiting for the first hour when she determined that her force should prepare to leave. However there was yet some sands to run when Squire Fier arrived with the spare steeds. She ran down to meet him “Madam Marshal I have killed the banished knight Sir Leon Perdieu. He was in his Manor of Vernon. We have left some bound prisoners there!”

 “Indeed? Well I must think about that Fier. Meanwhile we must rouse our people and get them mounted.” So they collected all her force and marshalled them outside the Porter’s Gate. Sergeant Neville had, had a couple of hobilars carry Chestnut Charm to be bestowed the Porter’s Gatehouse. Morgana mounted the horse Punch.

 “Squire Fier think you that word of your attack on the manor will reach Sir Christopher?”

 “It is possible Madam. In fact when we had the place a knight rode up who might even have been him. He and his companion rode away when I told him Sir Leon was dead and I claimed the place in the Princess’s name.”

 “Alack! Well it cannot be helped. We must makes such haste as we can to reach him little prepared. Do you lead the column with the groom Jibbot carrying one torch, Bried shall carry another beside me in the middle and Mistress Lys shall carry a third at the rear.”

 “Yes Madam Marshal, but I must give you this found on Sir Leon’s person.” He gave her a parchment scrap:

Dear Brother,

                      The Lady Sabine Flaneur has arrived at my Monastery with the Tax Assessor. Their escort comprises a squire, a sergeant and six hobilars. Eru be with you.                                     

Pacific Abbot


There was much food for thought here but they were marshalling for the march and must concentrate on the matter in hand. The Abbot could be questioned another time.

 “Squire Fier! We have been assailed by outlaws here and there may be more who seek to do us harm! We will march on Claux first. You take command of the vanguard and keep a good look out as you go!” Once assembled in twos, her whole force advanced over the bridge into the woodlands towards Claux. 

                                                *                      *                      *

After about ten minutes Squire Fier came to an abrupt halt and shouted, “Halt there is a pit here! There are stakes and enemies ahead!” His words were followed by a rain of sling stones from a line on a nearby ridge. They were protected by the steepness of the ridge and a mass of bushes in front of them. Morgana made a decision, “Squire Fier! Try to fight your way through! Squire Robert we will try and outflank them to the left!”

 Squire Fier and his men jumped over the pit, which was only an het wide and walked their way through two lines of sharpened stakes. The slingers rained more stones on them but without effect. The second line of stakes was manned by light billmen and hard fighting was commenced. Squire Robert and Morgana meanwhile sought to climb the ridge to take the slingers in the flank. They found their way impeded by more sharpened stakes. Bried threw his torch into the bushes in front of the slingers hoping to mask them with smoke. The smoke made little difference but the flames spooked the horses of Mistress Lys and one of the hobilars. Noticing Lys backing away, Morgana commented, “She will be but little loss.” But she regained control and followed in the rear of the party. On the narrow ridge the front was only one to one but the lead hobilar easily dealt with the dagger armed slingers. These cast stones to the last but were all killed and a boy with them

Meanwhile down on the road Squire Fier’s squad was fighting its way through. One hobilar was stunned by magic and Groom Jibbot was slain by an arrow. However the Squire leading the foe was felled with several others and they broke. Two escaped into the darkness but six surrendered. One was a priest of Eru and pointing Taglier at him Dame Morgana demanded, “Who are you sir priest?”

 “I am Barnabus, Vicar of Claux your Royal Highness!”

 “Ha! I am not the Princess sir, I am Morgana Lefey Marshal of Bara. I am come to collect the heriots that you have not paid to her Royal Highness?”

 “Milady Marshal I paid the first thousand to Sir Christopher but yet another two thousand was beyond my means! I had sent so much food for Bishop Innocent’s demands that my stocks were low. Many of our peasants have taken to the wild for they cannot endure the tax burdens that have been laid on them.”

 “Ha. If you have paid a thousand Gilden Pezzi to Sir Christopher we have heard nothing of it!           

“It is Eru’s own truth Milady Marshal. I have paid him the one thousand plus all the dues for my two manors despite the sorry state they are in. Both mine own and Sir Christopher’s accounts should confirm this. My Sexton and my Clerk could swear to it, if we should find them again. Alas they are lost in the dark at present.”

 “Vicar Barnabus you shall ride with us and we shall hear Sir Christopher’s version together. Come, you shall ride on yon horse.” And she pointed to a Rouncey which was tethered with a destrier nearby. The Squire leading the foes yet lived though he was unconscious and his shoulder was dislocated and damaged. So Morgana ordered that they tie him onto the destrier. Two other wounded they bandaged and put into the ruined manor with five other unharmed prisoners. These  they bound and gagged. A check revealed that Groom Jibbot was dead but a hobilar who had been stunned had now recovered. Of the enemy there lay twelve dead!

   Fresh torches were lit and the whole command moved forward once more.

                                                *                      *                      *

Early Morning Action


Individuals can be seen at 12” parties at 18” identified at 6” (DDD seen 3”)

Lights seen line of sight. Candle illuminates 3”, chandelier 5”, Lantern 5” Torch 5”

Tax Assessor’s Party 22 riders.

Marshal Morgana, Squire Robert Fissure, Sergeant Neville, Lady Sabine Flaneur, Lys, Clarisse, Head Groom Bried, Archer Toxo, 2 arbalisters & 4 hobilars = 14 riders..

Morgana Mounted on first Harold a blue unicorn then horse Punch

Leader Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TI 3 TR +5, SR +4, D-5, C-4, W-3, Ob 1.0" Me +3 +1 = +4 (Mounted +2) Taglier sword Strike +2. enemies –1 if gown shimmering. E6 I5 M3 G3 I6 L4 D4

You speak Simnith, Edin and Kharsh (P) write the Tengthin alphabet

Charm CI 2 MPU's 2 per move, max 8. Shimmer! 3+ Reverts on 0

Spells: Cling, Stranger Sensing, Inflict Revulsion, Inflict Vertigo.

Harold will attack any creature you point at on the Command "Deer!"

Horse Punch Mo 9”, (Free 10”) Fa 7/14, TR 0, SR –1, D –5, C –4, W –3 Ob 1.7”

Squire Robert Fissure Off, Mo 10"(5"), Fa 5/10 (5/10), TI 2, TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+2), D -5 (-7), C -4 (-6), W-3 (-5), A -1 (-2), Ob 1.2 (1.0), Me +2 -2 +2 = +2 1st Rd +3 Hvy Lance st +1 Axe +2-1 = +1 st +2 B -2

Shield parry 7+ St 4 Speaks Simnith, Edin Reads Tengthin.

Sergeant Neville Rouncey Ind, Mo 11"(6"), Fa 6/12 (6/12), TI 1TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+1), D -5 (-5), C -4 (-4), W-3 (-3), A -1 (+1), Ob 1.0 (1.3), Me +2 -0 +2 = +4 sword st 0, Shield parry 7+ St4 Tinderbox

Lady Sabine Flaneur Palfrey, Off, Mo 12"(5"), Fa 7/14 (5/10), TR 0 (01), SR -1 (+1), D -5 (-4), C -4 (-3), W-3 (-2), A 0 (+1), Ob 1.4 (0.8), Me -3 -1 +2 = -2 dagger st 0, Charm CI 3 E3 I3 M4 G4 I2 L2 D3

Speaks Simnith, Edin (P) Reads Tengthin

Mistress Lys Palfrey, Ind, Mo 12"(5"), Fa 7/14 (5/10), TR 0 (+1), SR -1 (+1), D -5 (-4), C -4 (-3), W-3 (-2), A 0 (+1), Ob 1.4 (1.0), Me -2 -1 +2 = -1 dagger st 0, Charm E5 I4 M5 G3 I5 L4 D5,

Speaks Simnith, Edin, Reads Tengthin

Mistress Clarisse Palfrey, Ind, Mo 12"(5"), Fa 7/14 (5/10), TR 0 (+1), SR -1 (+1), D -5 (-4), C -4 (-3), W-3 (-2), A 0 (+1), Ob 1.4 (1.0), Me -2 -1 +2 = -1 dagger st 0, Charm E4 I5 M3 G4 I3 L4 D3,

Speaks Simnith, Edin, Reads Tengthin 3rd Level Magician 3 MPU per move.

If moving faster than 7” Must D10 0 falls off faster than 10” falls off on 1-.

Spells: Detect Magic, Charm Sing, Magic Bolts, Breaching Bolts, Sterilise, Odour of Sanctity, Ease Pain,

Missile deflection Zone, Shatter Glass or Pottery. First Aid Satchel

Bried Rouncey Ind Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TR –2 (+1), SR –2 (+1), D-5 (-5), C –4 (-4), W –3 (-3), A –1

(+1), Ob 1.0 (1.2), Me 0 – 0 +2 = +2 sword st 0, Speaks Simnith, Edin

Toxo the Archer Rouncey Fol Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TR 1, SR + 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +1, Ob 1.2, Me +0 -0

= 0 sword st 0 longbow 6"4+, 12" 5+, 18" 6+, 24" 7+, St -3, 10 arrows. 1 Fatigue point per shot

Arbalister Rouncey Fol Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TR –2 (0), SR –2 (0), D-5 (-5), C –4 (-4), W –3 (-3), A –1

(+1), Ob 1.0 (1.2), Me 0 – 0 +2 = +2 sword st 0, Speaks Simnith

Latch crossbow Mounted 4" 6+, 8" 7+, 12" 8+, 16" 9+, 12 quarrels st -4. Fires alternate moves.

Hobilar Rouncey Fol Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TI 1, TR –2 (0), SR –2 (0), D-5 (-5), C –4 (-4), W –3

 (-3), A –1 (+1), Ob 1.0 (1.2), Me +1 – 1 +2 = +2 1st rd +2 st 0, shield parry 7+ St 4.   

The Tax assessment St Rollo II


Squire Fier

Detouring as planned you rode towards Claux circling back towards St. Rollo as soon as it appeared in the far distance. There were freshly harvested fields around and you saw several quince tree orchards. Apart from one group of distant peasants, no-one was to be seen. The few building encountered were burnt out ruins. Looking at some still part harvested oats one of the hobilars said “Someone planted these and that wheat field yonder Sir, but where are they?”

Another replied  “In the woods I reckon. They must have seen us before we saw them!”

You decided to check the nearest wood and found a herd of pigs in it. “This is one manor where heriots should be due sire if that is our mission?”

 “It is our mission but I know not if this be one of Sir Christopher’s or no.”

You carried on and saw enough well laden orchards and tilled land  to know that the area had well recovered from the raid of 694ATN!

As dusk fell you approached St. Rollo and to you the more important Verston Mansion from the Northeast. Eventually after dark making out its gaunt form ahead of you, you found a freshly ploughed field. Electing to go left past it you passed through stand of quince trees laden with near ripe fruit. Lights were showing at the mansions windows though the hour was late. This was good in that it indicated that Sir Perdieu was likely to be there but bad in that they were not abed yet. You dared not lose too much time before fulfilling the mission that had been set you. Of course to fulfil that Bried had to arrive with the spare mounts. You hoped that he had not gone astray! Keeping your eyes peeled you passed the Mansion’s stable block to reach the wood wherein Bried was hide. There was no sign of him as yet but that was to be expected. You dismounted the party and leaving two hobilars to guard the horses set out for the mansion on foot.

  The mansion front door was onto the yard beside the stable so you hoped for a better chance of surprise if you attacked round the back. So you crept round onto the ploughed field which went right up to the Mansion walls. The windows were of the luxurious leaded glass type. Peering within you saw three soldiers watch two women dancing but then they stopped. Smashing both windows simultaneously you and a hobilar tried to enter as the occupants came to oppose you. The two women fled upstairs screaming, as you cut down your two opponents. The third, an archer surrendered, so you chased up after the women. At the top, your way was barred by a bolted door. You hacked it open with your axe. Oh joy, you found the exiled Sir Leon Perdieu facing you!

“The snivelling tell tale boy! Prepare to breathe your last!” he snarled.

 “You treacherous exile! It will be you who will die! Stand back men this one is mine!”

 He replied “Yes, and you honoured shaman, let our steel decide this. This puppy sought to court my Lady Sabine in his effrontery! Prepare to die snivelling!”

Behind the knight crouched an old Limuran with five wide-eyed women behind him. They edged back as did your men behind you, to make a fair fighting space. He was in full armour with morning star and shield. But undaunted you set to. Perhaps your recent training at Charles had kept you fit whilst he may have grown soft? Anyway after a few minutes you hacked his left leg off! “I am just and innocent Limuran citizen!” cried the old man raising his arms and the five women did likewise. By the time you had checked them all for weapons Sir Leon had bled to death!

 “Tie all these up men and search the place!” your ordered.

 Then one said, “Two riders are coming Sir and I think one is a knight!”

Looking out of the window you saw them reach the courtyard. You called out, “Whoever you are, I have just laid claim to this manor in Princess Maudette’s name! I have slain the exile-breaker Sir Leon Perdieu and here is his ring and shield!”

The two looked up at them. Then noticing your crossbowmen aiming at them, they turned and fled westwards back down the track.

 “These women have some fine jewellery on them Sir?”

 “Leave it. Just make sure that they are well tied and gagged, especially the old man! Marshal Morgana shall decide their fate.”

On Sir Leon was a sizeable bunch of keys and a scrap of parchment. It read

Dear Brother,

                      The Lady Sabine Flaneur has arrived at my Monastery with the Tax Assessor. Their escort comprises a squire, a sergeant and six hobilars. Eru be with you.                                     

Pacific Abbot

You decided to have the men carry Sir Leon’s shield, morning star and gilt spurs. In the chamber was a chest that a key from the bunch opened. It contained only musty legal looking documents and some long out of fashion clothes. On the bodies were around 23 Gilden Pezzi. There was a bed and bedding and downstairs the kitchen was well stocked. So was the cellar but you let no-one else down there! The Sergeant was still alive though sore wounded, so you bandaged him and tied him up like the rest. In the stable were a destrier, two palfreys and a packhorse. More evidence that Sir Leon had evil intentions against Sabine! You decided to leave them there for the moment but they might be useful if Bried had gone astray. Then having checked that the prisoners were all secure you led the way between the stable and a large pond back to where your steeds were. As you arrived hoofbeats were heard to the east. You ordered everyone on guard but it was only Bried come with all the spare mounts. Realising that it must be well gone midnight you led all the party through the wood towards the Abbey. Emerging from the wood you were challenged from a stockade tower by the village militia. They had been set to guard the bridge. Seeing that you were so large a party they were very ready to believe that you came in Princess Maudette’s name! The porter at the Abbey gate was aghast when he saw your herd of horses. “In Eru’s name we have not the room for so many Sir!”

 “They are not coming in but I must to report to the Marshal who I believe is already here?”

 “Yes indeed Sir. Her party is staying in the hostel but I saw her and another lady go into the Abbey church. Doubtless she will be praying there.”

Militant Morgana praying, you thought? No very likely she was looking for your coming!

 “Thank you sir I shall seek her there.” And there you met her with the dragon Mistress Lys following behind her.   

“Madam Marshal I have killed the banished knight Sir Leon Perdieu. He was in his Manor of Vernon. We have left some bound prisoners there!”

 “Indeed? Well I must think about that Fier. Meanwhile we must rouse our people and get them mounted.” So together you collected all her force and marshalled them outside the Porter’s Gate. Sergeant Neville had a couple of hobilars carry a wounded man to be bestowed the Porter’s Gatehouse. Morgana then mounted the great horse Punch.

 “Squire Fier think you that word of your attack on the manor will reach Sir Christopher?”

 “It is possible Madam. In fact when we had the place a knight rode up who might even have been him. He and his companion rode away when I told him Sir Leon was dead and I claimed the place in the Princess’s name.”

 “Alack! Well it cannot be helped. We must makes such haste as we can to reach him little prepared. Do you lead the column with the groom Jibbot carrying one torch, Bried shall carry another beside me in the middle and Mistress Lys shall carry a third at the rear.”

Of course Lady Sabine would be well to the rear but you have obey the orders of the Marshal.

 “Yes Madam Marshal, but I must give you this found on Sir Leon’s person.” you gave her the parchment scrap. She read it but said nothing so you went to your post at the head of the column with Jibbot. Then Morgana’s voice came again.

“Squire Fier! We have been assailed by outlaws here and there may be more who seek to do us harm! We will march on Claux first. Keep a good look out as you go!”

Once assembled in twos, the whole force advanced behind you over the bridge into the dark woodlands towards Claux. 

Tax Assessor’s Party  22 riders.

 Squire Fier Jibbot with torch, 6 hobilars = 8 leading figures

Squire Fier Destrier, Off Mo 10"(5"), Fa 5/10 (5/10), TI 2, TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+2), D -5 (-7), C -4 (-6), W-3 (-5), A -1 (-2), Ob 1.2 (1.0), Me +2 -2 +2 = +2 1st Rd +3 Hvy Lance st +1 axe (-1) st+2 Breach -2

Shield parry 7+ St 4 Speaks Edin, Simnith reads Tengthin tinderbox.

Jibbot Rouncey Ind Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TR –2 (+1), SR –2 (+1), D-5 (-5), C –4 (-4), W –3 (-3), A –1 (+1), Ob 1.0 (1.2), Me -1 – 0 +2 = +1 sword st 0, Speaks Simnith, Edin

Hobilar Rouncey Fol Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TI 1, TR –2 (0), SR –2 (0), D-5 (-5), C –4 (-4), W –3 (-3),

A –1 (+1), Ob 1.0 (1.2), Me +1 – 1 +2 = +2 1st rd +2 spear st 0, shield parry 7+ St 4.   Speaks Simnith



Barnabus, Vicar of Claux Church of Eru

In preparation for your attack on the tax assessor you have moved from Claux to Big Harm the giant Swineherd’s, Boise Swynwald hide. This is a camouflaged dugout in the wood. Since the Hunnish raid most of the peasantry hereabouts live in these hides in the woods. It has made it easier to conceal from the authorities that the manors are under cultivation. Your first line of defence is young Flambert the brother of your hearth maid Clovys. He is a servant in the kitchen of the Traveller’s Hostel at the St. Rollo Monastery. You have given him poison to add if possible to the food or drink of the Tax Assessors party with the Assessor the main target. Your Sexton Blackke is a former soldier who fought at Lungstrete four years ago. He has little faith in Flambert who he thinks will be too afraid to act. He believes that you should attack the Assessor in the Hostel at night. He knows that Chestnut Charm has obtained information about the hostel from Flambert. Chestnut was a member of the Valles thieves guild until things got too hot for him. A long-term member of Humfon’s outlaw band you suspect he planned burglary at the hostel!

 You assumed that any night attack would have to go over the bridge in the teeth of the village militia who man it night and day. Though you might overpower them they would warn the Abbey and raise the villagers against you. Further to get into the Abbey that way you would go via the gate locked and guarded by an old soldier, the Abbey Porter. But Blackke and Chestnut have a much better plan. They say that at this time of year the river Dengle can be forded just west of the Abbey. From there one can climb over the wall near the cloister but better may be to try the upstairs windows of the hostel, which face west to the outside of the walls. Whilst the downstairs windows are leaded glass like most of the monastery, the upstairs ones are plain wooden shutters. Though these might be left open on a hot night they will be more likely secured closed. However even a club or a sword should be enough to prise them open from a ladder. In this quince-growing area ladders are plentiful. Flambert has provided a charcoal sketch showing the normal occupants of the rooms. He with the other kitchen staff will be sleeping in the kitchen. The refractory is usually empty at night unless there have been more guests than the upstairs rooms can take.

   At half past the twentieth hour Colafelt your clerk arrives. He has been watching the road to Charles beyond St. Rollo. “Lady Sabine Flaneur with three other women has arrived with the Assessor and gone into the Monastery. Their escort is seven soldiers. A funny thing is that one of the women has a horse dyed blue! It must be some new fashionable fad!”

 Humfon says “We must assemble our men in readiness to attack tonight!” Then he makes the owl hooting call to summon them. Presently you hear it repeated from some distance away and then again from further yet.

 You say “Remember, whilst we must kill the Assessor and all his men the Abbey staff must be only stunned or tied up!”

 “What about Lady Sabine and the other women?” asks Colafelt.

 “We shall take them hostage. Then we shall try them for witchcraft. It is rumoured that the new usurper has dealings in black witchcraft so it as well to be careful.”

                                                *                      *                      *

You went with the others to the boundary menhir in the dark and soon other members of the band began to trickle in. After about an hour a woman Maid Tuffa comes in from a vantage far to the east where she was keeping watch. “I have seen a knight and seven mounted soldiers coming from the north-east! I think they must be some of the Tax Assessors men! Since they are mounted they could be at the Abbey within an hour or two!”

 “We should stop them reaching it!” growled Big Harm.

 “But likely them at the Abbey may hear of it and be on their guard!” objected Humfon.

 “Our main objective is to kill or capture the Tax Assessor!” you told them.

 “Then we must go for him first. It will be him that carries the money chest anyway. That is what we really want eh lads?” grinned Humfon.

 “Aye” growled several voices.

 “Then I think we have enough here to do the job. The others can stay here to help us clean up in the morning.” So Humfon led the score or so of  the band towards the monastery. They carried two ladders and Chestnut Charm explained that they must go for the two right-hand upstairs windows of the hostel. “These will hold the soldiers, asleep I trust for we must overwhelm them first. Then into the hall and to the further right hand room for that is where the Tax Assessor will be lurking. It will be as well if some of the lads go over the wall to guard the outside door of the hostel. We do not want him to escape that way!”

 “Right that is what we will do!” Humfon agreed.

 They crept forward to the meadow beside the river until there was a whinnying noise followed by loud flapping. Humfon gripped your arm, “All is well Vicar! It be but some Pegasauri fleeing. They often graze around here at night. They hide in the forests during daylight hours.” Your belief was that Pegasauri were fanciful beasts only to be found in children’s goblin tales but fact can sometimes be stranger than fiction.

 Soon you found yourself wading over waist deep through the very cold river. The Abbey wall lay to the left, with the vast bulk of its tower at the limits of visibility. At that moment its bell tolled once and everyone froze in their tracks.

 “The Compline bell, calling them to the Abbey church.” Colafelt said.

 “Right enough. We have heard it many times! Carry on lads, it will be as well if the monks are busy when we call. I just hope the Tax Assessor does not join them!” said Humfon.

 “An official of the usurper is not like to be an Eruvian never mind a churchgoer!” you told them.  

The whole band crept along the wall until beside the hostel building. The two ladders were raised and Big Harm and Chestnut Charm began to climb them. To their surprise and delight they found that the shutters were left half-open. Humfon ordered some outlaws to scale over the Abbey boundary wall. Then they heard “Burglars! Sergeant! Squire Sir! We have burglars!” from the soldiers room. The windows were manned and Chestnut fell down to be replaced by Sexton Blackke. He fell in turn as did Big Harm!

 “Big Harm is killed! Exclaimed Maid Tuffa examining him. A Babble of voices broke out . “They have killed Big Harm! We are betrayed! They are ready for us! Flee!” and the outlaws broke and fled back to the river and you left alone perforce had to follow them. Bracing yourself you plunged through the icy river waters once more.

 Arriving back at the menhir you found Humfon and some of the others, plus more who had come too late. Within half an hour the band was stronger than it had been before, although Clerk Colafelt and some others did not return.

 “We had best head to see what these soldiers of Tuffa’s are up to.” Declared Humfon. “Yes and arrange an ambush for the Tax Assessor in the morning!” you suggested. So the band collected some tools from their hides and headed east towards the Verston Manor owned by Sir Leon Perdieu.

 On reaching the main track between St Rollo and Claux you met Squire Gauntlet with some soldiers. You said “Well met Squire Gauntlet. We are come to lay an ambush for the Tax Assessor who is coming to ruin us all tomorrow! We and Sir Christopher would be very glad of your assistance?”

 He looked at the band, obviously counting.

 “Reverend Barnabus I think I have met your Tax Assessor at the Vernon Manor. He has slain Sir Leon and taken hold of it. I will support you but we must send back to Sir Christopher for more forces. I suggest we set our ambush betwixt the furze and the Blasted oak?”

 A peasant spoke, “Well Sir that will be a start but I think we should also have a force to their rear in the Boise Swynwald. I am Humfon leader of this band and I have had some experience of these things. I will have my men dig a big pit trap in the road and set fences to impede their escape. It would be useful if your men could make a line of sharpened stakes such as they set up at Verreric behind the pit?”

The Squire glared at Humfon but the said, “Very well, on which side did you fight at Verreric?”

 “Neither, I just happened to arrive the day after it was over. That is where I got this helmet and sword.”

 “Well could you send a message to Sir Christopher with someone reliable?”

 “Certainly Sir, perhaps the Reverend could write it, seeing as it could be important for us all? Maid Tuffa is reliable enough for such a task. Not reliable for cooking mark you, but for scouting and message taking reliable.  ”

 You agreed, “As you suggest I shall write a letter for Sir Christopher.

Sir Christopher,

I Barnabus, Squire Gauntlet and the outlaw leader Humfon implore you to come to our support at the ruined manor. The Tax Assessor has slain Sir Leon and taken the Verston Manor. We intend to ambush him here in the daylight tomorrow. We are thirty strong.       

Barnabus Vicar of Claux


Meanwhile both forces set to dig the pit trap, set up sharpened stakes with in places plashed sapling fences to back them up. Humfon had told them they needed a pit two hets wide by two hets deep which would be camouflaged to make it seem like normal ground. A boy reported seeing ‘some horsemen’ going over the bridge to the Abbey from the wood to the east of it.

 “Likely that will be the force that took Verston Manor or at least part of it!” said Squire Gauntlet.

“I had better go and keep an eye up that way.” Said Humfon. “We thought that all the Tax Assessor’s force was in the Abbey. I like it not if there be more of them!” and he headed off to the higher ground of the Boise Swynwald to watch the bridge.

Tuffa headed North with the message for Sir Christopher. 

   Then Humfon ran back shouting, “There is a mounted force marshalling with torches the other side of the bridge! Leave the pit and get to your ambush positions, they will be upon very soon!”

Sure enough from your position on the hill beside Sir Gauntlet, you saw mounted soldiers lit by torches riding two by two towards you along the track! They halted at the part dug pit with the leader shouting,

“Halt there is a pit here! There are stakes and enemies ahead!”

A woman’s voice responded from behind, “Squire Fier! Try to fight your way through! Squire Robert we will try and outflank them to the left!”

Accordingly those at the front of the enemy column jumped over the pit and started hacking their way through the sharpened stakes. The slingers with an archer and arbalister Lunn loosed missile at the but they kept coming and engaged Squire Gauntlet’s soldiers holding the track. You cast magic bolts at them felling two but they downed Gauntlet and most of his men. Then attackers came along the ridge to your right! They had slain all the slingers so you perforce had to surrender. A fierce woman wearing a vast hennin on an immense horse threatened you with a sword! “Who are you sir priest?”

 “I am Barnabus, Vicar of Claux your Royal Highness!” you replied

 “Ha! I am not the Princess sir, I am Morgana Lefey Marshal of Bara. I am come to collect the heriots that you have not paid to her Royal Highness?”

 “Milady Marshal I paid the first thousand to Sir Christopher but yet another two thousand was beyond my means! I had sent so much food for Bishop Innocent’s demands that my stocks were low. Many of our peasants have taken to the wild for they cannot endure the tax burdens that have been laid upon them.”

 “Ha. If you have paid a thousand Gilden Pezzi to Sir Christopher we have heard nothing of it?”

 “It is Eru’s own truth Milady Marshal. I have paid him the one thousand plus all the dues for my two manors despite the sorry state they are in. Both mine own and Sir Christopher’s accounts should confirm this. My Sexton and my Clerk could swear to it, if we should find them again. Alas they are lost in the dark at present.”

 “Vicar Barnabus you shall ride with us and we shall hear Sir Christopher’s version together. Come you shall ride on yon horse.” And she pointed to arbalister Lunn’s Rouncey which was tethered with Squire Gauntlet’s destrier nearby. Squire Gauntlet yet lived though he was unconscious and his shoulder was dislocated and damaged. So they tied him onto the destrier. Two other wounded they bandaged and put in the ruined manor with arbalister Lunn and four other unharmed prisoners. Then you all rode off down the track towards Claux.

                                                *                      *                      *  

Vicar Barnabus

Barnabus, Humfon, Gros Club, 9 Clubmen, 6 slingers, 2 women, 1 boy = 21

Barnabus Lea, Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +2, SR +4 D-4, C-3, W -2, A +1, Ob 1.1, Me –1-1 = -2 iron cross st 0

Stun 4. E4 I5 M4 G5 I4 L3 D4 Speaks Simnith, Edin, Quenith (P) Reads Tengthin, Lerumint (P)

3rd Level Magician 3MPU per move max 12. Spells: Blinding Flash, Charm Sing, Crumble Paper, Detect Magic, Frightening Thought, Magic Bolts Magic Illumination (of Cross) Breaching Bolts, Sooth Mind, Creature Taming, Rest Undead, Temporary Wound Nullifying

Humfon Off Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 0, SR + 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +1, Ob 1.3, Me +1 –0 = +1 

Selfbow 5" 5+, 10” 6+, 15” 7+  St -4 quiver of 12 arrows Speaks Simnith  tinderbox

(Maid Tuffa Ind Mo 6", Fa 5/10, TR +2, SR 1, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.1, Me 0 –0 = 0 sword st 0

                Thrown dagger 3” 4+, st –2 Speaks Simnith, Edin. Tinderbox)

Gros Club Ind Mo7", Fa 7/14, TR +2, SR +0 D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.4, Me +2 –1 = +1 stun st –1 stun 5 Speaks Simnith, first aid kit. Gags Rope & cords

Clubman Fol Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR +0, SR +0 D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.4, Me 0 –1 = -1 stun st –1 stun 5

Slinger Fol Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 0, SR 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.4, Me 0 –1 = -1 dagger st 0

                Sling 4” 5+, 8” 6+, 12” 7+, 16” 8+ st –4, 12 stones Speaks Simnith

Woman Fol Mo 5", Fa 5/10, TR -2, SR -1, D-4, C-3, W -2, A 0, Ob 0.9, Me -2 –1 = -3 knife st –1

Boy Fol Mo 5", Fa 4/8, TR -1, SR +0 D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.1, Me –3 –1 = -4 knife st -1

Squire Gauntlet de Fistus

You serve Sir Leon Perdieu who is based at his mansion of Oathwald. At present he is away at his other Baratrean manor of Vernon. He has two other manors the Limuran side of the border. You originated from Chantilly in Perigord but had to flee after killing a merchant in a drunken brawl. You were very glad when Sir Leon accepted your service. He follows the Knight Banneret Sir Christian Lambert and you hope in time to win your spurs and more importantly your own manor. Both Sir Leon and Sir Christopher are involved with people smuggling goods over the Limuran border. This and the fact that Sir Leon is under a sentence of banishment does not worry you, they are just part of normal Morval earth life. Bara is under weak female rule at the moment so gentlemen are free to do as they please. Sir Leon has some scheme of kidnapping a Lady Sabine, because she owns two nearby manors. Word is that she will be coming to visit them soon. You hope that this action will give you a chance to win your spurs.

   You were relaxing in the comfort of the manor when Arbalister Lunn arrived in a hurry. “An it please you Sir, Sir Leon wishes you to come in all strength to Vernon Manor. He has heard that Lady Sabine is at the Abbey and he intends to ambush her tomorrow!”

Cursing you collected your seven soldiers and set off for Vernon through the night. Passing the ruined manor you decided to ride ahead with Lunn whilst the rest took a short cut through the trees. As you reached the courtyard in front of the manor, a man called out from an upper window, “Whoever you are, I have just laid claim to this manor in Princess Maudette’s name! I have slain the exile-breaker Sir Leon Perdieu and here is his ring and shield!”  

It was indeed his shield! Worse you spotted two crossbows levelled at you! “Back Lunn back, we cannot stay here!” so you returned hurriedly down the track. Fortunately you soon glimpsed your footmen amongst the trees and were able to stop them.

 “Sir Leon is dead! Some knight has seized the manor, in the name of Princess Maudette he said! We must think what to do next.”

 “What has happened to Sergeant Curt and the rest Sir?”

 “I know not but doubtless they are slain or taken! Let us head back to Oathwald.”

However your men had just reached the main track to St. Rollo when you met Vicar Barnabus and a large band of peasants.

 “Well met Squire Gauntlet. We are come to lay an ambush for the Tax Assessor who is coming to ruin us all tomorrow! We and Sir Christopher would be very glad of your assistance?”

You looked at the band, more than a score of armed men. A good ambush well laid could do the trick.

 “Reverend Barnabus I think I have met your Tax Assessor at the Vernon Manor. He has slain Sir Leon and taken hold of it. I will support you but we must send back to Sir Christopher for more forces. I suggest we set our ambush betwixt the furze and the Blasted oak?”

 “Well Sir that will be a start but I think we should also have a force to their rear in the   

Boise Swynwald. I am Humfon leader of this band and I have had some experience of these things. I will have my men dig a big pit trap in the road and set fences to impede their escape. It would be useful if your men could make a line of sharpened stakes such as they set up at Verreric behind the pit?”

You decided that this was a good idea. “Very well, on which side did you fight at Verreric?”

 “Neither, I just happened to arrive the day after it was over. That is where I got this helmet and sword.”

 “Well could you send a message to Sir Christopher with someone reliable?”

 “Certainly Sir, perhaps the Reverend could write it seeing as it could be important for us all? Maid Tuffa is reliable enough fro such a task”

 The Vicar agreed, “As you suggest I shall write a letter for Sir Christopher.


Sir Christopher, I Barnabus, Squire Gauntlet and the outlaw leader Humfon implore you to come to our support at the ruined manor. The Tax Assessor has slain Sir Leon and taken the Verston Manor. We intend to ambush him here in the daylight tomorrow. We are thirty strong.        Barnabus Vicar.

He read out to you and sent it by the outlaw woman. She, in contravention of church law was carrying a good quality sword but the Vicar seemed not to notice.

Meanwhile both forces set to dig the pit trap, set up sharpened stakes and in places plashed sapling fences to back them up. Humfon had told them they needed a pit two hets wide by two hets deep which would be camouflaged to make it seem like normal ground. Then a boy reported seeing ‘some horsemen’ going over the bridge to the Abbey from the wood to the east of it.

 “Likely that will be the force that took Verston Manor or at least part of it!” you commented..

“I had better go and keep an eye up that way.” Said Humfon. “We thought that all the Tax Assessor’s force was in the Abbey. I like it not if there be more of them!” and he headed off to the higher ground of the Boise Swynwald to watch the bridge.

Work continued for a while. You tethered your and Lunn’s mounts to some bushes the left of the track. You decided it would be best to fight on foot under present circumstances. It would be your force that would take the shock of anyone coming over the pit trap.

Then Humfon ran back shouting, “There is a mounted force marshalling with torches the other side of the bridge! Leave the pit and get to your ambush positions, they will be upon very soon!”

Sure enough from your position on the track behind the obstacles, you saw mounted soldiers lit by torches riding two by two towards you!

Squire Gauntlet, Arbalister Lunn, Gros Blade, 2 soldiers, 1 archer, 4 light billmen, 3 swordsmen = 13

Squire Gauntlet Destrier, Off Mo 10"(5"), Fa 5/10 (5/10), TI 2, TR -1 (+2), SR -2 (+2), D -5 (-7), C -4 (-6), W-3 (-5), A -1 (-2), Ob 1.2 (1.0), Me +2 -2 +2 = +2 1st Rd +3 Hvy Lance st +1 sword st 0

Shield parry 7+ St 4 Speaks Edin, Simnith reads Tengthin

Arbalister Lunn Rouncey Fol Mo 11” (6”), Fa 6/12, TR –2 (0), SR –2 (0), D-5 (-5), C –4 (-4), W –3 (-3), A –1 (+1), Ob 1.0 (1.2), Me 0 – 0 +2 = +2 sword st 0, Speaks Simnith

Latch crossbow Mounted 4" 6+, 8" 7+, 12" 8+, 16" 9+, 12 quarrels st -4. Fires alternate moves.

Archer Fol Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR 0, SR + 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A +1, Ob 1.3, Me +0 –0 = 0 sword st 0

Selfbow 5" 5+ St -4 quiver of 12 arrows speaks Simnith

Soldier Fol Mo 6", Fa 6/12, TR +1, SR + 0, D-5, C-4, W -3, A 0, Ob 1.2, Me +1 -0 = +1 sword st 0

                Shield parry &+ St 4 Speaks Simnith

Light Billman Fol Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR +0, SR + 0, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.5, Me +0 -2 = -2 1st rd +2

st +3 speaks simnith.

Gros Blade Ind, Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR +2, SR +1, D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.4, Me +2 –0 = +2 st 0

                Speaks Simnith

Swordsman Fol Mo 6", Fa 7/14, TR +0, SR +0 D-4, C-3, W -2, A +2, Ob 1.4, Me 0 –0 = 0 st 0


The Introduction

The Umpire's Stuff

Tax Collector Background

Barnabus Background

Squire's Background

Sir Leon's Background

The Action in Words and pictures                                        

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