Binky and the Hyena Trail (Part 1)

THE SLAVE MARKET – from Ramsden’s Journal.


The bonhomie evaporated as our hostess made off to change and she was seen stepping out towards the village.  There was some argument about what was to be done and why we should be involved and was there any profit in the venture.  Binky quickly took control dividing the group into two parties; one to guard the hunting lodge and the other to set off against the slavers.  As soon as he had done this everyone fell under his spell and argument disappeared.  He rapped out some orders to establish watch fires around the lodge, to call in the villagers and their cattle to safety and to establish the defensive positions.

The newcomers, after some differences decided suddenly and unexpectedly to join in.  We all changed quickly out of our dining attire into our worn but comfortable adventuring clothes, weapons were collected and Binky ordered that dynamite was to be taken.  These preparations took longer than Binky would have liked but the activity burned off the after effects of a splendid meal and fine wine and brandy!

 It was a well equipped and determined force that set off towards the slave market.  Binky set off at considerable speed and quite amazingly Prince Wotmiwori appeared in our midst as if he had been there all along.  Had he?  Following right behind was a small party under Piet while to Binky’s left was Gerald and behind him closing the square was Dodgy’s small force.  Out of the gloom ahead shapes could be seen – our hostess forging ahead with a party of tribal musketeers and spearmen.  Without any warning the natives with her halted, turned and fled.  Their cries of “Demons!  Demons!  Demons!” caused our own askaris and followers to halt and even some of them fell to the ground in terror and a couple fled.  Piet chased after them and brought some back, fortunately, as it turned out.  The natives, though nominally Christians or Muslims, took fright from what has become called the “Hungry Night”, terror of the strange demonic creatures that inhabit the dark of the night awaiting the opportunity to attack and steal souls.  A centuries old belief that is hard to cover with modern religion.

 After a while we reached the standing stone by the river.  Carefully avoiding a lone bull elephant and a herd of hippos Binky realised that the group was quite dispersed.  He had lost contact with Piet and Dodgy.  Where were they?  The slavers could be heard and their campfires lit the top of the hill just over the river.  On the other side a single hut with a campfire nestled amongst some trees.  “Bad Juju”, muttered one of the villagers.  Just as Binky was about to proceed alone Dodgy appeared from behind some bushes. 

Suddenly three large shapes hurtled from the dark giggling demoniacally.  Hyenas!  Each singled out a man and in silence our gallant comrades fought with machete and clubbed rifle until two hyenas lay dead and the third fled into the night to lick its wounds.

Up ahead the campfires indicated a sizeable force of Arabs.  Our headstrong but undoubtedly courageous hostess had to be almost physically held back while Piet brought back the natives who had fled.  As soon as he appeared out of the darkness we began crossing in strength.  This held the herd of hippos at a safe distance.  As we were crossing a dishevelled figure ran up to Miss Helen.  It was Peter.  He spoke in an accusatory tone, “You be late, maybe you be too late!  Listen, they play heathen music!  The sale is over!  Men must hurry.  Hurry.”

And hurry we did and it almost was our undoing!

Gerald came up against the hut and the occupant, a wizened old woman berated him and his askaris for disturbing her sleep.  Unknown to us at the time but our every move was being watched from the hill.  The Arabs were waiting in ambush.  We crept forward all unknowing.  Binky whispered, “Fix bayonets.”  A grim smile and crept across the askaris’ faces and a gleam came into their eyes.  Action! Leading the way, Binky crept forward. 

Suddenly figure ran forward, “It’s a trap!” and a ragged volley crashed out from the hillside. It was Mahmoud!   “Charge!” yelled Binky and with a roar his askaris followed him at a dead run.  On the left Gerald’s men charged in as well.  Unsettled by the charge the Arab’s second volley went to the winds and they were fighting for their lives bayonets flashed and stabbed, pistols flamed and spat.  All around screams and orders split the night.   Binky looked uphill to see yet more Arabs taking up firing positions.  If they formed a disciplined line at this range our force would be cut to pieces.  Without hesitating Binky charged ahead and with a roar of “DYNAMITE!” he hurled a stick into the fire.  Simultaneously, he was struck by a musket ball, fell and lay still.  There was shattering explosion that lit the hillside for an instant and hurled several Arabs to the ground.  On the hillside a female voice shrieked, “Binky!”  There were two white females amongst the slaves.

 On the hill top Arabs were fleeing in all directions and Prince Wotmiwori hacked his way through the bodyguards to fell a Sheikh with a single thrust of his spear.  Gerald’s askaris rounded up the surviving Arabs while Piet went to Binky’s aid.  But our hero appeared dead.

At the river, the shouts and foul language of the wizened old woman had attracted the attention of  a force of bandits in the pay of the Arabs.  They saw only a few figures near the fire and loosed of a heavy fire.  They were taken completely by surprise by the returned rifle fire.  Helen had concealed several men in the bushes and reeds for just such an emergency.  She was not the tame Missionary’s daughter that she had first seemed!  Quickly the superior marksmanship of our men told and the bandits’ fire slowed and then ceased.  Later we found them all dead. 

Enraged, our askaris surged forward like avenging demons.  Arabs who stood fell to the bloodstained bayonets while other took to their heels and fled.  Only one askari was wounded in the fight. 

Piet and Grunhilda were in the thick of the fighting cutting down Arab slavers as they ran on side by side until she was sorely wounded by scimitar thrust.  Piet exacted his revenge smashing Gimmi Daqash, the treasurer, to the ground.

 The slaves were being driven away, pressed by whip and musket but to encourage speed.  Time after time a slave in a coffle would fall dragging others down only to be beaten upright again until they reached the river.  Even the terror of the avenging askaris overcame the fear of the crocodiles and the eunuch guards lead the way into the river clubbing and shooting as the crocodiles attacked.  In all this confusion a white man was seen amongst the slaves. At first he was thought to be one of the slaves breaking free as he cut the two white women free and looked as if he was assisting them.  The illusion soon evaporated when a huge Arab helped him drive the women on.  He was a cad.  Obviously a Johnny Foreigner!  He forced his way across the river as the crocodiles feasted on the dead eunuchs.  On the bank Binky’s askaris and Prince Wotmiwori were killing all who stood in their way.  Even the huge Arab fell to the Prince’s spear thrusts. 

As the fugitives scrambled out of the river several shadows appeared to join them.  Were they human or demons?  Our askaris halted as the surviving Arabs and bandits gave up their fight.  All except the bandit leader facing Helen’s rearguard.  Suddenly he ran from the rifle fire only to attract the attention of the lone bull elephant.  With a terrifying trumpet, it charged.  It was the famous old bull “Broken Tusk” a particularly angry bull.  His tusks smashed the fleeing, panicked man to the ground where he played with him a while inflicting wounds with tusk and trunk until tiring of his screams he silenced the bandit.  A great foot was placed on his chest and weight pressed slowly down.  The man’s screams turned to a gurgle and then silence as the foot pressed through to the ground.

The slaves were freed.  But at some cost to us, Binky was dead. 

The akaris collected weapons and, to Dodgy’s delight, found the slavers' money chest.  It was decided to get the freed slaves to carry the booty and captured weapons back to the lodge.  All this time the healers were at busily at work on Binky and Grunhilda. 

All of a sudden Binky’s eyes opened wide.  “What the devil are you poking my chest for?  That hurts!!”  He rolled over to reveal a battered and bent binocular case that had taken the full impact of the slug.  Further up the hill Grunhilda, was being bandaged.  Her long hair that she had not had time to bind properly had come loose in the wild charge and whirling melee and had tangled the blade.  The slashing blade was turned just enough inflicting a severe blow with the side rather than the edge.  The cut was far more painful than dangerous. 

We returned to the lodge, it being useless to try to pick up a trail in the dark.  After a few hours sleep we assembled a safari.  Stores, weapons and ammunition for several days were assembled in the courtyard while the hunters and a couple of askaris returned to the hill to see what they could find.  Their report made us realise how lucky we had been!  They had found a few of the Arab servants hiding in the bushes hoping to flee in the morning.  They told of the main Arab slave caravan heading inland.  This was strange as the markets are normally reached by taking the slaves to the sea and then on to the trading islands of Marzibar, Zniqabar and Qarinjibar.  They also told of a strong force of fierce tribesmen who had been ready to charge until the roaring explosion that hurled blazing branches in all directions had scared them out of their wits and they fled.  “Demons! Sorcery!” they called as they ran throwing away weapons and shields in their panic.

The hunters were able to verify almost all that they said.  There had indeed been a large force of tribesmen hiding behing the flank of the hill.  They brought in a shield made of wickerwork as proof saying that there were many more.  It was in a style unknown to any in the party, even Wotmiwori had admit that he had never seen the like before.  Who were these strange men who were so terrified of dynamite?  They also confirmed that, about an hour or so before we reached the hill, a caravan had headed off south west into the hills.  This caravan had many slaves, guards and some heavily laden porters.  Their tracks showed that they were moving quickly.  Where were they going at such speed and in such an unusual direction?

Of the White Slaver, a Portuguese half breed (typical of the low life of Morvalistan), and his captives there was no sign.  There were, however, several sets of tracks of men who joined him on the other side of the river.  They had taken care to try to try to hide their tracks at first.  Our hunters are excellent and followed the trail for a few miles until it, too, turned southwest.  Again the evil ones showed a turn of speed that probably corresponded with dawn.   

As dawn broke the following day we were on our way but the quarry had a good start.  Despite advice Binky and Grunhilda refused to be carried in litters as that would slow us down.  Though both agreed that taking litter bearers along was a wise precaution.  Helen provided porters to carry our stores and equipment but we were travelling light.  We took just food, water, medicines, ammunition, a very few comforts and some trade goods to ease our passage.  Binky insisted that we take dynamite and the machine gun.

The hunters and the villagers brought in 12 rifle muskets and a large quantity of ammunition.  In an ornate box was a beautifully hand written Koran wrapped in gold embroidered green silk. The gift of a sultan to an honoured servant perhaps?  In another chest was found the accounts book indicating that there were 20 prime slaves, 2 white females and a white male.  The latter had been with the slavers for several weeks and appeared to be on the staff as it were.  Probably of greatest interest was the locked strongbox that yielded up its contents as about £200 sterling in Gold, £1,320 in Maria Theresa Thalers and six bags of gems in various kinds and values.  Probably another £500 - £750 in total.  Quite a fortune!  The personal belongings captured included silks, high quality clothes, daggers, swords and a splendid pistol.  Not only that Mahmoud’s own pistol was found and returned to him.  Mahmoud joined Gerald’s party as gun bearer.



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