Daigost Undead demon of Aishima

Once you were Yaleth a warrior demon of Aishima. Then long ago, you were struck by an enchanted Nehruth weapon of Heghate, destroying your vitality. Because of your doughty deeds on his behalf, Aishima struck a deal with Heghate whereby you may stay in the daylight. Doomed to the Mondo Morvali, you may not pass the planes as other ghosts may but you can endure the sunlight! Your physical prowess is gone but you have magical ones to compensate. You have command of several packs of wolves. In the present war you have been raiding the sheepherders of Yent and Alpen for some years. Word came that you are to lead your packs to the Yent Amelian borderlands. Travelling many myles, you have scattered your packs amongst the small woods scattered east of the River Undomeel. Each has been set to watch a farm. From experience you do not want to strike before you know the dispositions of the protecting forces. Your wolves are trained only to attack people when they outnumber them three to one. The Chaotic High Command claim that once they have smashed the Lawic host, they will march down to conquer Amelia next.

  You have your present headquarters in a crag beside a wood with Arrgil’s pack of wolves watching the Green Farm. Nearby are Houller’s Pack watching the Purple Farm and Whailoo’s watching a dwarf’s tower. From your vantage atop the crag you have this day seen two cogs arrive from the South and moor at the nearby landings. Later came a fleet of seven ships from the north, with one of them stopping briefly at the cogs. Now a messenger from the High Command, the demon Zid, has arrived with a message.


To Commander Daigost

The forces of almighty Hagoth have triumphed at Talarth Narnienor completely destroying the Tarkgh army. All the open areas of Gard

Moran, Yent and Amelia lie unprotected before us. Therefore you must immediately strike at all and every Tarkgh that you can see, to ensure

their remaining in disorder! You may use the minor demon Zid for any purpose that you deem appropriate.    

 The Horrub


Daigost, Arrgil, Houller, Whailoo 7 Wagger wolves & 11 wood wolves = 22

Daigost Lea, Mo hover 10”, Fa 10/20, TI4, TR 5, SR 4, D –5, C –4, W –3, A +4, Ob Fly, Me –2 –1 =-3  dagger st 0. Speaks Kharsh, Norse, Simnith, Canine. Reads Runes. Invisible over 12” normal sight, 18” long sight.  2nd Level Magician: Stranger Sensing, Vertigo, Magic Bolts, Breaching Bolts, Disarm.   

Arrgil LBea Mo 7", Fa 5/10, TI 3, TR 0, SR -2, D -4, C-3, W -2, A +3, Ob 1.4, Me +1 teeth st –1

speaks canine

7x Wagger 6c wolf Bea Mo 7", Fa 4/8, TI 2 TR -1, SR -2, D -4, C-3, W -2, A +3, Ob 1.4, Me +1 teeth st –1

speaks canine

Houller LBea Mo 7", Fa 5/10, TI 2, TR 0, SR -2, D -4, C-3, W -2, A +3, Ob 1.4, Me +1 teeth st –1

speaks canine

5x Wood 5c wolf Bea Mo 6", Fa 3/6, TI 2 TR -1, SR -2, D -4, C-3, W -2, A +3, Ob 1.2, Me 0  teeth st -1

speaks canine

Whailoo LBea Mo 7", Fa 5/10, TI 2TR 0, SR -2, D -4, C-3, W -2, A +3, Ob 1.4, Me +1 teeth st –1

speaks canine

6x Wood 5c wolf Bea Mo 6", Fa 3/6, TI 2,TR -1, SR -2, D -4, C-3, W -2, A +3, Ob 1.2, Me 0 st –1

speaks canine

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